Why doesn't Microsoft allow us to install or buy older windows desktops for newer versions of windows?

Why doesn't Microsoft allow us to install or buy older windows desktops for newer versions of windows?

I would love to have windows 10 with the vista ui.

Because then they'd have to support them. Supporting software costs money and I'm sure Microsoft did the math and decided it wasnt worth it.


They could sell it though?
I'd pay for it.

But yeah, I guess I'm a minority so it's not very profitable for them

muh dick

>I would love to have windows 10 with the vista ui.

That's not how Windows works retard. It's not like Linux where you can just use any DE you want.

I meant complete and original vista desktop and ui, not some cheap clone you spent all day making.

Windows does have alternative DEs you can install iirc

>I meant complete and original vista desktop and ui,
If you did that it wouldn't be windows 10, it would be windows vista. That's not how it works.
If you meant install vista or xp on modern hardware, you already can, but it requires actually using your brain.

UI != OS

Windows GUI =! DE

Are you retarded?

Are you black OP?

he's obviously black

>he's obviously black

How come?

only a nigger would like somebody else black

>only a nigger would like somebody else black

Nah, I'm white and I have a huge fetish for black girls. White just looks so plain and boring. To each his own though.

>he has jungle fever

Excuse me?

>jungle fever

It's just personal taste. Call it jungle fever, yellow fever, white fever, whatever you want to call it, people are attracted to different things.

Chocolate fever sounds better


Would love a modern windows xp desktop