/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

because there wasn't one before

weird hardware edition

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Hisense-50H7GB2-50-Inch-Ultra-Smart/dp/B00XMUU5KU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1472255535&sr=8-3&keywords=hisense 4k)
lmgtfy.com/?q=What is a good app to crack wifi?

Need a new laptop as the one I have now is slowly dying and only still held together with chewing gum and rubber bands

Looking for
i5 or comparable CPU
Dedicated graphics

price limit is 600$

I've been looking at newegg and found this but the reviews have made me wary.

>not having sideview mirrors on your keyboard

Recently installed awesomewm on my desktop, everything is normal, except Konsole always runs in floating mode, whether I launch it from dmenu or from cmd return.

I run the same rc.lua at work and this doesn't happen.

I even appended { rule = { class = "konsole" },
properties = { floating = false } },
and restarted awesome, still happening.

What should I do?


Gonna be used for gaming at 1080p, games like Titanfall 2 and BF1, gonna record gameplay with OBS and upload it to YT
Also gonna be used for playback to a 4K Tv (amazon.com/Hisense-50H7GB2-50-Inch-Ultra-Smart/dp/B00XMUU5KU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1472255535&sr=8-3&keywords=hisense 4k)
Already have a Air 540 and a 24" monitor

As for audio I´m gonna buy a Fiio E10K and some Fidelio X2 with a V-Moda Boom mic , as for speakers gonna use a pair of Fluance SX6 powered by a SMSL Q5

Any feedback?

Apparently I needed to set konsole to full screen mode. Mystery solved.

I'm using a Motorola g3 and playing music via Poweramp. But whenever I play a webm with sound on clover (Sup Forums app) my music will stop until I manually turn it back on. Is there a way to keep the music playing and the the webm audio or even disable webm audio and keep the music?

thinking of buying a micro usb flash drive for my laptop (that doesn't have a HDD or SSD at the moment) and putting linux on it; I know it would boot, now i'm at the hard part: deciding which linux I want to install.

I more-or-less just want to use it for Firefox, Libreoffice, PS3 Media Server, and some programming. I want to use a linux with a desktop environment that is "consumer" (retard) friendly.

Elementary OS seems nice, only downside to that is:
>install elementary-tweaks
>change some settings with dconf-tools
>install nautilus for desktop icons

The first two being reasonable, but I can't figure out (in a VM) how to set it so the file manager that opens from the desktop is the same file manager elementary shipped with. A minor sub-issue is that the desktop icons touch the top of the monitor until I open something then they shift to where they should be under the menu bar.

How to completely remove a package and dependencies in Fedora 24?

So should I bother with win10 LTSB (N) or just take Pro and try to remove spyware

should i get a gtx 1080 with a 4k 60hz monitor or a gtx 1070 with a 1440p 144hz g-sync monitor? both would end up costing the same.

Depends on what you use it for

primarily gaming.

Probably 144hz then

Why does htop keep randomly resetting my configuration?

Th Enterprise / Education Win 10 SKUs don't let you disable the telemetry despite what people say, only limit it to "security" data.
Also if you sign up for the insider builds you send full information and have not choice in the matter unless you stop the insider builds again.


Overkill for 1080p60hz
Get a less shitty SSD

is the gtx 1070 enough for gaming at 1440p 144hz?

Do you really need a discrete GPU in the laptop? Most internal GPUs are solid as is.

How to change the resolution when streaming youtube with youtube-dl?

what a piece of shit, 7 is giving me problems and since it's time for the annual/half-annual clean install I thought I'd give it a try
don't even know if I should bother with 8.1 again

If you host your PC on Teamviewer and let someone access it remotely from their desktop under your supervision for like 10 minutes.

Can that person somehow be like stealing your personal information and files without you even knowing it?

Even if your watching what's happening on the screen?

What's the best hidden camera I can get for roughly $90?
It needs to be wireless, extremely small, no longer/wider than 4-5cm, and would ideally support a microSD card or some form of storage. I would prefer for it to be able to do decent quality low-light shots, but that's not a necessity. Above all though, it needs to be discrete.

Medium-high yes
Very high-ultra it will struggle to go above 60

What is a good app to crack wifi?

I be ed to get rid of a current laptop because value depreciated like hell.

Looking towards a Surface pro 4, but some guys say wait for the Asus Transformer 3. Both seem to be "experimental tablets", but are they worth the transition from the normal laptop?

That doesn't need root of course.

So a 1060 would be enough? Might aswell buy a samsung

Thanks m8

I'll backup what said.

Drop the i7 for an i5 and get a less shitty SSD.

for 1080p a 1060 is perfectly capable

If you had the right macro set it up would only take a few seconds, if you're watching the whole time you should still be able to catch it.


>be ed


What the hell is autocorrect doing?

lmgtfy.com/?q=What is a good app to crack wifi?

