/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

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first for apt is shit

>can't remove orphaned packages
>lol you didn't specify each and every single dependancies
Debibabbies are literally like BSD cucks in denial

Pic related

Guys I already tried Debian, it failed
Tried arch, I myself failed
Tried Debian again with rufus and I failed at this point because the base system will not install.

Pls help. I would install Gentoo but I would not survive at this moment of my endevour.

Excuse me, allow me to interject. 'apt-get remove/purge/autoremove meta-package-name' doesn't work because meta-packages mark all their dependencies as manually installed. And by dependencies, I mean all the packages which the meta-package installs with it. When you remove, purge, or autoremove the meta-package, literally solely the meta-package is removed, and non of the dependencies are.

So, for example, by doing 'apt-get remove/purge/autoremove gnome-core' you aren't really removing anything that the gnome-core meta-package installed, besides the meta-package gnome-core itself. You need a stupid snippet like this:

apt remove $(apt-cache depends gnome-core | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr '\n' ' ')

which will list all the dependencies and uninstall them "manually," so to speak.

Just posting this in the new thread

Think of a ""package manager"" that you use
If using 25 y/o ancient garbage like apt:
>Install gnome-core
gnome-contacts is installed

>remove gnome-core
>gnome-contacts is not removed


If using a newer, smarter package manager:
#pacman -Rns gnome
#dnf autoremove gnome

Move on...

>Guaranteed buttravaged debqueens are going to post nonsense to this post

>apt remove $(apt-cache depends gnome-core | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr '\n' ' ')

>Spoonfeeding this hard

It's true, apt is a dumb shit, confirmed

I'd just use sudo yum autoremove gnome

Consider suicide.

Allow me to interject for a moment, what you are referring to as a base system install failure, is, in fact, known as base system install failure/faggot denial service. Or as I have taken to calling it, get out of my Sup Forums newfag.

Sent from my iPhone

>we told you it's shit

I thought rufus was only on windows
now rufus doesn't list my flash drive...

>apt remove $(apt-cache depends gnome-core | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr '\n' ' ')
So each time I want a package ""actually"" removed, I have to issue that long ass command?

>How to remove geany:
apt remove $(apt-cache depends deluge | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr '\n' ' ')


LMAO may be bacuse your debian is shit

jeez, all these pajeets defending debian - quite hillarious


>So each time I want a package ""actually"" removed, I have to issue that long ass command?
Only metapackags, which afaik are mostly only desktop environments.

>How to remove geany: ...
geany isn't a metapackage, friend. Normal packages mark their dependencies as automatically installed, so they don't have the shit quirk of metapackages.

No, only for meta-packages like gnome-core

Way to trigger the SJWs of Linux community

Scrot isn't a dependancy to screenfetch
Mpv is not a dependancy to smplayer
Firefox/Chromium is not a dependancy to gnome

I have apache2 set up with mod_wsgi and some python powered sites on a laptop server. Working fine, python sites loading and running... I reboot and then mod_wsgi starts throwing errors that it can't find any python modules. They're installed with pip but it won't find them. Install them with apt-get and it starts working.


apt-cache depends gnome-core | awk -F: '{printf $2}'

Please guys. Yes I am I Indian but I got this Thinkpad from my father for my 18th birthday last week and he says he will return it if I cannot figure it out. He says he will get me a galaxy instead which would be okay because I have old Samsung S3 but please.

How do I fix Debian failure to install base system?? I am installing from USB with Rufus but I also have a CD just in case.

What is the failure??

I have my debian on /dev/sdb2. I wanna shrink sdb1 and make sdb2 bigger. Should I move the partition to front or can I just increase the size forward?

Shut it down

Gparted shohuld do everythong automatically.

If you are new, throw debian into trash and get ubuntu. Then start using fedora/opensuse/arch/funtoo

Ok ignore that
I have rufus working on another pc
what settings should I use for it?
is pic related ok?

But Snowden uses Debian and my friend talked to him and I want to be successful.


oh god this will take forever

Snowden is using Tails.

I extracted a distro iso, so i can add things to it.
I cant seem to find a way to extract the squashf image.I've tried using unsquasfs but it dosent seem to want to extract it

Does anyone have a Blue Snowball microphone and able to get it working in Linux? I've googled for a couple days and nothing. Running Manjaro btw.

Are u one of those 1337 haxorzz?

Oh and it's not detected in pavucontrol or alsamixer

Please avoid using the term “google” as a verb, meaning to search for something on the internet. “Google” is just the name of one particular search engine among others. We suggest to use the term “search the web” or (in some contexts) just “search”. Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy.

I can't resize my / logical partition with OS on it (arch linux, ext4) Should I do it with some kind of a live cd?

Daily reminder that Linux is nonfree software, which includes a high amount of binary-only code. It does not only violate the users freedom, but also decreases security.

>Debian/apt shitfest
Should I actually get fedora or RHEL dev edition?

You should learn to ignore advices from 12 year old kids on the internet and install a quality distro such as Debian. There's a reason why so many people create forks of it.

why do people call XFCE xfeces?

Seems very fast, minimal and looks really nice with the usual arc+numix theme.

Really doubting my DE choice sometimes, when I see people shitting on it all the time, but I haven't found another one so far, that convinced me as much.

Also does a compositor like compton introduce any kind of frame delay, while it's active?

>There's a reason why so many people create forks of it.
They are forking ubuntu, not debian. Also I actually think they have a fair point

>They are forking ubuntu, not debian.
While it isn't true (most distros fork Debian), you also forget that Ubuntu is also a fork of Debian.

who else is forking ubuntu? only know about mint and trisquel

What do I need to fix pic related?
Here is my .Xresources (without the color definitions):
xterm*VT100.geometry: 85x25
xterm*faceName: Terminus:style=Regular:size=10
xterm*dynamicColors: true
xterm*utf8: 2
xterm*eightBitInput: true
xterm*saveLines: 512
xterm*scrollKey: true
xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
xterm*scrollBar: false
xterm*rightScrollBar: true
xterm*jumpScroll: true
xterm*multiScroll: true
xterm*toolBar: false

Around 50 more distros

such as?

