I think I'm falling for the gnome+antergos meme

I think I'm falling for the gnome+antergos meme


everything is so clean and pretty, there's default software for everything with this distro I don't even have to think

I've been seduced before but always tend to go back to minimal and tiling

resistance is futile
embrace gnome

Can't switch back now

What the fuck is the purpose of this thread?
You may blog on tumblr.

Gnome is bad
Awesome/i3/Openbox is good

Every taskbar I've seen in Gnome is fat and ugly looking with an ugly looking font.

Even the Windows taskbar (with small icons) looks better.

Is ther ONE (1) DE that has a good looking taskbar?

No answers?
Guess I'll keep using Windows 10

Antergos has an ugly name and an ugly logo. The only reasons why I don't use it.

>not using an apt based distro


>choosing your OS over this

user, I...

Non-GTK3 applications look terrible

Post your desktop

I like its name. It sounds like a Monster Hunter monster

>not using kde and fedora

>Using APT based distro
hahaha kill yourself retard


>that in charge of not looking like shit

gnome is good mouse-oriented interface. tiling wms are great for laptops where touchpad/trackpad is not fast and comfortable enough, but on desktop it's okay to have normal interface.

How did you get those specs on the sidebar?



>Muh opinion


All of them if you're not a cuck and can figure that shit out.

I've fall already, just some days but works like a charm, go for it OP.

that's the thing with most Linux distros though.

I like Gnome. It's polished, easy to use and simple.