Why isn't molecular transportation possible yet?
Why isn't molecular transportation possible yet?
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>Mo monies for dem programs!
>Fund this military intervention in unknown nation for arbitrary reasons!
Wujuju lovely goat
did he died?
>post retarded question with a semen demon attached
>everyone answers the question
>post retarded question with any other kind of bait picture attached
rly mak yu tink
People transport molecules all the time. You are just a retard.
I wouldn't say "all the time" but scientists are cqpable of doing it on molecular levels.
I think the joke went over your head
why dont i transport some molecules into your ass
If you were to shoot a goat there, yes. It's a demonstration of the thinnest part of a goats skull. If you were to shoot it on the front of the dead, there's a real possibility it would survive, since that is the thickest part of it's skull, which it uses for butting.
The reverse is true of cattle. The thinnest part of their skull is right between the eyes and horns on the front. While the top of the head and round the back (especially in horned cattle) is the thickest, since that's the area they use for butting.
Pigs, right between the eyes.
If you don't get the right spot, you possibly cause undue suffering to the animal you are slaughtering as it will still be conscious during bleeding.
This guy fucks
I believe it's already happened. Scientists were able to 'teleport' an electron across a street.
Unlikely, more likely they replicated its properties (spin, most likely) across a street. Real teleportation requires quantum tunneling, which we haven't got a grasp on yet.
It's ironic that teleportation is more possible than killer AI, but everyone is scared of killer AI.
Because people will want to use it on themselves and this will raise all sorts of ethical and philosophical questions.
Because you touch yourself at night.
>Real teleportation requires quantum tunneling, which we haven't got a grasp on yet.
Please don't talk about things you have no clue about.
>Wanting to kill yourself via molecular transport
Wew, lad.
>arbitrary reasons
Yeah arbitrary to you maybe.
Wow, thanks for making me think
Soulfag detected
Name me types of transport that doesn't involve transportation of molecules.
If it's arbitrary to me then my country shouldn't be spending money on it.
Who says it isn't?
Transporting electrons, photons, ...
It's actually not about a soul, that could be transported unharmed if it existed.
I just want molecular transportation so I can spawn doritos in my house instead of walking to the market.
...But it is possible
*teleports behind you*
*thrusts katana through your fucking skull*
pssh.... nothin personnel kid..... just watch whose goat you pick on next time....
when you telyport u die tho
This. Materialists who believe consciousness is a pattern of synapse firing means that if those synapses stop the consciousness ceases, and is just replicated in the other location.
but you can already transport molecules? people have been doing it for like ever, they can even transport atoms!
>you get killed by getting by seperated molecularly but a copy of you that's made from your remains replaces you
Doesn't really sound good
It really comes down to whether or not you consider halting and restarting consciousness as death and rebirth, which I do not. If you do believe that, you also have to believe that someone who is revived from brain death is a different person.
probably he already did that, op is a faggot.
Well, what do we have to be scared about Teleportation
>science stuff will happen if you throw money at it!
go back to your facebook circlejerk
Maybe that's true too, how do you even verify it?
Your re-assembled/revived self will have no idea your "original" self died, and your "original" self is dead, so it can't tell you anything.
Poor cute little goat.
Whats wrong with that dog in OPs pic? Are they putting it down because it's deformed?
It's actually a goat, not a dog.
Then why is nobody responding retard?
Because Christianity delayed the enlightenment of atheism by like, 2000 years, and yes, I am a fucking atheist, deal with it.
Take a step back, no take as many steps as you can back and think about your post.
There is nothing wrong with the dog, but you should not hold a shotgun to its head like that.
Because it would kill you. Yes, very useful for shit that's not people though.
It's not just halting consciousness. It's turning you into energy and converting back into matter. It's essentially copying you and destroying the original copy
Quality comment
Well... It will, won't it?
money buys labs and instruments, not brains and solutions
Ask a FedEx employee that.
Why isn't molecular transportation possible yet?
I mean there's a limit, but I think some fields would benefit. Mostly space exploration
I haven't invented it yet
because its fiction you nigger
build a body with molecules copied perfectly across the street, destroy original body. teleported
I live in Mexico and some schools in shitty and remote parts of the state still teach basic farming skills in high schools. One of those skills is castrating pigs while the poor shit is still conscious and squealing bloody murder. I've seen some shit.
What's with all the fucking namefags in Sup Forums?