

Even Sup Forums can make a logo without having to indulge in copyright infringement.

Kek'd. Almost as funny as Debian being sued by Pixar for their logo being Buzz's chin swirl.

wtf i hate linux now
Windows 10 doesn't make that shit

nin literally encourages people to torrent their music and they posted all their music to youtube on purpose so I suspect they won't care about the manjaro logo

Nor would they care about Linux, much like any sane person.

I just installed it, excited as fuck to be honest.

How secure is it?

As secure as you make it yourself.

What would you suggest to make it secure?

Well, their SSL certificates on their website expired soooo

Crypt HDD

Why you need it so superdupersecure?
If you're a tinfoilhat go get Tails.

I just installed this distro myself, and i got to say. Everything just fucking works.


Manjaro is not a very cool OS.

The fuck you mean not a very cool OS?

It doesn't really do anything Arch doesn't do except give you packages a week late

To prove I do know what Manjaro is, here's a scrot. I actually use Manjaro to access my payroll for work but it is not very cool.

You run distros in vmware, you're not actually using it as an OS in my opinion.

Why would you log into vmware from a windows machine to access your payroll?

reminds me of the spurb logo

only the freetard version of java seems to work right because the website is really old and using the latest java makes it complain about security certificate problems that I can't be assed to make go away.

Why doesn't using an OS in vmware count as using it? It serves a purpose and to be fair it does it fine, but there's no reason to use it over Arch.

I like it. I prefer xfce to gnome so I like it better than Fedora.

For me, only Fedora and Manjaro actually work/ez to tweak. I've had issues with every other major distro (except gentoo and arch, way too lazy to try them),

Give me a reason to use arch over manjaro?
>a week late updates
Who gives a flying shit?

>Give me a reason to use arch over manjaro?
Do you want tacos made by an authentic Mexican chef or tacos made by a guy that read that chef's blog?

Im afraid to post screenfetch because i actually put real name as username, can't really figure out a way to change it.

>Would you like your pizza made from Dominos when Pizza is actually italian.

Stop with the autism please, be real.

It's just an arch installer, no hassle. Nothing wrong with the os.

I'd prefer real pizza to Domino's, sure.

also it's NOT just an Arch installer. In fact you can't even guarantee the packages from Arch are 100% binary compatible with Manjaro packages - I remember reading this before.

If you want an Arch installer, look at Architect or something. Even Antergos is closer to what you describe, though it does add in one non-official repository for convenience. But it uses the actual Arch repos unlike Manjaro.

# usermod -l newname oldname

usermod user xxxx is currently used by process.

I've "tested" all the proper manjaro editions and all the community ones too.
The two I've liked the most were the deepin and jwm editions.
I tired to use majaro + deepin as my main os, but failed on me after some updates, after a week, but if we overlook this little fuckup, it was working perfectly.
The problem with the jwm edition was that I couldn't get my touchpad to work properly and i gave up after a hour, and went back to ubuntu.

Manjaro masterrace reporting in

Less secure than vanilla Arch. Manjaro does their regular syncs to the unstable branch. This includes security updates to already 'stable' packages. Arch doesn't do this all daily approves syncs that aren't undergoing testing in their upstream. So while Arch's packages are secure with the latest relevant updates applied, Manjaro users are waiting for the latest security to exit testing before it's applied to weak packages.

well guess you don't know the band all that well

These statements are correct

t. Arch User