Many people use pic related right?

many people use pic related right?

what's so wrong about apple going for wireless then?

I know it's just a rumor atm but let's say they removed 3.5" so what?

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Because now there's the potential for 3 competing "standard" connectors exist at once, which can only hurt the market in this case.

>3 competing "standard" connectors exist at once

what do you mean exactly?

>many people use pic related right?

If by "many people" you mean "mall cops", sure.
Normal people use headphones.

>many people use
that's where your logic falls apart

>No analog output
>100% of headphones worth using are incompatible
>no charging + listening
>No aux = no audio for most cars, literally killing most of an iPhones practical use

>Normal people use headphones.

the point is not the shape, point is it's wireless technology. shape is just design. pic related is for "normal" people. so what's wrong with wireless?


What compression?

You gotta compress the sound waves real small so that they don't make any sound to others and can be decompressed and amplified by the earbuds

-yea so what?

-there will be eventually a bigger market for the wireless headphones too. I also believe they'll make good/better wireless DACs compared to current iphone DACs for the current headphones

-why can't you charge and listen with wireless headphones?

-well there could be wireless aux adapters...

Because high quality audio doesn't matter when you talk on the phone. I also don't talk on the phone nearly as much as I listen to music. Having to charge my headphones is beyond retarded.

I'm this guyI want to remind you some "audiphile" guys actually use pic related wired external DACs for their higher end headphones already.

see>what's wrong with wireless?

I don't see what that has to do with my post.

>Because high quality audio doesn't matter when you talk on the phone

who says it'll be lower quality when it's wireless?

charging could be a downside tho.

>who says it'll be lower quality when it's wireless?
If it's Bluetooth it will be, guaranteed.

I just read this article and it says:

"However, according to Bluetooth SIG, the organization that licenses Bluetooth, compression remains the norm for now. That's mainly because the phone must be able to transmit not only music, but also rings and other call-related notifications. Still, there's no reason that a manufacturer couldn't switch from SBC to MP3 or AAC compression if the Bluetooth receiving device supports it. Thus the notifications would have the compression applied, but native MP3 or AAC files would pass unaltered."

Neat, still a no though since needing to charge your headphones is beyond retarded.

yea I agree, charging would be annoying. I wish they could make it like wacom pens which doesn't need batteries : (

Well obviously we can't stop making 3.5 mm jack headphones for at least another 5 if not 10 years as people slowly adapt. Then you have Lightning connector headphones for iPhones and USB type C headphones for everything else.

Type C and then wireless will win the war.

Personally, I'm on board with transitioning purely to a mix of wireless and type C for everything. Video, audio, data, etc. If we have one cable and port that can do it all along with wireless technology where it is now, continuing with the current cluster fuck of different connectors seems silly.

Because all of my fucking half decent headphones use the 3.5mm you pleb