Install gentoo

install gentoo

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Install Gentoo


Done, now what?


reinstall gentoo

Inbstall Bentoo :DDDDDDDDDDDD da best linsux, AMIRITE GUYSE? :^)))])))

why? it's up and running now, why reinstall?
Sup Forums is truly underage now. Going to learn some german, later fags

you can join our sikrit club in IRC

you just fell for the lamest meme in Sup Forums history
congratulation you're a true retard


Joke's on you, I'm using it since 2014. Absolutely superior package management (not like apt/aptitude/yum/dnf bullshit), pleasant environment that's not overwriting configs like arch, limitless possibility of customization coupled with sane defaults... I just don't understand why gentoo is a meme.
Probably because 90% of you is not able to follow simple instructions.
which one, #gentoo channel indicated on the official wiki?


installieren gentoo

...and, the most important thing: no systemd.



gentoo more like gaytoo, am i right?

install Botnet 10

It's not a meme, but consumer newfags think it is.

Gonna do a full backup then I'm replacing Arch with Gentoo :^)

>not Funtoo
>>Sup Forums

Funtoo is shit. I used it for a couple of months, and there is literally no advantage on gentoo.


Maki endorses gentoo

If you can give an advantage, I'll switch. No, the binary kernel isn't an advantage; it's haram.

and yet another reason to stay away from it folks