Name one thing wrong with systemd
Name one thing wrong with systemd
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I have nothing against systemd. It's a better initial system than anything we had previously. Systemd-* are all absolute cancer.
systemd's tentacles violate your waifu while you sleep.
yes, the amount of ad hominems against that guy is clearly the problem.
lennart pls
Too mainstream
>implying "works on my machine. not a bug" is a valid response when a huge corporate customer makes a support call
Forced dbus dependency
That's actually my laptop background
It was written by Redhat whose bigegst customer is USG and the NSA itself.
systemd is literally "NSA inside."
>A gun made in Russia is literally KGB inside
Fuck off
Guns don't have hidden features.
ps: Quit using retarded analogies.
It's more like saying that guns made by the russian military are designed to fail because they know that their enemies will get their hands on them
Yes, but by implanting vulnerable code they are also harming themselves.
Systemd comes from Red Hat. Red Hat, in the Linux world, is the company with the largest ties to the US government and the various state security organizations around the world--including NSA. The US government (DoD) is Red Hat's number one customer. Red Hat also happens to be Lennart Poettering's employer.
The Linux kernel, I believe, is clean. As long as Linus lives, you're not going to subvert the kernel. Let's just assume that is true for the sake of argument. If you can't get into the kernel, what is your next option? You need something low level (PID 1?), ubiquitous, and vast in scope and complexity.
This describes systemd perfectly. It was almost like it was designed to touch as much of a Linux system as possible. It has hooks into some many different subsystems and APIs that it's almost impossible to build a modern distro with current software without pulling in systemd as a dependency. This happened almost overnight, and I think there are malicious forces at work here.
We must remember Heart Bleed. Heart Bleed appeared to be an innocent mistake, and it was a tiny typo in one line of a C program. If it's possible to do that much damage with a tiny little error, imagine when you have an attack surface as wide as systemd, written in a language like C that is almost designed to produce security holes when not written absolutely perfectly--and humans are not absolutely perfect programmers.
Systemd is dangerous. It's too big to be audited as quickly as its developed. It's complexity adds as much attack surface to a Linux system as the kernel itself. We can't get away from these facts. Shitfighting about init systems is a waste of our time. Sytemd is horrible because of where it comes from and how complex it is. Backdoors will be hidden in it.
everything. From its architecture to the implementation. That guy has no idea about systems programming and should go fuck himself - and he showed it time and time again, with pulseaudio and avahi.
genius reply. I'm with you, user
>The Linux kernel, I believe, is clean
Linux kernel includes selinux, developed by the NSA. So no.
And like the other user said, why would the US gov backdoor an (open source) program that they use? Makes no sense.
It's an init system that does far more than an init system should.
Do you mind having a key to the backdoor in your house? Why would the US care if they can get into their own backdoored system?
>why would the US gov backdoor an (open source) program that they use?
The idea is probably that they're the only ones that know about the back door, at least for now.
Okay, this is a good point. Who the developer is probably shouldn't matter too much, but the inability to audit the code maybe does. So what do we do? Audit systemd? That could be fun actually, just be a regular hobby programmer and read over a bunch of code to look for accidental or intentional bugs.
Or look for alternatives to GNU/systemd/Linux. OpenBSD has code auditing I hear...
I don't know much about systemd, but this thread might be appropriate to ask it;
Can't the logging service of systemd offer a good degree of risk in case some malicious software gets hold of it? What kind of information does it collect and how does systemd protect it against any unwanted access?
It comes activated by default with systemd so I think it's relevant enough.
>Linux kernel includes selinux, developed by the NSA. So no.
selinux isn't enabled by default in some distributions (like debian)
>why would the US gov backdoor an (open source) program that they use? Makes no sense
But they are stupid. They prefer spying on other country than protecting their own country.
And as some user said
>make a vulnerability that only the NSA knows about
>one day someone find out the bug
>bug is fixed quickly so no one will exploit it
What would you recommend I use instead of dbus?
Bugging SELinux would be like installing a nuke under every city, and a bomb in each vehicle, just in case a terrorist decided to visit, and thinking it's okay because you're totally the only one with the official set of keys to access the trigger.
Most intelligence agencies are smart enough to think of this.
This is an absurd distraction.
You mean like the keyboard and mouse have in FreeBSD under X11?
it adds no features and is meant to be easy on the programmers, something i don't care about.
Why not just make linux without systemd
It breaks POSIX, pushes all Linux distros toward lock-in to SystemD for standardization/compatability, and in general is an overblown mess of scope creep, poor documentation, and latent vulnerabilities.
There is nothing bad about systemd
The fact that it triggers the alt-right douchebags is a nice bonus
literally saving linux from itself
systemd is a lot faster than SysV
>Systemd is backdoored
>Is open source
>Is audited
>Only "proof" is a flimsy link between the company the creator works for and the NSA like all US-based companies
If it was closed source I'd see reason for suspicion but the code is literally all there to read if you think you're smarter than the multibillion dollar companies and government facilities that use it day to day.
Obviously it's a backdoored botnet since someone on Sup Forums suspects it to be. That's all it takes for something to be spyware now.
The fuck outta here with your faggy shit, you fucking moron.
>Red Hat also happens to be Lennart Poettering's employer.
>The Linux kernel, I believe, is clean. As long as Linus lives,
Torvalds got several million dollars from the shares given to him by RedHat when they listed as public on the stock market - I guess that makes him "loyal" to RedHat.
