There is no reason to use Linux when BSD exists

There is no reason to use Linux when BSD exists

>Stallman is a marxist
>Stallman has never installed GNU/Linux
>developers hate the GPL
>Linux is not a desktop OS
>you don't own your code
>millions of distros
>no official flavor
>huge security risk

Grown men are using an objectively worse OS because anime memes tell them to

Other urls found in this thread:

>There is no reason to use X when Y exists

They're not the same thing, stop comparing them. It's like comparing windows to solaris, it's a pretty bad comparison to make. Linux is worlds different from BSD.

There's no reason to drink water when bleach exists.

Plan 9 mastrer race

more like,,,
ther eis no reason to use bsd when windows exist


>Plan 9

Do they even still develop this? I thought it died decades ago.

>>Stallman is a marxist
>>Stallman has never installed GNU/Linux
He did create it, though, and he did explain why he's never installed it in the video you're probably quoting.
>>developers hate the GPL
They do?
>>Linux is not a desktop OS
It's a computer kernel.
>>you don't own your code
Yeah I do.
>>millions of distros
>>no official flavor
>>huge security risk

I like many of those distros.

I used RHEL/CentOS at work so I often find myself using Fedora at home to get a feel for what is to come while having a very competent OS to use everyday.

you think Linux is not ready for desktop and freeBSD is???


Linux is an OS too

Well... 9front but it's purely hobbyist.

>Stallman is a marxist
who would care of a software developer's thoughts on means of productions

could you link the video


yes stallman created GNU/Linux, even the kernel

fuck stallfags are cancer

I'm sure that Karl Marx would never use GNU+Linux. He would write some articles that supports why GNU+Linux will success and why proletarians should use it, but he would write those articles on the Microsoft Words.



Stallman's idea of an "operating system" is a fucking magtape, which modernly would be considered a travesty not even useful as a netboot image.

>his OS has a retarded cartoon mascot

is there a better sign of autism?

Any open source Unix based OS is the future!

Of course there is. I didn't choose my OS based on the mascot and I didn't choose the mascot for my OS.

Applel user priorities are a funny thing

>A person who shares ideas similar to the socialist philosophy except when it comes to expressive works
>Has always had other people help set up GNU/Linux for him
>only because they aren't laywers, have never read the GPL throughly and always think of money
>linux can be used for a desktop with a non-unix userspace built for it if you wish
>optional, but constantly spread throughout as a requirement
>it's the only way to clear up copyright if something switches to a new license
>99% of them being ubuntu reskins
>it's a fucking kernel
>he doesn't use musl or uclibc

>not using static linking

regards, suckless shill

>complains about people following memes
>hates systemd

Can you name one thing wrong with it OP?


I prefer to refer to it as... oh fuck it

The only OS that doesn't have a cartoon mascot is Windows, and it's shit.

It's pure cancer.

am i wrong or does statically linking force you to release shit under GPL most of the time

ITT: BSD cuckolds BTFO

I still don't see the issue with my post. I find it quite hilarious that you screencapped it though.

I find your level of denial is quite hilarious

>Nothing works
>""So what?""


>you don't own your code
But you are alright using a language to code in that isn't yours, right?

you really do love that word, autismo

>nothing works
>yet I'm able to use my machine in the exact same ways I'd use it on Linux
That's not how that works, dumbass.

>I can't even run my browser like before
""It works""

The fuck are you on about?

Why is Sup Forums filled with the new kind of hipsters?
>Wake up in the morning
>Go back to the terminal you left open last night for increased uptime and powerlevel

>It's Void Linux with no Xorg

>Runit instead of Systemd
>LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL
>Clang instead of GCC
>Musl instead of glibc or
>Uclibc instead of libc
>Busybox instead of coreutils
>ZSH instead of bash
>rEFIt instead of grub
>Patrician ed instead of nano
>Screeny instead of screenfetch
>Wicd instead of Network Manager
>Organic water instead of tap water

>Compile herbslutwm and install vivaldi
>Go to Sup Forums, browse /soc/

>Manages to chat with a "fem"user
>"What do you do in leisure?"
>My choices of entertainment are somewhat recherché
>"Tell me more"
>Eat no proteins, only dead, organic vegetables
>I prefer Ballad to what you call "mainstream songs"
>I don't like smokers, I prefer vaping, guilty charged
>I own a Penny-farthing vélocipède for transportation
>femanon freaks out and stops responding

>Fuck systemd botnet
>Fuck bash, noob
>Fuck GNU
>lol are you still using gcc in $currentyear?
>I personally use BSD for my primary operating system
>Muh Unix
>Muh philosophy


>screencaps his own posts
can't make this shit up folks

How's opera running on your shit?

BSD has no drivers

lol do you really think he's the opera user

good god you're delusional

Can't run it since they dropped the Linux compat layer. Switched to SeaMonkey, no big deal. Yes I'd prefer to use Opera, but I'm happier that they dropped the Linux layer. I'm lucky I was able to run it at all given I use an OS Opera never supported.

epik meme

You really like that word, autismo

at least i use it correctly

literally every single time i saw you use the word denial, you never used it correctly

fuck off, ESL

>Can't even run opera
>It works gus, I swear


>Can you name one thing wrong with it OP?

Different user here, but I'll take a swing.

If you try to mount something listed in fstab manually and it fails systemd's logic then it doesn't try to mount it at all. For example, an inconsistent raid array with mount -o degraded. No solution but to remove the fstab entry. No good reason for the init daemon to be involved.