Aircrack-ng needs root iirc.

I'm 28, been running my own business for 6 years now, and want to go back to school. I live in a small midwestern town but am open for moving around. I've been in love with computers and been building my own for years.

I feel I'm getting too old to get in on any ground floor, but I want to learn a strong Linux Distro AND start coding in a language that can really get me even a simple job.

Do I go to school for Networking? CS? Something else? Formal schooling can really give you a load of bullshit and I'd rather be self-taught really. I know nothing of where to start because the circlejerk around here is too real. Any experience from real people in the world?

I feel Arch might be a good place to start, figure out what I'm doing. As far as coding... I've heard Java, C++, C#, Ruby...

Stupid Question: How do I adult with Linux/Coding languages?

I would be using this laptop for LAN party stuff as well as college stuff. I haven't looked at laptops since 2010 and at that time CPU integrated GPUs were shit.

hey guys i need help

i used vroot (or iroot now?) to try root my phone

i'm pretty sure it did nothing except install a bunch of chinese shit apps on my phone.

i got rid of most of them just by doing a factory reset.

but 'kingroot' still stays. i've tried an app designed to remove it called SuperSu Me-Pro but it just hangs at 'processing please wait'

is there any alternatives to forcing my phone to go fully factory settings? already did it once and kingroot stayed there

In LibreOffice Base, is there any way to edit a View after you create it? I can't find any way to get back to the wizard or SQL view. I can only bring up the resulting table, and all the edit buttons on it are are grayed out.

What's a good torrent host to use? I remember seeing some list of best to worst and saw uTorrent was rated pretty shit, but cant remember the names of the good ones.

uTorrent 2.2.1 is pretty good

>GTX 1070
>PC to HDTV via HDMI
>Resolution: 1080p
>Refresh rate: 60Hz
>Both the resolution and refresh rate are the max possible output with this HDTV

Sometimes I get these random moments where the TV goes black for a second, goes back again to normal but the mouse feels "heavy", goes black again for a second, and then finally comes back to normal operation. Happens when I'm browsing the web although I've never been able to pinpoint an exact location or cause. Seems random.

Would this be,
1) A faulty GPU?
2) Dying HDTV?
3) Cable problems?
4) Software related?

Googling the problem seems to direct me towards the HDMI cable however, I've been using this same cable to project my PC before the GPU upgrade. Wut do?

Is a bent GPU okay? The seller says it gives video, but they didn't test any games on it.

Thanks anons
Gonna change the i7 for a 6500, a 1060 and a 512 Samsung ssd

What is a good way to pass a Wifi password to another phone if the phone with the password wont show it?

Make sure you get the 6GB 1060. The 3GB version is gimped.

/flt/ has alot of information that you're looking for in the op

Get a new HDMI2.0 cable and manually set the refresh rate to 59hz.

Is there any way to permanently disable hardware acceleration for Flash? It's always causing me problems but for some reason I have to go back and disable it again every couple of weeks.

Rooting means gaining top-level access to the device, usually done by making changes to the "firmware", which is supposed to be read-only
Most likely "kingroot" is now grafted into your firmware, and since factory reset only wipes user data, you can't remove it by doing a factory reset
You'll probably have to find the stock firmware and flash your phone, better find someone who's more or less android saavy

donts use flash

How exactly do I avoid using it? Is there an alternative that can load flash content when I'm on a site that requires it?

uninstall flash
almost every site uses html5

How do I turn off automatic updates in steam? I've installed this botnet just a few days ago and I didn't know it was such a pain in the ass, today it wasted 2 yuros worth of my bandwidth cap while I was peeing because it had to download a fucking game update without asking for authorization. Can I turn off this thing?

>riddled with all kind of shit

>just no

>never seen an uglier UI in my life, but I guess it works

>works fine but unfortunately I'm affected by the "stalled" issues that has been plaguing the client for years and that no one knows how to fix (already tried every imaginable fix)

>worked fine-ish until it spontaneously decided it wouldn't work anymore, now deluge.exe immediately dies every time it's opened. Uninstalling/clearing saved preferences did not help and I can't be arsed to debug it

Am I stuck with Tixati or are there any decent alternatives?

Can i configure my torrent client to use vpn only and other network traffic go trough the normal routes?

>I feel Arch might be a good place to start, figure out what I'm doing
Don't install Arch if you have 0 experience with Linux because it's a fun distro, ideally find someone in your social circle or join a local LUG, then choose a distro based on what distro is used by some "guru" you know, so he could help you out with something

>As far as coding... I've heard Java, C++, C#, Ruby...
Look for local job openings and combine it with what you're willing to do, then you can easily choose a language based on that

>I'd rather be self-taught really
Perfectly doable although it'll be harder to land a job without experience AND education certificate

>Stupid Question: How do I adult with Linux/Coding languages?
Like with anything else, read books and practice

Your questions are too vague

Why does that foldable keyboard have rearview mirrors?

