>So and so has attempted to log in to your gmail account from Vietnam
How do this fuckers figure out your email address??
>So and so has attempted to log in to your gmail account from Vietnam
How do this fuckers figure out your email address??
Strange, I got one from Jamaica yesternight , fuckers!
google sells a big list of emails for 0.01 dong per email.
You sure its your email? I get these messages but they are not my email. Its close and it has my email as the default security option. Usually from Thailand.
Some guy tried to log into some very old gmail account i made a long time ago, in which I used my primary email as a backup for the old one.
They get them from any of the myriad security breaches at major companies over the years.
My primary email address has shown up in a few. Eg the Adobe one a few years back. I get people trying to log in to my account all the time but as I don't use the account password anywhere else and it is reasonably strong. I'm not losing sleep.
Even if they DID manage to guess my long gmail password, I use two-step verification so i get a message on my phone
If my email did get compromised however i would be totally FUCKED
thee has't a questioneth?
>not converting a Wii into a Private email server
thats why you got fucked my boy
this is fine as long as you let all the water evaporate.
Can't the water seep into transistors and shit though
Website databse breaches, you're probably really dumb and used the same password for your email that you used on another website where the same email was the login.
If you're going to insult me at least know what you're talking about. When someone attempts to log into a gmail accont (using any password at all) from another country you get an email alert. There is nothing in my OP to suggest I would ever use the same password on different accounts.
>If you're going to insult me at least know what you're talking about
Glad we could clear up that little dispute.
Somebody probably bought a dump of hacked user data, from God only knows what site, and decided to try every single email listed with the hacked site's password. Anybody who used the same pw across multiple sites is fucked.
>he doesn't know this word
stay hither ye may learn more overmorrow