>According to our sources, Apple is pondering about using custom x86 CPUs in its next iMacs and MacBooks, during 2017-2018. Nowadays it’s hard to avoid the use of x86 ISA in high end and professional personal computers, but at the same time Intel CPUs are too expensive if we compare these with ARM SoCs.
So, Apple’s target is to realize a complete x86 custom SoC family, like Sony and Microsoft did with their consoles. AMD is the perfect partner to do this.
Christian Collins
Combine this with the fact that Intel was talking to AMD about leasing iGPU IP, and AMD have a nice year ahead.
David Diaz
yeaah more crappy performance and higher temps!
go AMD!
Parker Walker
Also, Polaris will be inside new Macbooks coming out in Sep/Nov.
AMD is winning.
Liam Miller
I don't think that went any where.
Nathan Gutierrez
I'd read a few articles addressing that they had begun talks. But yeh, nothing after that.
Saying that though, AMD are good about keeping tight lips lately. And Intel usually throw a curve ball, so you never know. Guess it's a wait and see situation.
Cameron Taylor
>amd >relevant
Jaxson Hughes
If they can provide 90% of Intel's IPC then Apple will go with AMD, since their graphics are as far ahead as Intel's CPUs were the last decade.
Henry Jenkins
Apple does this every so many years (around times AMD is competitive in some specific category) to keep Intel's pricing favorable.
Anthony Hill
>going back to the PPC days
Kevin Kelly
Makes perfect sense really. Considering fact that post-Steve Apple produces bendable Chink shit it only makes sense to also use shitty Asian hardware.
Adam Gutierrez
Man that site must be really known for shit articles.
Jeremiah Diaz
Pretty much.
It's a negotiation tactic they use all the time. Nvidia called their bluff though and gave us AMD powered Mac pros.
Chase Taylor
Wew! Its a good thing Clang is around and not GPL otherwise Apple would have to let people develop on its platforms for free!
Now they can close their proprietary distro of Clang for development and charge you $$$$$ to compile literally anything on new Apples! YAY!
Nathaniel Baker
That was just basically the patents, not any real IP. It's basically Intel preventing others from suing them for patent infringement.
Jose Foster
>get cheaper CPUs >make computers more expensive
Nolan Brown
A mobile Zen based APU is going to be killer.
Ethan Brooks
Cry harder, freetard.
GPL = commie hipster bullshit
Aaron Rogers
Nice try capitalcuck
Camden Thompson
>2012 >"Apple is going to release MacBook with ARM processor!" >2013 >"It's happening next year, MacBook with custom ARM!" >2014 >"Seems like it might have been pushed until 2015, but it's coming! ARM is going to arrive!" >2015 >"Custom ARM processor is right around the corner for the MacBooks now. ARM processors are even more powerful than ever before! Apple will not let this pass by!" >2016 >"You know what? AMD is going to create a new custom x86 processor into the next MacBooks! Look for it in the shelves coming near you in 2017/2018!" There's speculation on this shit every fucking god damn year.
Angel Moore
>and charge you $$$$$ to compile literally anything on new Apples! doubt that's even possible, let alone probable, stop equating OS X with iOS when you're trying to shill, anyone who's used more than winshit with a mothballed ubuntu VM hiding in a porn directory can see how retarded you are
Owen Clark
>applel >throttle and overheat
>ayymd >housefire
>applel + ayymd
Caleb Adams
>Intel CPUs are too expensive Apple's cutting corners? That's a laugh.
>AMD is the perfect partner to do this AMD is the only other partner they could do this with. Intel and AMD are the only companies legally allowed to make x86 CPUs.
Anthony Richardson
what is via?
Jaxon Davis
Charles Mitchell
AMD sold x86 license to china, dumbfuck.
Noah Sanders
That piece of shit with 2 ports had an Apple A10 did it not?
Matthew Lopez
>nobody notices OP posted a year old baseless rumor
Fott, I know thats you trying to give yourself some more ad revenue. If you need money that badly I'll paypal you enough to buy spaghetti.
Juan Moore
>cheap underperforming hardware >sold at premium price Yeah looks like ayymd and applel.
Jace Mitchell
Brandon Martin
Caleb Brown
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Oliver Watson
Im not a freetard, I actually hate copyleft in general. However for certain things, its a far better license. Specifically: Operating Systems and compilers.
I don't have to buy a new Android phone every year because Linux is GPL
I can use GCC to compile for a LUDICROUS amount of targets, mips, arm, x86 and other really weird shit like microcontrollers. I can do this without having to pay retarded amounts of money to companies for vendor lock in. I can do this long after the company has abandoned and discontinued support for the platform.
