Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.
>News • MIXZA has either started printing their 128gb Shark on different cards of lower quality or user received one from a bad batch because his second 128gb shark is getting different size reading and speeds than his first one • user visits his local chinkshitland store • user goes to a local market, runs into Asian lady reselling AliExpress chink shit • There's a Xiaomi branded Travel/Makeup Bag • user reviews his Foam earbuds • user got his Danbo, takes tasteful picture • More Danbo's show up, one holding a SOMAKE another pops up out of a bag and goes for a walk • user modifies his SOMAKE posts Vocaroo this mod is no longer possible with the current SOMAKE models • user reviews the Remax RB-S3 • user received his Redmi Note 3 Pro but it takes forever to charge • user modded his Superlux HD668b headphones to drop the treble on them • user recommends the Pineng PN-968 Power Bank • Weekends are slow in terms of news and chink shit getting posting so here are some alternatives to the SOMAKE USB Sound cards
>user got his Danbo, takes tasteful picture (You) Aww, thanks. I took some more pictures today. I made an Imgur album, so I won't have to spam the thread:
Juan Cook
Anyone getting an MX6?
Is it worth it, kinda feel it's too expensive..
Xavier Miller
>james donkey ass
cop or not lads?
Adam Wood
Just don't try and root it.
One user here tried to root it, broke the SD card slot and went full autism on paypal and didn't get any money back even though gearbest offered half of it back.
Jose Long
Look around for a cheaper price. I paid $7.42USD shipped for mine.
If you're only used to
Jayden Brooks
Got a Ruizu X02 and flashed the latest AGPtek firmware. Tracks order is fine if I browse for albums, but it's all messed up if I do it by folder. Am I missing something? My X06 doesn't act like that.
Lincoln Evans
My 64GB shark also has those markings and it tested fine with hw2test and crystaldiskmark The only thing that is a bit weird is that it sometimes randomly unmounts/mounts itself in my phone.
Brandon Harris
would the mi pad 2 windows edition be a better choice?
Aaron Cox
Charles Davis
How's the HD681EVO? I have a normal HD681 and it's pretty roughed up thanks to the nearly 4 year usage.
John Cox
I got the 99cent mouse from ebay (its 8 now) and its nearly as good as my expensive mouse, just very very light
Nathan Johnson
The more expensive mice are built for like $3 and sold for $60.
Adrian Howard
Idk, but i can certainly feel the quality difference between them
Jonathan Morris
got your fingerprints fucker consider yourself #Identified
Brody Johnson
Is this legit in your opinions? How should i test it after its here?
Christopher Moore
James Donkey is definitely better than 99cent gaymur mouse, if for no reason other than it doesn't look retarded.
The rubber non-slip pads on the side are a truly amazing feature that I never knew I needed.
Landon Wood
>The only thing that is a bit weird is that it sometimes randomly unmounts/mounts itself in my phone.
you are not the only one but it is not a big deal I think it happens few times a day at most (personally I only put music there)
Hudson Jackson
Looks as legit as american politics
Ayden Allen
Yea but 99 cent is much more less than 9$ and a backup mouse which is has a good sensor and good DPI for 99cents is great
Ryan Reyes
it's perfect
Ryan Morgan
How come this doesn't yield me any (You)'s, it's funny dammit. It also cost me €0,79, so I was at least expecting about 3 or 4 (You)'s.
Thank you mate, even if i get scammed paypal has my back so it worth a shot
Josiah Miller
My RFID protection/card slide wallet arrived. It works fine but the leather isn't very nice and the mechanism isn't always quite smooth. My brother has the Secrid wallet it's based on, the mechanism feels a little nicer on that but this one isn't bad by any means either and costs much less. I rate 8/10.
Asher Young
What is it? Energy drink? Also barely noticed the blurred out fingers, try taking that pic again with a lighter background.
Gavin Adams
>no free shipping
Parker Morris
>shipping raises the price over $1 Nice try.
Dylan Jackson
The mixza 8GB is 3.44$ so i think its is legit, if not then paypal dispute
So far out of the 40+ items i ordered only 1 bluetooth speaker was a scam but paypal refunded me so its okay
Brandon Allen
I drank it when I made that pic... Not going to buy a new one as the ROI is quite bad.
Joseph Thomas
Once I switched over to the velvet ear pads, it's soooo good. Pleather pads made my ears sweat so bad.
These phones got great bass, great overall tone, really happy with it.. Better than the Sony MDR-150s I had.
Landon Anderson
Is the person that makes the randomizer still in the thread? It would be really cool if you select a category (though I don't know how much effort it'd be to sort through all the entries if they're not already categorized).
Jackson Jones
Report-button would be nice too for dead links.
Zachary Scott
if you could select*
Asher Richardson
and NSFW switch
Henry Jackson
Then it's no longer random.
I like this idea.
Don't be a pussy.
Isaac Peterson
Or unfunny shit nobody's ever going to buy.
Austin White
you mean a [both] / [only NSFW] switch right
Leo Evans
That's subjective.
Nathan Martin
pls respond
Leo Parker
Noah Watson
Samuel Gonzalez
Liam Foster
I don't know
Ian Allen
Could you repeat the question?
Connor Gomez
Can someone tell me how hard it'd be to make Android Nougat work on pic related? It has Android 4.4 preinstalled so I would have a starting point.. if I'm honest I have no idea how mobile OS work compared to PCs, but there should be some kind of underlying firmware or drivers so that when I install Android Nougat it should work with just some functions missing, shouldn't it?
Jason Bell
if you look it up on ebay there is one for about 5.50 usd
Charles Peterson
>Can someone tell me how hard it'd be to make Android Nougat work on pic related very None of the drivers are open source 4.4 to 7.0 would be too big of a jump to use old stuff Probably won't even get it to boot Don't bother desu
Landon Cooper
Is this the best time to buy Mi Band 2?
Will price rise? Drop?
Austin Rivera
More like cancerous, fuck off with your unfunny baby cars and tail butt plugs.
Wyatt Allen
is that Switzerland?
Luke Sullivan
Yeah i remember that, had a pleasant kek from it
No idea dude, maybe this (You) will make someone else jump on the question, i mean it's more expensive but just compare specs to get a preliminary feel for which one is better.
Kayden Ward
I think it will drop desu, at least i hope so
Charles Nelson
>Drop? they'll only go down once the demand drops off
Asher Perry
Just get source code and and compile Nougat. >MTK Nevermind.
Jaxon Gutierrez
well if I buy 1000 pieces of this phone I guess I can expect them to give me the drivers can't I?
How many code monkeys do I need to get it running? 1 guy from Sup Forums for a weekend or 100 chink slaves for half a year?
Hunter Bell
Link to page?
Juan Morales
You're not the boss of me now.
Thomas Young
>well if I buy 1000 pieces of this phone I guess I can expect them to give me the drivers can't I? lol no >1 guy from Sup Forums for a weekend or 100 chink slaves for half a year? for completely random phones a team of devs from XDA would probably need month
Sebastian Mitchell
Cheapest I can find atm is $34 Found it any cheaper by chance?
But will demand drop? I read they had to double to production but that they still cannot keep up.
Jason Hernandez
>I read they had to double to production but that they still cannot keep up. it will eventually but you might need to wait like half a year