which side on are you on Sup Forums?
declare your allegiance right now in the wars to come
which side on are you on Sup Forums?
declare your allegiance right now in the wars to come
Depends on the case. Apple HIG has some good info about that
Right obviously.
I prefer button not showing at all
>Watching movie
>Pause button nowhere in sight
The choice is clear.
I choose neither. No matter which side toy choose, you lose.
Current state, always.
A button should show what it does, a switch should show its current state.
Nah m8 you only lose if you pick left like a retard.
The right is the superior choice. The best though is an actual play/pause button.
Show both buttons, have a bolded effect or something on the present state. I hate the way someone invented the idea that a play button should turn into a pause button.
Button icon should always show effect. Clicking play to pause is retarded.
And what if the button is a switch like in 99% of scenarios?
The right choice, of course. The left option sounds like something only Apple could come up with.
I choose having both icons
>having an interface at all
This man has a grip on reality.
The latter triggers me.
You're wrong.
I mean, former.
Fuck English so confusing we all should speak Indian instead.
If it's a button that clicks and holds it state, then it's a switch and should show current state, but digital buttons can't mechanically do this, so i don't know where you're pulling this 99% from.
Depends on if it's a button or an indicator.
A button should show what it will do, an indicator what is the current state.
t. user interface design dropout
Read the HIG and come back you illiterate retard
show effect when click, hardware button did this since cassette player/vhs include indicators like light.
Button showing it's effect has 90% of the vote, that's it boys wrap it up we have a winner. Losers will be publicly humiliated like the spergs they are.
If there is one button right obviously
Have both of them with one being visibly pressed(changed colour etc.)
Devices need physical play and pause buttons. Touchscreen is botnet.
so, both
I prefer having both.
Left for any information bars along the bottom and right for a larger indicator to unpause.
This. Every person who chose a 'side' is a fucking idiot and/or using trash software
>on /geeee/
>not picking 'sides' 24/7
of all the stupid, pointless things to be triggered by
check your privilege, scum
It's still my choice by what stupid and pointless thing I want to be triggered
two separate buttons
imagine having 2 separate bottoms haha
haha xd
i prefer them showing effect but it can be either as long as it's consistant.
Left literally makes no fucking sense and developers that do it are retarded
>taking up twice the real estate to accomplish the same thing
>obvious apple pony
Step aside, ladies. Master race coming through.
this but if i had to choose
having it show the current state is the way to go
Right for on-screen buttons inside the actual program, left for physical buttons or on-screen controllers outside the program (like a smart remote app on androids for example)
This. Sup Forums can't semantics
fill the screen with function, don't fill the screen with minimalism slate
everyone in here is dumb the only truly correct option is in the options an option to select the method
Effect of clicking, it makes sense to have the pause button use the pause symbol.
shit gui
We need more buttons and display a fps counter beside it to display how fast function progress then we brag it on Sup Forums
Spacebar = Play-pause
Arrows = forward, backward, volume up, volume down
Page Up = Previous Chapter
Page Down = Next Chapter
>MPC HC it just werks :>)
Wheel = Forwards and Backwards
Wheel click = Full Screen/End Full Screen
Double left button = Play/Pause
3rd and 4th button = Volume Up + Down
Right button = Context Menu
Now fuck off fagboard peasant. Your shit's retarded, autistic, and faggoty.
I want switches hovering in mid-air only I can see which switch and light up as my hand passes through them?
Only fags still use mice...
don't care
i'm a human I will adapt
>what wheeel
>not using the wheel to adjust volume
right side
Effect of clicking obviously you fucking retards. You only have icon buttons for the most common things (like play/pause) so 9/10 times you already know what state it is in.
kill yourselves
The skeuomorphistic correct way would be to implement two buttons for play and pause. The play button has to be a togglebutton that can only be activated when clicked, never deactivated. For deactivating the playbutton you use an ordinary button labeled with the pause icon.
The alternative would be one pause/play togglebutton that shows both icons and never changes it's label.
Everything else is blasphemy
>solar fields
good taste user
>youtube rips
Richard Stallman.