Please do the needful and install Windows 10.
Please do the needful and install Windows 10
Other urls found in this thread:
pajeet pls
"the game your customers want eg"
holy mother of God, is this real?
fucking pajeet POO IN LOO
>tfw memes aside, most of that is actually true
okay this is funny once
don't post it again.
>Please do the needful
I'm actually triggered. And it's only 10 in the morning.
Bullshit! I bet you can get Windows Liveā¢ Essentials to work somehow.
> Authorized support
Remove it. You'll need to buy a Software Assurance package, otherwise, even if you bought Windows, they aren't going to help you.
One of my coworkers was so mad because of that, the thought "fuck MS" and transferred all servers at his previous job to Linux. Because seriously, what's the point of paying $600 for a WinServer, if you get the same support as on Linux - e. g. nothing.
I wished this picture also included these too
>control over updates
>choice of DE/WMs
>percentage of available viruses
If you don't have windows, it doesn't worth 100 dollars.
If you have windows, enjoy.
If you have privacy issues, windows is out of option, even if you already bought it.
>not 7
Fuck off
Dead-end OS
>be on Sup Forums years ago when these first came out
>newfags now loosing their shit over them
Nobody even posted the one claiming Linux can't support USB drives yet.
world's most anti-privacy OS and 7 isn't dead, it'll get updates till 2020
this is true, because after win7 you leave microsoft
Just report this fucking thread and submit feedback that Sup Forums is being overrun with paid Microsoft shills, and the easy and only way to stop them is to ban Microsoft's IP ranges.
The fuck is this?
Actual Microsoft shill training material.
Training material used on BestBuy employees for the release of Windows 7.
Pretty painful
Pretty propaganda
This is just the tip of the ice berg.
Microsoft spends millions every month on shit like this.
Most of it isn't factually incorrect (apart from the last three slides)
Linux will never be for normalfags
>Most of it isn't factually incorrect
>Windows Live Essentials
Ok. That's it. It's time to install WINDOWS on it.
none of that shit except for price matters to anybody who uses OS as a tool or media consumage platform. And in that case you get what you pay for
what the fuck man i've been using ubuntu because you cunts told me to, installing windows 10 right now, could of been playing world of warcraft for months with mp3 and scanner compatability
fuck you Sup Forums
Sup Forums actually makes you a favour - teaching you to think for yourself
>Camera, iPod and MP3 compatibility
My Windows installation always failed to install drivers correctly. On my Linux box everything is plug & play
>Printers and scanners compatibility
I got some problem but at least there's a good community surrounding Linux so I got some help fast
>Software compatibility
Every software I used on Windows had a great replacement on Linux or worked with Wine
>Windows Live Essentials (e.g Messenger, Mail, Photo Gallery)
I kekd
>The games you (your customer) want
I play WoW daily on Wine
>Authorized support
dafucc does that even supposed to mean?
>Video chat on all major IM network
mfw I can't go on chatroulette anymore
Great job pajeet, 45 rupees has been added to your account.
only telementry updates