When will 4K be mainstream?
Do I buy a new cheap 1080p monitor and get a 4K one in a year or two, or buy a fancy IPS 1080p monitor that will last me a while if 4K doesn't come soon?
When will 4K be mainstream?
Do I buy a new cheap 1080p monitor and get a 4K one in a year or two, or buy a fancy IPS 1080p monitor that will last me a while if 4K doesn't come soon?
>When will 4K be mainstream?
When it drops in price enough for poorfags to buy it instead of 1080p garbage?
But more importantly, why do you care about what monitor other people use?
I don't want to stand out too much.
Homestly, I'd prefer three or more 1080p monitors to one big ass monitor.
No,4K is still way too expensive for most people and makes the most sense in monitors.As for TVs it's stupid as there practically no content in 4K unless you use a smart TV for streaming services or playback from USBs,Blurays etc
4K is worth four 1080p monitors
three would be a downgrade
I like monitors. I only have two now, but in future, I'll have a lot more
Enjoy overpaying on multiple displays, mounting gear, extra display cables, power splitters etc. just to get some extra bezels
On 4k, I'd need to have everything in windowed mode. A screen too big would strain my eyes and my mind.
>Four 1080p screens is fine but a single 2160p screen is not
How can you possibly be this delusional? You are literally looking at the exact same configuration of pixels in the exact same places, except without a bezel in between them or the need to press four different power buttons every morning
I only use other monitor for watching documentaries while i'm working, music playlist, surfing the web and
for task manager. I don't use it all the time.
ips is a meme
And that explains why four 1080p screens is better than one 2160p screen how?
Why even bother with 4k? You aren't gonna find many TVs or films in that res, you don't really need it for everyday tasks like multiple browser shitposting or whatever it is you do (multiple 1080 or better yet 1200 displays would handle that much better), to notice it in gaymes you need to play latest AAA garbage on all max settings with you face next to screen and have a multiple thousand dollaridos beast of a pc, since 4k takes MASSIVE toll on performance. Considering how you want to buy cheap 1080 you probably don't have that kind of pc. If I were you I'd buy 2+ decent 1080p and forget about displays for a while.
One is in centre
Other is above
One is to the left
One is to the right
All I'd need to do is move my eyes for a bit to see anything I need. With 4k It would be like I'm looking at a blackboard in school
>Why even bother with 4k?
Working area, duh
>(multiple 1080 or better yet 1200 displays would handle that much better)
Can you people please stop re-posting this meme over and over again? What do multiple 1080p displays do better than a single 2160p display besides cost more?
>rest of your post about irrelevant garbage
So tl;dr you're trying to tell me that the left is more comfortable than the right configuration?
i.e. the one where you have to move your eyes/neck much farther horizontally for no benefit?
I've been using a 17'' 1920x1200 monitor and can safely say I don't want 4K, at least not for a monitor.
Shits hard enough to read as it is unless your pretty close. Not sure how people are using 4K.
4k is 2x of 1080p. if you've ever used a "retina display", then the primary advantages (much sharper assets, including text, etc...) should go without saying.
usually the people that don't understand this use windows, which has scaling features i would describe as "dog shit"-esque.
I'd personally go with a multiple 1080p set up, but then I don't game much, or watch many films, and i personally enjoy having my work compartmentalised to separate monitors.
What sort of things do you do on your system and what is your graphics card like?
What technology can equal plasma in color reproduction?
Looking at a butt in a plasma screen isn't very far away from lookng at a butt irl
>tfw plasma screens are dead
The only thing I won't miss about plasma screens is the constant noise they made and the 10000000000 degrees heat a lot of them generated
When will they stop the curved OLED meme so I can buy one? Just make them flat already you idiots
Just get a 1440p display in the meantime
>he fell for the 4k meme
Reminds me of when I had CRT. I did not want widescreen because I had used some at work and they bothered me. Everything became too small and I cannot easily view things and both sides of the screen.
I ended up getting given a 1080p monitor that I have been using for a couple years and it honestly still bothers me some days.
Feel like I am watching a tennis match sometimes with how I have to look from side to side.
Probably not as bad for people who are not as short sighted as me and can just sit further back and still easily read everything. Even with my glasses it just does not feel comfy reading such small text from a distance.
>When will they stop the curved OLED meme so I can buy one? Just make them flat already you idiots
Wait for the OLED monitors. Don't waste your money on TVs, they're universally all shit. (That's what distinguishes monitors from TVs after all: high quality)
Also, apparently they're curved because it's cheaper to manufacture that way. but don't quote me on that
Not him but I also prefer his "arrow key" setup.
Why would that be the case? Seems to me like all it will do is cause more neck/eye strain because you need more horizontal movements, in particular more extreme movements.
The one in the centre is the most important one. I mostly look at it. Others are just topping on the cake
Just like with Linux, I have no real need for it. I have enough room with 1080p.
If I need more room, I'll either add a workspace, or another monitor.