Remember the following: >staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before >staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers >sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you >people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned >don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore. >most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at
Charles Ward
first for anime
Jonathan Martin
anime is cute anti weeb patrol leave
Cooper Martin
>anime is cute kek, stupid af
Logan Allen
I'm not even that much into anime but sometimes I find it adorable.
Evan Mitchell
fuck off
Nolan Stewart
ehhhhh nani? faggot
Sebastian Peterson
can someone invite me to SIG in the irc channel now? thanks!
Jace Turner
>can someone invite me to SIG in the irc channel now? thanks! I love how you think you're entitled to an invite. Such a reddit tier comment. Don't expect one.
Juan Scott
Read the sticky.
Angel Jenkins
Did I fucking ask you to speak to me you stupid fucking bitch? I'm in the IRC right now and I'll be there until I get the invite I deserve faggot. Suck me bitch.
Christian Bell
Bentley Howard
You know what I can't be bothered with such shitty sites anymore. I earned all my invites thru official recruitment. This site ain't worth my time no more. You sir, have fun with your SIG invites and the delusional power it gave you! Good night
Isaiah Martin
holy shit
Nicholas Collins
>believing that obvious falseflag come on
Logan Johnson
>implying i have anything better to do it's friday, work is done, gettin ready to eat some fast food
Ayden Adams
such anger.. you need a nap.
Cooper Nelson
Obviously I'm a little annoyed to not get what I fucking deserve. How the fuck can they call themselves pirates if they can even share, fucking faggots. I've already reported those shits to the proper authorities and MEGA anyway. Let's see how long their shitty elitist operations then. Hahahaha
Josiah Kelly
Gavin Kelly
madlad detected
Nicholas Rogers
William Diaz
If you have nothing constructive to add then don't fucking speak to me. How many times do I need to repeat myself to you fucks? Fucking christ you dumb fucks. This should've been expected by me though considering you guys were stupid enough to trade invites in a public fucking chatroom. Hiro needs to sell /ptg/'s details to the Cabal already so you guys can get fucked over. Fucking shitters.
Adam Garcia
wtf i hate /ptg/ now
John Price
trying too hard m8
Logan Allen
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
And I thought there was nothing sadder than Sup Forums jannies
Chase Turner
what tracker?
Caleb Turner
Anyone know why bB has been so flaky lately?
Michael Wilson
Not sure. Ask them.
Chase Richardson
It says so in the OP boi
Nathaniel Campbell
oh. i never read that shit kek
Alexander Ramirez
Gabriel Morgan
'The DDOS attacks will not stop until the CG userbase finally has the sense to realize, that the psychotronic lifestyle, is a LIE' - anonymous darkweb sources
Anthony Russell
>what I fucking deserve
You don't deserve shit. The content you're getting is free of charge, shared to you by other people out of good will. It's a privilege that these people give you, provided you follow their rules and get an invite the proper way. If you can't do that then you don't deserve that privilege.
Juan Murphy
>le making up shit on the internet meem
Isaiah Robinson
>trying to download a small file >shows multiple seeders >check their profiles, seeding 5billion things >STALLED >can't request reseeds because i already have multiple amazing seeders apparently dumbest shit
Christian Brooks
Don't use IPT you cunt
Jordan Thompson
good joke
Henry Perry
Which tracker then
Michael Cruz
this has happened at least once on every tracker i use which are the prolific ones mass seeding thousands of torrents does more harm than good
Andrew Adams
how to get recruited or interview for BtN and PtP?
Adrian Bailey
get connectable you idiot
Connor Thompson
Read the OP
Christopher Foster
The wiki page is pretty outdated though.
Jonathan Hernandez
Fair enough. PTP recruits from WCD Elite, BTN recruits from PTP PU.
Jacob Morales
literally says nothing about the 2 sites i mentioned
Matthew Bennett
What are the requirements for PU on PTP?
Robert Baker
4 weeks on the site, 80 GB of upload, ratio greater than 1.05, uploaded at least one torrent.
Josiah Cooper
are there cheaper (and non shit) alternatives for a seedbox than kimsufi?
Colton Hernandez
What about Elite?
Brandon Ross
10 weeks, 500 GB up, 1.05 ratio, 50 uploads.
Zachary Ramirez
Samuel Bennett
Does it allow TV? Because if so I might actually be bale to get Elite there.
Bentley Wood
Are you stupid?
Jordan Sanchez
>running a torrent client 24/7 Kek
Ryder Martin
>not having the money for a dedicated NAS running your client kek
Jason Campbell
Cameron Kelly
>turning your computer off
Brody Hill
>running a torrent client 24/7 on your nas Kek
Andrew Baker
No. How would I know the rules of a tracker I'm not a member of?
Ayden Diaz
>weak trolling jej?
Ethan Carter
Are DH or SCC recruiting anywhere?
Carter Fisher
DH has invites in irc
Josiah Robinson
Still waiting on the DH recruiter on WCD. PM sent 1 year 3 months ago
Luis Harris
You don't mean ptg irc right?
Grayson Gomez
>wanting to get into pay2leech scc wew
Matthew Reed #DH.Invites
Xavier Gonzalez
;_; I just wanted a software tracker where I don't have to doubt the legitimacy of the uploads
Ethan Brown
Dylan Cox
They allow mini series but not tv shows Getting uploads was easy back when you could upload some shit from CG now I don't know where you would find stuff to upload Anime maybe?
Ryan Allen
what should i download on btn to build upload
Jack Cook
popular crap like mr robot
Chase Kelly
>btn >build upload wat
Jaxson King
Any news on CG getting their site worked out?
Nathan Bailey
for user classes
Nolan Wood
>tfw will be able to invite my friend to ptp once the user cap lifts Gonna feel so good actually inviting someone to somewhere good
Alexander Rogers
>feeling good about imaginary friends kek
Owen Walker
Will I be able to join BTN through PTP after 2 months? My ptp account is 2 months way obviously I'm assuming it'll be full by then
Blake Jackson
you don't need to upload, they count total data (up+down)
Christian Campbell
who's got the fastest pretime DH or GFT? i wanna auto upload scene shit to PTP.
Joseph James
oh. neat.
Kayden Cruz
Logan Rodriguez
What to heck is going on with PTP? My torrents wont download, they only upload
Mason Sullivan
such a great tracker, really worth it
Gavin Young
They've had tracker issues for literally 41 months now
Brayden Thompson
what's funny faggot?
Joseph Lee
Jacob Collins
nice argument
Hunter Robinson
I know, don't let it get you down
Brody Bailey
sad Tbh, here have a (you) you clearly need it
Grayson Roberts
i ran out of space jej, deleted some old huge hdb encodes and i'm fine now
Daniel Rivera
Thanks that hit the spot
Hudson Reed
Enjoy your treeban
Nathaniel Robinson
This is why I never invite anyone
Adrian Baker
How long does the AHD guys take to respond on WCD?
Ryder Turner
eons ago they took a day
Luke Long
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