>Hidden features
What the fuck? Systemd is open source and it is used in FSF approved distros. There is nothing hidden in systemd codes
>he thinks systemd is audited
>he thinks open source is enough to make all possible bugs and backdoors clear
>he thinks systemd has good documentation
top fucking kek you pleb
>Complexity and size effectively close source code for system programming projects like OSes compilers after, say, 100K lines of code without good higher level documentation or participation in the project from its early stages.
>no results for "ewontfix"
Here you go OP:
TL;DR? Systemd doesn't even do init properly.
>he thinks systemd is audited
It is
>he thinks open source is enough to make all possible bugs and backdoors clear
When was the last time you saw a software free of bugs
Show me
>he thinks systemd has good documentation
It does, because every single relevant distro is using it.
>>Complexity and size effectively close source code for system programming projects like OSes compilers after, say, 100K lines of code without good higher level documentation or participation in the project from its early stages.
Translation: I can't read so I'll just call it a backdoor :-DDDDDDDDDD
Adding RS-232 to your boot adds 20 seconds of initialisation.
Why should a fucking serial port add 20seconds to userspace startup?
Fucking Potheadering
link the audit results and details then fag.
> let's argue about systemd because I'm a faggot who doesn't like change
It doesn't here, serial-getty@ttyS0 started instantly. You probably have something configured incorrectly.
It's wonderful... I don't want it, you can have it.
Let me guess, you are "gender fluid"?
Is this the Windows thread?
Yes, linux is already becoming windows, because of Sup Forums convincing braindamaged people to switch to loonix we now have:
- dbus autostarting services outside of your service manager (google dbus activation)
- binary config (dconf)
- an init system, that only works on a specific libc and kernel (systemd)
- polkit, and 99998908098439083094 security vunerablitie's waiting to happen from it (did I mention polkit's configuration is in javascript)
- udisks (automount's disks, which IMO is retarded as fk)
- wayland, the glorious security theatre (there is already wayland keyloggers, in wayland you lose all the modularity and choice of X for an illusion of security)
- binary logging
Github, faggtron
corporatization was the worst thing to happen to GNU/Linux
It has fragmented the dev community beyond repair and now we're stuck with a Windows-like OS on many mainstream distros that is moving too quickly for anyone to fix.
The bandwagon adaptation of systemd and its related dependencies by popular distros is also to blame. There was credible opposition with Debian but instead of giving voice to these concerns it was just waved away because muh enterprise knows what's best.
Don't be surprised to see nasty benign and intended vulnerabilities to be inserted with this fast moving spaghetti ball of corporate code being part of many systems that are in operating systems running important infrastructure
>>Yes, but by implanting vulnerable code they are also harming themselves.
All they need to do is make two batches of different quality.
>Most intelligence agencies are smart enough to think of this.
Just like they thought having Cisco rooters backdoored was smart
the source code is all there, if you think there's a state sponsored backdoor in systemd then post it.
>It does, because every single relevant distro is using it.
This argument doesn't make sense.
>I'm a banana because it is afternoon
there doesn't need to be obvious malicious code with a handy comment of "backdoor"
A cleverly done critical vuln that's not obvious (easy to do with the dependency nightmare, fast change, and complexity of systemd) is all you need
And you think writing a keylogger in X without root access isn't trivial?
Why is Sup Forums filled with the new kind of hipsters?
>Wake up in the morning
>Go back to the terminal you left open last night for increased uptime and powerlevel
>It's Void Linux with no Xorg
>Runit instead of Systemd
>LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL
>Clang instead of GCC
>Musl instead of glibc or
>Uclibc instead of libc
>Busybox instead of coreutils
>ZSH instead of bash
>rEFIt instead of grub
>Patrician ed instead of nano
>Screeny instead of screenfetch
>Wicd instead of Network Manager
>Organic water instead of tap water
>Compile herbslutwm and install vivaldi
>Go to Sup Forums, browse /soc/
>Manages to chat with a "fem"user
>"What do you do in leisure?"
>My choices of entertainment are somewhat recherché
>"Tell me more"
>Eat no proteins, only dead, organic vegetables
>I prefer Ballad to what you call "mainstream songs"
>I don't like smokers, I prefer vaping, guilty charged
>I own a Penny-farthing vélocipède for transportation
>femanon freaks out and stops responding
>Fuck systemd botnet
>Fuck bash, noob
>Fuck GNU
>lol are you still using gcc in $currentyear?
>I personally use BSD for my primary operating system
>Muh Unix
>Muh philosophy
Literally nothing.
This is such a bullshit.
Do you realize how many executables from how many different vendors run with EUID 0 on your Gentoo or [insert any other Linux distro here]? You should do political analysis for all of them.
Systemd is shit, but you're just a masturbating monkey...
Security through obscurity FTW!
Fuck off
Kill yourself low BMI fragile vegan
Really, commut sudoku and finally contribute something to the world
>being triggered this hard
It's great to have a more general term than "Sup Forumstards" or "gamergatefags" to describe you guys.
I mean really, since Sup Forums's taken its negative turn I've been wanting a good way to label you people. The fact that you think you're getting "publicity" shows how simple you are.
Now that you are labeled, you are so easily dismissed.
Change is not always good. Often the status quo is best.
Wow that was an epic post.
>individuality is bad
fuck off semi-oppressed shitlord
bend over for me i am a agender-gaseous quintsexual transmasochist biconformist cactikin syllable
>Debian backdoors discovered by Assange
the entire OS is compromised, systemd is just pissing in a sea of piss
If you start a network there is a senseless 2 sec delay where the interface is not ready and ipfilter cannot be used. Enough time for NaSA to install a backdooor.