Systemd also kills user processes when they log out, regardless of the user preferences or process statuses (eg nohup, screen, etc). You have to configure it on both the user end and the systemd end to gain this functionality back. No good reason for the init daemon to be involved.

Syslog non-crash proof binary logging. No good reason for the init daemon to be involved.

There are other specific complaints like those above, but over all the biggest issue is their approach to integration. If your existing daemon isn't re-written to be compatible with systemd and it's interfaces, they replace it by writing a new one into systemd (which in turn breaks even more things directly and indirectly).

>he really wants proprietary software
but hey cuck license xD

>expecting an OS to run software that doesn't support the OS
How fucking retarded are you?

what year is it?

You really like that word, autismo

>You can't use Opera
>"he's not the opera user"
>Can't use Opera

Legit kek

>There is no reason to use Linux when BSD exists
At least I can use Opera on LInux

True though

BSD license is the cuckest of the cuck license but I don't even care Because the OS is so shit

>is there a better sign of autism?

I will concur that these are all good ideas.

>LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL
More likely to be maintained outside of a US corporate environment.
>Busybox instead of coreutils
idk, seems interesting, Why?
>ZSH instead of bash
ZSH tab completion is worth it's weight in gold.
>Wicd instead of Network Manager
It is a superior program in every sense of the word. More information about the state of the network and a comfier GUI.

>>There is no reason to use Linux when BSD exists
Why are you quoting me? I'm not OP, you fucking shitstain.

Are you capable of anything other than spewing shit-tier memes?

>epik meme

Does it have drivers for OpenMEME?

remember when he was trying to force the "theo hacks keyboards xD" meme

He does tho :^^)

its pasta tho

You're as capable of using Google as I am, you pathetic sack of shit.

Yeah, it's amazing how someone actually has so little of a life they have nothing better to do than shit the discussion of technology on a technology board.

500ml of organic water has been refilled in your reclyclable water bottle, hippie

>lol i'll post an article from a guy who said netbsd was dead and worthless then a few articles later he claims he donated to them xD

Google says it doesn't have drivers for it, autistic cuckold

actually oh my god that makes me realize that you really ARE here every day to shitpost

what a sad, meaningless existence

Let me post more

I live to cuck your threads, m8

Then the fuck are you asking me for, shit spewer?

"Over the years, I've become convinced that the BSD license is great for code you don't care about," - Linus Torvalds.

>I live to cuck your threads
yeah, and it's pretty sad

i'm sure your parents are proud of you though

I didn't ask anything.

BSD has no drivers

Oh great, the other BSD shitposter's here.

I actually started using OpenBSD because it had better driver support for my laptop than Linux or even Windows.

>freetards unironically trying to use proprietary software compatibility as an argument for GNU/Linux
all my keks

can we put a screencap of this thread up on the Wikipedia article for straw grasping?

Heck, even I am proud of myself

>I actually started using OpenBSD because it had better driver support for my laptop than Linux or even Windows.
That's the 44th time you made this vague claim

Where is muh nvdiya drivers?

>lol the BSD license is for cucks, GPL is much better!
>lol OpenBSD doesn't have proprietary drivers and software xD
i mean, if his goal was to make freetards look retarded, then he's doing great

>proprietary software compatibility
Qbittorrent is not proprietary

then go port if if you want it so much

enjoy fucking around with cmake



literally has nothing to do with the argument, but ok

>Mainstream shit doesn't work
>P-Port it urself

God, why is BSD so shit?

lol ok

if you want it so badly go on the mailing lists and ask there ;^)

>That's the 44th time you made this vague claim
It's not really vague when I've explained it all multiple times. I'm not going to bother every single time just because you're shitposting again.

Dude lol ur liek a brokin rekord I bet u have like 2 stories that u tell everyone and yer mom apologizes to peeple and says its been such a burdon my son has the aspergers T.T

Are you saying utorrent (which is more mainstream) will work on BSD?

>the worst tripfag on Sup Forums can't even English
Why am I not surprised?

does it work in any linux distro that isn't debian?


it may run on freebsd under the emulation layer, but that's a shit solution to run shit software

user, will my realtek sound card work on BSD? It has a non-free driver for Linux atm

>but this one thing that was mentioned isn't proprietary
then why the fuck don't you just build it from source? are you too dumb to work a compiler?

>does it work in any linux distro that isn't debian?
See 6

See >You're as capable of using Google as I am, you pathetic sack of shit.

>On the desktop

How more hipster can you get? FreeBSD still uses GNOME 2 and KDE 3 right?

>have to use shitty hacked together stuff from aur, which has even LESS auditing than BSD ports ever will
why am i not surprised that you're an arch user, too

>it may run on freebsd


>everyone's a hipster xDDDD
Drop the shitty memes already.

You're missing your smug girl to complete your meme, if you need to use a meme answer because you can't make an argument at least do it right.

>have to use shitty hacked together stuff from from some random basement dwelling neckbeard, which has even LESS auditing than AUR ports ever will
why am I not surprised you are that same NEET that can't capitalize "I"?

It's just simply amazing how hostile a technology board can be to technology discussion. Every time you shitposters show up you baffle me.

Not even memeing BSD just literally is not a desktop

Its like if you tried using OpenVMS as your desktop OS

See Retarded inbred