Why aren't you using the C programming language to develop all your applications?

Why aren't you using the C programming language to develop all your applications?

riko > maki

Because I don't use an outdated programming language

can't do function composition, GADT, currying, partial application, etc.

because for Android I have to use Java, but on desktop on GNU I use C and only C

Because the only language I know is Fortran

Right tool for the right job. Everything is a tool, even OSes.

Nico = C
Maki = Rust
Kotori = VB.NET

I love you Maki!

>A thinly veiled Maki thread

live love is shit

Honoka = Perl (rule-bender, fun, slow)
Umi = FORTRAN (strict, academic)
Rin = x86 ASM (fast, incomprehensible)

Any good book to learn ?




Because I'm still using COBOL at work.

C in a Nutshell.

can u please stop sexualizing programming languages

Because I value my time.

Because you want to go as high level as you can until any aspect of your project is no longer possible, hitting the sweet spot between development time and efficiency is something Sup Forums will never understand

C is for nerds

hey guys c is fun

I love Maki!

I love her more!

>Sup Forumstards have shit taste in anime
Who would've thought

ur shit

Is this the maki thread?

Not him, but why not?