Integrated proxy in client or possibly virtual machine

I mean... if it works, who gives a shit about the UI? It's literally used to just download stuff. you're not gonna be doing much else on it

Tixati IMO, UI isn't that great but it works well enough for me

ut 2.2.1 is what I use, it is outdated but there're aren't any problematic issues afaik, the only exploit I know of is that using some specifically crafted magnet urls in ut 2.2.1 an attacker can run scripts, personally I don't use magnet and I always read the urls I click anyway so it doesn't really make a difference imho.

It's for racing games retard.

It's an ergonomic keyboard. You actually type with it folded like that. The mirrors are so you can see what you're doing.

Another picture of the bend.

That's fair. I guess being so vague is a symptom of knowing jack all about everything.

I'll look around for a solid distro then.

I know a certificate would probably be my only "In", sadly. I'll start looking. I guess I was trying to make the same old "Hey tell me what to do" set-up with more words.

Among all the desktop environments, which one is actually good?

They were. In the last 5 years specifically CPUs have reached the point that their new improvements aren't really a draw to normies anymore. You can surf the web on a sub i3 and not notice the difference most days. And even for mid-level stuff the advancements don't matter as much as they used to. So intel has been pouring a ton of resources into improving their iGPUs since nahelem. They still won't cut it on the more graphics intensive games but compared to 5 years ago you'd be surprised what they can do.

There's no such thing as an HDMI 2.0 cable.


If you're reinstalling that often you should just make a system image with something like macrium and just restore it whenever you feel like it. Saves a lot of time.

Go to the game's properties then click the update tab.

That's the picture. Thank you!

>I guess I was trying to make the same old "Hey tell me what to do" set-up with more words.
Honestly if you're not in a financial trouble then just mess around with Linux and programming for some time to see for yourself what do you consider fun and what not, and then choose your direction based on that. There are no general "Linux" jobs unless it's a shitty startup which wants a one man band doing job for multiple people.

b-b-b-bumpin question

is it worth getting a 1440p 144hz monitor that has freesync but not gsync with a gtx 1080? it's a lot cheaper than a 1440/144hz monitor with gsync.

i know i can't make use of the freesync, but it would still be 1440p and 144hz.

>Go to the game's properties then click the update tab.
Seems the be the only way, better than nothing I guess, thanks.

>if it's in a picture I believe it
You deserve what you get.

fuck off asshole, I figured someone took the time to compose a list of what was good and what wasnt. recommend a good torrent host then.

How do i install an iso in virtualbox.
I have booted in to it fine, but it always looks for a usb drive to install on to,which i dont need,as i am running it in the vm

Transmission has a windows port I believe, not sure on the quality of it however

I can't barely tell the difference between 1080p and 1440p, look almost the same. 4K though, can't wait til GPU tech catches up to it. Almost regret getting my 1070, until I remembered I got it to replace my GTX 285. Not sure if I could have waited 2 or 3 more years to play Overwatch.

Transmission-qt works fine, only issue I have is the menu to select which files to download lags on torrents with hundreds of files

A usb install is going to be laggy as hell. Just buy a cheap drive off ebay to throw in there.

>compared to 5 years ago you'd be surprised what they can do.
The most graphics intensive game I'd be playing on it would be Red Orchestra 2 and Overwatch those are the only newer games my friends and I play at LANs. I'd like to play at a decent res and medium settings, what website(s) has iGPU game benchmarks?

is he gonna be ok?

If I have memory that has an overclocking speed that surpasses the max speed of my motherboard, will the memory run at the max speed of the mobo, or not at all?

max speed of the motherboard

much appreciated

you have nice taste

Are there any TVs out there that can play .mkv files off of a thumb drive? Or is .mkv just an unsupported file type for that type of use?

I added log_forensic.load to apache,
I don't really know what I'm doing, where do I see the logs? It shows that it's loaded.

Yeah, tons of TVs play .mkv. I play them on my TV sometimes from usb.

I'm worried my external HDD is dying. What's the safest/most efficient way to back up the data?



If you want to step it up you can get a quad core processor, a GTX 950m and 4k for $630



Forgot to mention, none of my computers recognize it when I plug it in.

Thanks dude, you've helped me in /sqt/ multiple times. You're the one tripfag I like.

You dont need anything more then that for backup

Then you're looking for data recovery not just backup.

Lol those mirrors.

i've done it before with a usb 2.0 drive and didn't have any lag, this is just a temporary thing.

Why is that one porn website not working at all anymore in chrome but with opera it works perfectly?

Is everyone's Local Disk always C:/ or is it sometimes different letters?

Whats a good way to have a bunch of harddrives as like a storage bank that's outside of the computer.