ITT: Memes you know are memes but would fall for anyway.
Pic related
ITT: Memes you know are memes but would fall for anyway
Nothing wrong with it.
I have it.
10/10 would buy again. It's a good smartphone, despite what the autists at Sup Forums constantly tell us all.
>scanning my iris without my permission
>3 browsers
>scanning my fingerprint
>no instant kill switch (removable battery)
>locked botloader
>good stats on paper, but useless because bloated (you still pay more)
>planned obsolescence (will become useless when the battery turns to shit at the end of your 2 year contract)
I'd rather not downgrade my Note 4, thanks.
>useless duplicate apps
>shit memory management
>locked bootloader
>"nothing wrong with it"
>uninstall bloatware
>remove apps
>change the way it looks
>don't use meme battery/memory saver apps
>unlock the bootloader
>shitty, expensive phone for normalfags
Kill yourself
>*GOAT 4
hurr durrr muh nexus
No, thanks.
That was Touchwizz 4 years ago.
I have it now and it's really good actualy.
Some preinstalled bullshit but other than that it's fine
I like it well enough but i dont get very good battery life (verizon version). Still a pretty nice phone, i wish the non-edge version would have been the same size i would rather have had that.
>STILL no adoptable storage in Note 7
Fallen for the meme, would fall again.
This thing obliterates any other smartphone that I see around and on a side note: touchwizz gives you such a big amount of features that is comparable to xposed. Only drawback is that I can't see the list of networks from the notification menu but whatever mate.
Go for it
The only thing it obliterates is your with bloatware
are we finally getting equally spaming against Samsung just like that ONE user with the same picture every Apple thread?
Lol, my grandpa has that phone.. That fucking side screen shit is the stupidest fucking gimmick i have ever seen ahahah. You just end up hitting the side of the screen when you dont want to.
I did fall for it and it's great
Nice source you got there, m80