ITT: everything VIM related

>ITT: everything VIM related

Any tips for a beginner?
I've been using it for couple hours, installed vim-plug, nerdtree, lightline and vim-go

Other urls found in this thread:

use neovim

use nano

>Any tips for a beginner?

Make sure you're a proficient touch typist. It's not designed to be used by filthy casuals.

>I've been using it for couple hours, installed vim-plug, nerdtree, lightline and vim-go

Uninstall all that shit and use it vanilla with only a .vimrc for your settings.

vi/vim exists on nearly any *nix you can think of but not all the features are there, so learn vanilla and you'll be set.

t. dev for 15 years.

Run vimtutor.

Also, when you grow up you should install emacs

>not emacs
enjoy getting memed

Thanks Richard but i'll give it a miss.


>Make sure you're a proficient touch typist. It's not designed to be used by filthy casuals.
sounds right

>Uninstall all that shit and use it vanilla with only a .vimrc for your settings.
Might be crap, but I guess realtime-autocomplete and a proper syntax highlight for golang wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
Why should I give up to all that?

if mouse is enabled hold shift to middle click paste and make sure ur in insert mode

pros of emacs?

>Might be crap, but I guess realtime-autocomplete and a proper syntax highlight for golang wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
>Why should I give up to all that?

Unix philosophy is do one thing and do it well (inb4 emacs again).

It's a text editor, that's what it was designed to be so use it as that.

If you want an ide then install an ide.

sorry carpal tunnel surgery is too expensive

spacemacs kinda kewl tho

scripting language is better
you can basically use it as a window manager

instant carpal tunnel syndrome
can't beat vim modularness
EVIL mode doesn't really fully match Vim

spacemacs is worth checking out imo though

Emacs is basically a text GUI for Elisp, so the possibilities are almost endless and extensions are more full-featured. If this is advantage or not, depends on what you want.

I use Spacemacs with evil mode (vim simulator), and I recommend for anyone who wants to try emacs without dabbling too much with Elisp and without leaving vim's commands.

I guess I'll give it a try

>instant carpal tunnel syndrome
You might get it if you stretch your hand to use Ctrl and Alt. If you use 2 hands you'll be fine.
>can't beat vim modularness
What the fuck does that even mean.

Tell me, why aren't realtime-autocomplete and syntax highlighting good features for a text editor to have?

Isn't she afraid of catching a cold?

during summer?

Open terminal, type vimtutor. It will take you 20-30 mins. Good way to start.

Eh, I'd say just do what you feel comfortable with desu sempai. Can't speak for the other guy but I don't use plugins and such because I like to know how my tools are configured and plugins detract from that. Also I like things that are consistent, rules that are rules, not context driven blackmagic plugins that fucks up quick edits because the cursor is over some symbol or inside a block or in the mood to take a shit.

I don't know man, everyone seems to do this differently, like everyone is super particular about how a knife should be sharpened.

>not putting from the global buffer.
>not yanking into the global buffer.

Vim edits text - does 1 thing
Plugin does whatever a plugin does - again 1 program 1 thing

How does thia breach muh Unix phylosophy

You didn't say what you use tho, desu senpai-chan

sauce please


dunno, found it on imgur,