>equating OS X with iOS I'm talking about the compiler, not developing apps for the App Store. There's a difference. You can create executables with a jailbroken iPhone using free toolchains.
But on a custom arch you wouldn't have access to those tools.
Isaiah Ramirez
With two ports? There are no MacBooks that has an ARM processor in it. OS X can't run on any ARM architecture whatsoever until Apple decides to do so. It does run on Intel Atoms and Intel Core M processors, but that's about it in terms of what OS X can currently run on.
Josiah Adams
stop comparing computers to real life physical political concepts, it'a like if I compared encryption to physical locks, they are significantly different, BSD is a fine license, GPL is a fine license, and FOSS and GPL is not communism because it does not force people, it gives you the option to choose, BSD OS's are fine, GNU OS's are fine, the GNU guys and BSD guys need to learn to get along and be friends
Oliver King
Don't forget less reliable. If Apple PC works out of warranty, something went wrong.
Jeremiah Stewart
Isnt the A9x close to desktop levels of performance already? Why dont they just switch everything to ARM already?
Adrian Diaz
The isa is free if you want to design a chip that doesn't infringe on their core designs back to the 80s.
Angel Harris
Imagine all these aa devs trying to port software like photoshit to arm. Its like you want us work.
William Rivera
>hardware is overall still shit Into the trash it goes!
Ryder Harris
Only in Geekbench aggregate scores. If you remove the AES and SHA hashing benches no current ARM core comes near high end X86 in perf/clock.
Joseph James
Intel chips kick the shit out of A9x in AES because they accelerate it too.
But Geekbench is not at all relative to real world performance.
Kevin King
>AES who the fuck gives a damn?
Elijah Carter
>Now they can close their proprietary distro of Clang for development
they can but won't. in fact, some of clang's most active developers are employed by apple.
> charge you $$$$$ to compile literally anything on new Apples!
people would just use gcc or icc then, like they did before.
Luis Torres
He was trying to point out that the A9x chips are scored abnormally high due to AES and SHA. While it is true for SHA, AES is accelerated on many recent chips so that isn't such a contributor to it scoring so highly against competitive chips that are also accelerating it.
Isaac Russell
Aaron Sanders
>A mobile Zen based APU is going to be killer.
it will be a housefire. a single zen ccx + p11 gpu will be >50w TDP.
Lincoln Smith
>AMD housefire >in a throttlebook
Christopher Perry
Scales from 4w to 35w. Take your FUD elsewhere
Isaac Brooks
Polaris being in the new iMacs/macbooks is exactly why macs will continue to be complete fucking jokes when it comes to graphics performance.
I know Jobs had a massive grudge against nvidia but get the fuck over it already, pascal is so much better than anything amd has even a year from now that its just stupid to keep avoiding them.
Michael Morgan
35w? maybe at idle. but a 4 core zen chip + a 14 CU p11 gpu will be too much for a standard laptop even with aggressive underclocking.
they will need to disable 2 cores in a ccx (we don't even know if that's possible yet), and to disable some CUs in the GPU to bring it towards a competitive TDP.
Austin Parker
You sound angry for some reason
Oliver Wright
The IGP is clearly 12CU as stated right there. You have no idea how clock scaling for the Zen core arch works either.
Your FUD shitposting doesn't belong on this board.
Parker Howard
>Polaris being in the new iMacs/macbooks is exactly why macs will continue to be complete fucking jokes when it comes to graphics performance. Polaris offers the best performance / watt you retard.
Oliver Mitchell
>Polaris being in the new iMacs/macbooks is exactly why macs will continue to be complete fucking jokes when it comes to graphics performance.
poolaris isn't in any macbook yet, they're still using bonaire for the m470 (12 cu) and m470x (14 cu).
there are still 4 unused PCIIDs for polaris 11 though, so i'm sure they'll make at least one mobile chip to go along with the desktop apu lineup.
Henry Wilson
those are desktop APUs. mobile variants of AMD APUs in the past usually use GPUs that are clocked lower with more enabled CUs.
Isaac Nguyen
autistic shills
Austin Nguyen
Exactly as is clearly stated, that is AMD's *mobile* roadmap. The Raven Ridge APU in mobile SKUs scales from 4w to 35w.
Stop shitposting, child.
Chase Long
then it's clearly fake, because all of amd's pre-poolaris mobile chips are >35w TDP. the bonaire GPUs used in MBPs alone are 75w TDP.
David Morris
Kaveri had 19w SKUs Carrizo has 12w SKUs
Stop shitposting, child.