>many people create forks of it.
Why? Isn't debian a ""quality distro""?

man firefox


XTerm*utf8: 1
XTerm*locale: 1

>firefox is a fork of ubuntu

you are dumb

Tried it, doesn't work.
I have the same problem in my tty's.

He could be a smart 15 year old.

quick question, I'm currently setting up LXDE on arch.

have to write exec startlxde in ~/.xinitrc
was wondering how to save it and get back

But he failed to be so, like you

Install a proper login manager

Please keep this general satiated with only high quality posts, kid.

Maybe it's your locale. Try running:
LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 xterm
Just to see what xterm does.

sorry im not into kde/gnome

You don't get to call people that are older than you "kid". Epic meme btw, saved. Now go back to

responding shitposting with shitposting

I will call anybody less muscularly developed a kid

you need unicode locale
post output of
$ locale -a
$ locale

Glad I am not a musclehead

It says
Warning: couldn't find charset data for locale en_US.UTF=8; using ISO 8859-1.

and now it displays pic related instead of d's.

$ locale -a
$ locale

Hello guys, Kali linux as main OS guy here again.

Now i want to make a peristant USB instead, anyone got a guide for how to do it from Windows?

I want to use Cinnamon on my laptop, so should I install Ubuntu then install Cinnamon or just install Mint?
I'm currently using Ubuntu+Cinnamon on my desktop and I'm unsure if Mint has anything to offer

Mint if you don't support jews

It's decided. Mint will be installed.

Bye and have a nice day user

locale is fine
is xterm compiled with unicode support?

So, I have a Y700 and decided to convert full time.

I chose Ubuntu-MATE, but for some reason I feel like the battery drains somewhat faster.

I also haven't been able to get the subwoofer to work and could only google unsuccessful stories.

Can someone shed some light?

install gentoo

It's probably not.
Is it possible to use unicode in a tty?

Should I just use urxvt?

You can use terminal emulators for the linux framebuffer such as fbterm which supports unicode


i got gparted running a job and it's gonna take 5 hours

after like 10 minutes the display turns off, which is fine. will the live image continue and not put itself to sleep or turn itself off?

>5 hours
nigga what?
>you will have to see if your system goes to sleep after X minutes. Your monitor is most likely turning off from no use, and unless you have it set to sleep

Resizing a 500gb partition to 300gb, resizing a 120gb partition to 320gb, moving data on a 5.2k rpm hdd

use mbr if you are using bios or have legacy boot selected in your uefi use gpt if you only have uefi enabled

How does one actually do a screenfetch in Manjaro?

I have a flash drive formatted with ubunto using rufus.
The grub in manjaro doesnt recognize it
What should i do?

>this post
average manjaro user

Hey guys, I'm kind of stumped and could really use a hand.

Icedove (Thunderbird) on my Debian Testing desktop doesn't seem to be working. It was working just fine a week ago or so, I'm not sure if some update introduced a bug or if it's something wrong on my config's end.

I'm using 3 Gmail accounts that are sync'd to Icedove, via IMAP. Everytime I try to load them, I get a notification saying Failed to connect to server [email-here]. When attempting to purge and start adding them one by one, I can't get the OAuth2 window to give me the Google sign-in, it's just blank, and I can't copy the URL. I suspect the problem has something to do with that?

When I use Icedove with the exact same settings on my laptop with Debian Sid, I have no issue, it works fine.

What would you guys advice? Disable OAuth2 and try normal passwords, or what?

Hilarious, you couldn't make this shit up.

Why the fuck won't Gentoo install

I spent an hour and a half meticulously following the guide on their wiki. Configured and compiled the kernel myself (and I know I didn't fuck it up because I've done it many times before on CRUX), configured locales, timezones, installed GRUB2, no errors. Reboot, get a kernel panic about "unable to mount root fs 0 0".

Fuck I'm mad. I'm at least glad I did this on a VM to see if it was a meme or not first.

Just confirmed, the problem is with OAuth2. Adding email accounts with OAuth2 enabled results in me getting a blank window when I'm supposed to confirm the sign in. Using normal passwords (and enabling "less secure apps" in Gmail's settings) does the trick.

Does anyone know what could be wrong with OAuth2? How can I test if it's something on my end or if it's a bug in Testing that I should report? Like I said, on my laptop running Sid it works fine.

Anyone here running Debian Testing that could check if OAuth2 also gives you issues with Gmail? I would hugely appreciate it

Can anyone recommend a book that provides a good guide guide to the modern GNU/Linux OS? I'm looking for something I can read over a couple months and hopefully come out with a much better understanding of how the OS works.

install gentoo


APT wants to remove libreoffice-gtk pulseaudio-module-udev pulseaudio-module-x11 how do I know if it's cool? I've searched for details on the packages but I don't know how to tell if they're actually obsolete or if APT will take away my virginity

Got a new laptop and I'm trying to install Ubuntu but every time I get to the end of the installation process it gives a fatal error saying that Grub can't be installed. I'm not really sure what to do but everything I have tried already hasn't cut it.

It's an Acer with W10 pre-installed.


Looks life you didn't compile your filesystem or the modules necessary for your drives.

People are using Windows.
People will install Mint.
People love trash.


the real question is, why mint when there is good ol' noobuntu?

neve rmind I found about the apt changelog command

It's a package recommendation.


I'm tired of Thunar being a buggy piece of trash, what's a good file manager to replace it with?