>tfw going into college with a Lenovo Flex 3 as my laptop
Poorfag Feels
>Going to college
>A poorfag
>Tfw not born as spoiled brat with rich parents
Government loans have made it so pretty much any D student loser poor kid can go to college.
>D student loser poor kid goes to college with government loans
>becomes even more of a poorfag
>not going with the latest Macbook Pro
wow dude its like you dont want to be swimming in fresh, dripping wet pussy
its not like women care more for you to actually look good, be /fit/, and not be an autistic hipster faggot, its all about that laptop brah
Maybe he's not American?
the laptop i used in college in 2003 was a thinkpad running windows 95, while all the richfags played halo on their macbook g4's
I am a student who already has a degree.
I decided to get another one just for shits and giggles.
I pay 198 bucks a month for health insurance, 190 bucks for 24sqm + balcony (electricity, gas, 100/100 internet line included) + all the other shit that is part of the apartment (3 bathrooms for 4 people, kitchen and living room) and 89 bucks student fees a semester.
My other expenses are food, for which I spent ~100-120 bucks a month because I feel like it, not because I have to. I could easily live off of less.
Where do I live you ask? In Munich.
*90 bucks for health insurance, not 198
>Tfw I think about getting through college (2015) with a lenovo ideapad y-series
>mfw Government pays for health insurance for all students
I guess all that tax moneyz has to do something.
They do here as well. But since I already have a degree (and passed the age of 25) I have to pay 90 bucks a month. Otherwise I wouldnt have to give them a dime.
Are you guys over run with Muslims as well in Munich yet
>mfw living in europoor
>collage costs $50 to enter the first time, you only pay more money if you fail any subjects
You notice that there are more sand niggers, but it doesnt feel like they are a majority or anything. If you see someone with a headscarf shes usually surrounded by 20 mini skirts. Nevertheless something needs to be, there shouldnt even be half as many of them here as there currently are. First thing they need to push for it banishment of Burkas and the Islam (particularly from schools etc. be a Muslim in your fucking apartment or the desert you came from).
Really, a FHD laptop with a Haswell CPU is now poorfag?
It's slow as fuck and the screen is just awful. I never pushed it too hard but I can tell that it can't take much.
Didnt you know? Unless you run 2011-3 socket CPUs and at least one 1080 youre a poor fag.
kill yourself, I'm using a shitty fucking toshiba satellite with an i5-4200u for college, it's only 768p too.
>tfw born spoiled brat with rich parents
What exactly are you studying?
What would you consider a worthwhile laptop for studying?
Asking this as a genuine poorfag Croat. My shitty acer with sandy bridge, terrible plasticky keyboard and 768p resolution got me perfectly fine through my computer science classes.
CS first year
Same I got a MacBook pro as a graduation gift. Let the hate come
>MacBook Pro
I said I was born rich, not retarded
Trust me your 1st year CS meme hello worlds and for loops written in C could run on a literal fucking toaster let alone a haswell i5.
macfags btfo
Tfw I bought my own MBP and a fresh gaming rig when I went into college.
>hardworking rich fag feels
4 personen in 24 m2, ist das nicht zu eng?
also tum oder Imu?
>tfw worked for minimum wage every day after school for three years
>tfw sucked the life out of me for dirt money
24sqm ist mein Zimmer du Nase. Die anderen haben ihre eigenen Zimmer (die meines Wissens nach ein bisschen kleiner sind). LMU, aber das spielt keine wirkliche Rolle, weil das Studentenwerk Muenchen/Bayern fuer den Spass zustaendig ist. Dadurch sind die Preis in Muenchen, Nuernberg und Bayreuth nahezu gleich.
What'd u do? Im the macfag but I worked throughout high school to not have to bum off my parent ever, first at Burger King then at a nicer restaurant. How'd u save up enough money to afford that. At the end of higher school I had only saved up 4 grand in the bank
>190 bucks for 24sqm + balcony (electricity, gas, 100/100 internet line included)
Holy fuck. Why is housing so cheap there? I pay $500 mo for a 13x9 room in a house, no utilities included.
wages are lower here
All those hot young women that are ready for sex will laugh at you and be turned off because you don't have the latest MacBook Pro Retina.
Its paid for by the government (the population). If I were to rent a private apartment I'd pay triple that for a single fucking room. Student homes are subsidized, though. Education isnt a privilege here, so the people pay for the students. Rather common in Europe, though. In Denmark they PAY YOU 900 bucks a month because you decided to get a degree.
Kinda misses the point and isnt even true in most cases. There are only a few areas in the US that are really expensive.
You're just mad you don't have a superior machine.
That one guy in class with a laptop so ancient that the fans are constantly in jet mode.
That feel when you just purchased €1000 shoes with your mom's credit card.
WTF nigga? When I started college I had a fucking asus 1215N and I wished I could have had picked something with a 15 inch screen and a regular fucking CPU, but as I couldn't afford anything I went with the lowest configuration that had a dedicated GPU... Nowadays even a fucking refrigerator has better specs than that Asus netbook. and you know hwat? It did it's job *just fine*.
I had like $20,000 because I worked every weekend, holidays, any school break and all summer (40-45hr during summer)
That is not a poorfag laptop you spoiled little shit.
Honestly the great part about computer science at a university is that at least half of it will be about abstract theory and math rather than programming itself.
>poorfag laptop
poorfags don't even have laptops you retards
t. poorfag who didn't have a laptop in uni
You weren't just poor, you were just dumb and poor as it seems since you can get beaten out thinkpads for $50 everywhere, even in europe
10 years ago things weren't as cheap as they are now. also, I don't live in europe or the US
#harambe dindo nuffin
Here it is, the biggest fag in the thread.
Time to fire up the oven's.
>bought a case for build, but can't buy parts all at one time.
>Can't buy them one at a time in fear that one will be D.O.A.
>tfw going back to grad school with a 12" MacBook
>tfw no actual feel
Education is cheap in europe, especially in the heart/north.
>mfw I'm in medical school with a T420 blazeit
>mfw more PCs than Macs
Macfags btfo
You can work while paying for tuition
>bought some nice corsair case and psu to replace my 8 year old generic case and brand-less psu
>can't decide whether i'm going to buy myself a bike or upgrade my pc guts because i fear that something bad will happen and i'll need the money.