Become a wizard in less than month

>become a wizard in less than month

What distro should I choose?

install gentoo

If you have to ask, the correct answer is Ubuntu.




Arch. Gentoo requires you to already be a wizard.


Pick one:
Linux From Scratch

Don't forget to RTFM of course :)

I don't know, seems too professional

>yfw Ellen Degeneres is the best rapper of all time

Eminem is a fucking faggot and a terrible rapper.

I could name a random white rapper (like the High and Mighty) and they would still be better than Eminem.

Windows Vista

Just stay with your iVirgin.


Everything here but Arch, if you wanna be a wizard you have to cast most spells by yourself.

Windows 2000 Professional


Source Mage. Linux so advanced it may as well be magic! Who doesn't want to cast spells?

Fedora is the best.

Instead of wasting your time installing dependencies for slackware, pick up some day labor and spend it on an escort.

I mean, really. You'll also probably get a discount or free anal or something if you tell them you're in danger of becoming a wizard.

install mint