>amdrone can't grasp the difference between legacy and eol
>placebo effect at work
>Sup Forums
wow op what a great thread
Oh shit, it now performs way less than before!!!1111
nvidia gimps their old cards in the drivers
>things that aren't made any more
>not EOL
Buy a new gpu every two years. So I don't really give a fuck
I'm so forced to update.
C'mon this is literal shilling now.
Wtf, I hate Intel now!
adjective: legacy
1. denoting software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.
Used in a sentence: Yo shit's goin ah get gimped Nvidiot!
Enjoy your gimping nvidiot ;^)
Not him but, unless you update by will, how can they 'gimp' your card's drivers?
Yea so you get a new game but it only runs good with new drivers what do you do?
A- Not update and have shitty frames?
B- Update and have shitty frames?
Switch to the open source drivers
there is no evidence that nvidia decreases performance for older or "legacy" cards with driver updates.
Post some good scientific analysis on a variety of games and I'll believe you, but since people started saying this shit I haven't seen one actual post confirming it with numbers.
There isn't any, it's still a funny meme though. It's the same thing as "AMD has no drivers"
Should be
>AMD doesn't have any good drivers
well I guess I've been taking the bait like a retard for months now.
>Yea so you get a new game but it only runs good with new drivers what do you do?
You realize that as a PC gamer, you're being jewed constantly by game devs and card manufacturers while still lapping it up. I don't even game on anything, my last console was a PS2. I've never understood how people can find so many games appealing, I've only ever seen
>billy herrington
nvidia yes
AMD drivers are on par with nvidia as long a you exclusively limit yourself to Vulkan and DX12.
My GTX 460 still runs modern games with outdated driver... about as well as you'd expect from a card that shit. Updating the driver really doesn't make much of a difference either.
Man PS2 really was the pinnacle of console gaming IMO. Soooo many titles, they had multiplayer later on, doubled as a DVD player which was a big deal at the time, also all those titles... I regret giving mine away years ago