Apple Internet Defense Squad will defend this.
Apple Internet Defense Squad will defend this
old iPhones are having physical problems near end of life.
Apple is quick to the task and brings out new iPhone.
Now THAT's customer service!!
Wew lad, you got her, you don't need Sup Forums anymore
That article is hilariously misleading.
It is amazing how, with the Internet and so much information available in pure text, a story can get so messed up in the retelling.
This is why we don't need a thousand technology news websites.
Well damage controlled Rajeesh!
If it's misleading please enlighten us, o knower of truth.
Dude, there's plenty to shit on apple from from tech sites that people actually respect.
Why choose this dogshit clickbait tier "article".
2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Pajeet.
It isn't Touch ID, it's Touch IC. The Integrated Circuit that controls the touch interface in the screen.
It isn't a bug. It is a failing of the Touch IC chip due to stress thanks to a lack of underfill.
It isn't something that has started happening recently, rather iPhone 6's are going out of warranty so Apple won't fix them for free anymore.
I didn't think planned obsolescence was real until I saw this. I hope Apple gets sued for not using underfill (which costs nothing) and destabilizing board components that control the display. Fuck Apple. Glad I moved to Nexus in 2013.
No asshole, this was intentional. By arguing otherwise, you're admitting a company with billions of dollars has engineers so incompetent that they lack the common sense someone a third of their age has. My iPhone 3G on iOS 3.1.3 from 2008 still runs like the day I took it out of the box.
Considering underfill costs nothing to Apple, could you explain why it wasn't used?
>apple does tests in early 2014
>can't use a phone without a display
>calculates that without underfill the soldering on the touch ic will last x months before daily use fucks it up
>leave out underfill on purpose to decrease the lifespan of the device
>Considering underfill costs nothing to Apple, could you explain why it wasn't used?
No, I can't. They underfilled the 5, 5C, 5S, the 6S and probably the 4/4S. Whether it was a mistaken omission in the design or on purpose, they fucked up and they should really put out an extended warranty repair for it, but they won't until after the iPhone 7 is released so more people will have upgraded away from the iPhone 6.
welcome to capitalism
It's called planned obsolescence.
All your base already belong to them...
Hate starts being unhealthy when you start believing fiction stories to justify it. Get yourself checked OP, its just a phone.
>2 year old (ancient) phones start to break
>Must have been Apple's mysterious and magic powers to get me to buy a new one!
You fags are the tech equivalent of those people who think the firm shit they took today is a sign from God.
>t. Pajeet
My Nexus 4 and 5 don't have this problem.
>2 year old
Keep drinking that koolaid
there are literally more android phones than toilets in India.
Wow fucking Apple.
They didn't put any protection on the PCB like they did on 4s and older and added a bendy aluminum case to that, so the PCB gets micro-cracked and fuckin dies. Most commonly the touchscreen controller physically falls off.
It's certainly done on purpose.
Apple is shitting on consumers, quite literally.
There are more Windows Phones than toilets in India.
What is your point?
My phone is already 4 years old and it cost $35 when I got it. Still works fine
Lg motion. Lgms345
>2 year old (ancient)
Macfag you inadvertently admitted that apple can't into product longevity. 2 year is nothing.
The funny thing is that I personally don't fault Apple for the existence of this problem. The touch ics in the 5s don't have underfill and they don't suffer widespread touch failures because of it. A lack of underfill is a dream for rework, and it makes troubleshooting other board problems much simpler. Working chips that don't have underfill can be recycled to other boards. If underfill is not really required, then it is great to not use it.
It is reasonable that Apple would have continued the practice of omitting underfill from the iPhone 6/6+ touch ics at design time. #Bendgate shows that they clearly failed to predict the 'bendy' nature of the iPhone 6 when put into normal use--who wants to put out a brand new phone that crumples like an accordion? As such it is reasonable that they simply failed to anticipate the consequence of this long-term bendiness at board level on the touch ics. I don't think this is evidence of planned obsolescence or intentional bad design. Like error 53, it was just a mistake.
>2 years
>end of life
i still have my iphone 5s. still works like new :v
>t. Pajeet
My 5 year old Sony Ericsson phone still just werks, and pajeet made it run Android 6 > it was just a mistake
I swear on me mum, just a mistake, plz appel don't sue the shit out of me
5S wasn't designed to bend
>No asshole.... Etc etc
Man, not even him but the sarcasm was so blatant I don't understand how you missed it.
Dunno man, my 4s lasted 5 years.
Fuck them forever if they're actually doing this shit now
>the solder goes bad
people actually believe this?
Solder doesnt expire.
Its tin and lead.
fuck you.
my iphone 6 works fine. also i have AppleCare for it.
I don't know..........
>Why is this an issue, just get the brand new iPhone™!
>What are you, poor? Can you not our newest consumer device?
>Apple™ is high quality, you get what you pay for!
>Believe me goyim, we are your greatest technology supplier!