/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread:

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


Shit on my cock

Second for let's bring /pyramid/ back

Third for PTP recruiters.

>Please be patient. I have a multitude of site related responsibilities to deal with, in addition to my real life stuff. I'll try to be responsive as I can but it may take up to a week for you to hear back from me. If you have not received a reply by then please send me a reminder.

>downloading stuff you dont want just so you can download stuff you do want
You cant make it up

A lot of people doesn't love their work but they do it for money to get things they love. Simple capitalist logic.

Is this even english? Literal curry.

I'm mexican't ain't afraid to say it.

Jesus that Bike On! anime was great.

>join ptp
>nothing but cam rips and garbage user encodes
Fucking hell did anyone else fall for the meme?

anime is stupid and you should kill yourself

All anime posts are b8. No one actually likes it (obviously)

anime website.


>I am ironically browsing an anime image board :^)

doesn't → don't

People (plural) don't

what ftp client doesn't like to fuck up when downloading files with weird characters? im using filezilla

>using a seedbox
>downloading something twice
You cant make it up

>he doesn't have online dedicated storage

>he wants online storage

>he doesn't live in a country where downloading copyrighted material for private use is legal
>he doesn't have a good home connection
>he doesn't have a NAS
poor af m8 :^)

>>he doesn't live in a country where downloading copyrighted material for private use is legal
>>he doesn't have a good home connection
Pick one

>he lives in a 3rd world shithole

i can have both :^)
>3rd world
haha freeer than murrica :^)

not that guy but i live in brazil and i get 300/150mbps

Any data caps yet?

Daily reminder that /marked/ is not a meme

it is a meme when everything remotely related to an account on a tracker here is met with /marked/ posts

spamming it doesn't make it less stupid

What is 312c's problem? Ive looked through his post history and he has never once made a positive post about anything.

Read the wiki

who is 312c


is feral down?


post bout dat shit on reddit and mysteriously they will suddenly remind themselves about recruiting
[spoiler]for about 2 weeks[/spoiler]

where does ptp recruit from atm?


w.cd elite, ahd

is the ahd recruiter actively responding? I may as well tell Forecuck to fuck himself and grab invite from ahd

seems like it

you sure?
>Tracker Gurus say patient is key and I'm waiting more than a month. I think you have atleast three more weeks


Don't do this if you already messaged Forecast.

ahd forums
why not? this cuck isn't going to respond anytime this year

kek, i bet they found out that you're a /ptg/ faggot

you got /marked/

>ad 2060-44
>/marked/ meme

wew :^)

>he thinks it's a meme :^)

>using smiley with the carat nose

ab PU 6month account and ggn (not sure about the details)

>acolumbinesite.com CD Collection Part 2

who are you quoting?


oh, another shittracker

jelly you arent in? :^)

don't need it :^)

where else you gon get the columbine shit? >_>


like i care about that shit?

Rumor goes one night after a long day of processing applications he came home to see his wife in bed with a frogposter, and from that day forward he has held a grudge against any and all Sup Forums posters.


PTP now recruiting from PU WCD down from Elite. All curries on board.

*breath in* BOOOIIIIII

Kek where were you when ptp became curry


What the best tracker for windows/linux applications?

was literally just about to post this


K that's it buying HDB invite for $400

>implying it wasn't always curry
the only non-curry film tracker is KG

holy crap, ptp from pu+! go fuck yourself, i had to become elite there and that motherfucker waited for more than three months to invite me

will btn recruit from wcd elite soon?

lftp is best client


need 6mo now though so still worht

smfh norputas nunca aprendan

time to get on wcd :^)

well, kinda. i don't remember, but did they have any time requirement to elite?

I'm looking for the full version of SA Perfect Declipper VST, but i can't find it anywhere. Can someone check if is in Audionews, ProAudioTorrents and etc?

seriously, though, btn is recruiting from ahd pro, but not wcd elite?


I can't find anything to upload to ptp reeeeeeeeeee.

upload documentary from science hd, especially those with the exclusive tag...

>when you're just weeks away from ahd pro
oh my god the suspense

they want 6mo, don't hold your breath

they recruit from ptp pu too

Aren't they all technically curry unless they're topsites?

KG is not and will never be curry by virtue of its content
an arthouse film tracker cannot be curry
PTP on the other hand, and every other film tracker really, has tons of movies, flicks and joints which attract the unwashed masses

cuc that's gonna be on BTN soon here

what are the reqs to go from BTN -> KG

tfw you're 5 months away from PTP invite capability

not like PTP will stay curry for more than 1 month

Can't wait :)

What arthouse films can't be found on ptp and hdb?

>ptp unable to even put up with recruitment at Elite level
>lower the requirement to pu+

dear lord

Now that I've got access to all my favorite trackers what do you all recommend for streaming from my PC to another room in the house? I can't run a 50ft HDMI/audio, is there a good wireless solution that will let be send 4k/FLAC to my media center?

kill yourself

but then what will my family do with my collection of FLAC based music


>AHD recuiter
>pls respond

he got me within a week. try the wcd recruitment. ask him if you can request an invite and explain your situation