Levi Murphy
Why the fuck do they even include it? AES/SHA accelleration is a binary thing. Either you have it or you don't have it. Throwing this into a linear score doesn't make any sense. If anyone gives a shit about AES/SHA accelleration then they will look at the specs anyway.
Camden Brown
you have autism stop posting
Caleb Wright
>anyone who disagrees with my unsourced and unverifiable TDP numbers is a shitposting child
kek, it's almost like AMD changes their definition of TDP whenever it suits their marketing team the best. there will be no stoney, bristol or raven ridge APUs with a TDP less than 35w unless you're talking about idle consumption or some other useless metric.
Austin Kelly
>people confusing TDP and TPD Shaking my head to be honest family
Colton Bailey
Because I would rather like a nice iMac to replace my computer but apple keeps putting out garbage.
Adrian Martinez
Virtually every Carrizo APU sold was configured for a cTDP of 15w. Very few shipped in 35w mode. There are ample reviews on notebookcheck.
You're doing nothing but lying and shitposting. There is absolutely no reason for an adult to behave the way you're behaving right now. Stop behaving like a child.
Easton Hall
>Virtually every Carrizo APU sold was configured for a cTDP of 15w.
>posts shill sources >even the shill source plainly states 35w
are you illiterate bud?
besides, we've already established that AMD's mobile TDP numbers are lies. when they say '35w' they actually mean '65w'.
in fact, just add 30 to any TDP number AMD gives to find the real value.
Dylan Rogers
Jonathan Gomez
Temps are falling with amd. Zen is a completely new architecture (not based on bulldozer). Not to mention the new gpus have been impressively performant for the price.
Joseph Ramirez
>in fact, just add 30 to any TDP number AMD gives to find the real value. Hard numbers to back this up? Of course not, why would shills need that?
Matthew Cox
>custom x86 CPUs Who fucking cares.
Tell me when the get rid of the x86 cancer.
Levi Turner
No user, you are the cancer.
Carter Gutierrez
>SoC Stop this meme. Do you even know what that term means?
Cooper Edwards
Just report his posts and move on
Brandon Gray
You realize AMD is an American company, right? Also the IP for x86 cannot be transferred if they're bought (part of the contract with Intel).
Easton Edwards
Do you ever invest in products you don't actually like? I've been thinking about this for a few companies for a while despite liking their competition.
I don't know if I could do it.
Daniel Rivera
Anthony Green
A C2D is not high end X86.
Eli Peterson
Fucking this.
MIPS works out well on both desktop and mobile platforms, imagine if Apple brought Keller back and beefed it up. Hell Apple already has a ~10% stake in Imagination Technologies. Or if they went straight POWER for desktops and beefed up their ARM SoCs for laptops and went back to universal binaries
Ian Fisher
A MIPS based arch is powering the number 1 super computer in the world on the Top500 list. Too bad ImaginationTech's Warrior core didn't go anywhere though. I thought it was pretty fucking cool.
Jackson Ward
You're not American, Pajeet.
Kevin King
>unable to communicate with anything other than memes
Jaxon Perez
That's the joke.
Dominic Cox
Should Apple buy AMD's CPU division?
Luke Thomas
>macs will continue to be complete fucking jokes when it comes to graphics performance. who the fuck cares, they were never, ever built for heavy 3D work or gaymes
David Sullivan
I can see apple maybe hedging their bets and buying maybe a 25-33% stake in AMD
I wonder what this might mean for PowerVR, if Apple choose to go with GCN based graphics solutions in their iDevices.
Christopher Cook
Juan Turner
and switch to what? MIPS? an architecture that was total trash on the desktop since 1998? or limp-dick ARM that will do nothing but add even more R&D costs, reduce software compatibility and contribute little or no net benefit to make up for it?
>Or if they went straight POWER for desktops why the fuck would they switch back to the same hot, inefficient and terrible shit they ditched over a decade ago? POWER is great for big databases, virtualization and supercomputing but that doesn't translate at all into desktop use where its relatively shit integer performance will once again make the benefits absolutely moot
Gabriel Bennett
>2015 >October 18, 2015
Aaron Ortiz
idk i just hope AMD doesnt completely die because intel and nvidia would become the biggest jews ever in their monopoly comfort, wich already happens to some extent
Jeremiah Martinez
brb buying 1000€ worth AMD stock
Nicholas Rodriguez
Wasn't it supposed to be a non-transferable license? In particular, I remember reading that if one of the companies went under, they wouldn't be able to transfer it to whomever bought them out
Josiah Roberts
>amd's pre-poolaris mobile chips Were on a much bigger arch, you dumbcunt
Jaxon Flores
Technically I'm more American than you. My family has been in the country since before it was officially a country.