Why does g think vishera was shit?

Why does g think vishera was shit?
It was incredible value and I hope zen is the same, you could buy an fx8320 for almost 60aud less than an i5 3460, or an fx6300 for ~10aud less than the i3 3220, and they have much better multithread performance.

AMD fx processors like fx6300 aged much better than the dual core i3 they were priced against, in well multithreaded applications and titles, the fx6300 could trade blows with the Ivy bridge i5 and the fx 8350 could trade blows with the Ivy bridge and Sandy bridge I7s.

Intel btfo

>better multithread performance.
Which doesn't help the average gamer faggot on Sup Forums.

It does now

How do people openly display their sexuality and get their freak on without any regard to decency? People are degenerate as hell

back in the 60s, the hippie and swinger culture was considered degenerate, then disco, grunge... What you consider as offensive is freedom to another, yet familiary breeds vulgarity. You could attribute that beyond information to globalisation and "métissage" which is some blending of cultures across borders. Haters gonna hate, it's just a dynamic as any other.

Fx6300 was insane value since it was also unlocked.

Cheaper than an i3 but able to rival an i5 from the same gen

Because it couldn't run skyrim at 140 frames per second

Wtf i hate intel now!

Where did this meme come from?

I would not argue that individuals who openly display their sexuality, more commonly online nowadays, are degenerate per se.

However, I would admit, it is damn fun watching them burn when records of their actions are leaked.

Don't deny that watching their videos is fun too

>buy product
>enjoy shit performance and more power consumption for 4 years

FX8320 here. Still great and no need to upgrade.

I'll probably skip Zen.

First saw it on Sup Forums

AMD being bad for gaming is an Intel marketing meme.

amd is worse than intel when it comes to same gpu benchmarks

It's also a lot cheaper and still fast enough when it comes to actual gaming instead of looking at benchmark numbers.

oh i know

i'm just saying that amd is worse comparatively and has no high end, and their low end isn't worth buying

their newest chips are like 3-4 years old now aren't they? like come on lol

They still perform great in games. I'm on a FX8320 and I've not run into a game that wouldn't run good so far.
Also gigantic overclocking potential. I've tried for shits and giggles and went from 3.5GHz to 4.4GHz stable. Haven't tried higher because I don't really need to and I don't want to damage it.

I'd still recommend it if Zen wasn't right around the corner.

My penis!

fx6350 here, 4.2GHz.

Will probably upgrade my cooler and increase my oc soon, and upgrade to zen+ or whatever Intel has.

My AMD Radeon HD7970 and 8350 stock clocks still kicks ass at vide. rendering.

she's a fucking biter :3

>sli 980ti
Absolutely no one has an AMD setup with those GPU's

Find another doom vulkan benchmark for the CPU then, and don't forget to post it here

Again, I seriously doubt 6300 owners can afford 4 months salary to buy a 1070, but whatever.

>4 months salary
I use an fx6350 and I can buy a 1070 right now if I wanted too.

Waiting for 490 to come out before upgrading from my gtx 680, since pascal doesn't seem to scale as well at dx12 compared to polaris, so vega should be even better.

>tfw 6300 owner
Feels adequate, man