Play game

>Play game
>my screen refresh rate is 60hz, so set fps limit to 60
>later on decide to uncap fps
>fps jumps to 300
>can noticeably see the difference even though my screen is capped at 60hz

explain this phenomenon to a tech illiterate

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Did the game have double/triple buffering?
You won't be able to see more than 60fps on a 60hz screen, but you can notice the difference between 3 and 0 frames of input lag.

you are delusional.

do a double blind test


You didn't see a difference, you felt because of the reduced input lag.

If you're getting 300 vs 60, there are 4 frames before the one that is actually being shown to you vs only one at 60fps. Meaning that the higher the fps, the more recent the frames you're seeing often are, which can result in a perceivable difference.

Monitors are actually sometimes known to show slightly higher refresh rates than what are actually marketed.

Only if you over lock them.

Nah dude, you're wrong.


the game is running smoother underneath the frames that you're actually seeing.

How to cap framerate without this input lag?

Cap above the monitor's refresh rate and don't use vsync or triple buffering

The placebo effect

GunZ the duel:
the higher fps you have, the more fucked up the game is.

Game at 700 fps is not the same game as it is in 300 fps.

Does anyone still play this? Really brings back memories

This, OP. It's why the controls feel more responsive at really high frame-rates.

Fuck that game was the best.
Shame they removed butterfly from gunz 2, what's the point....?

Isn't there an attempt to get the original running again?
Best explanation I got for ya

Some monitors have a secret 75fps mode that gets unlocked in various ways.

God damnit stop using a fucking name faggot. I have seen you everywhere.

It's the input lag. You should always cap FPS to around 2x your refresh rate to minimize this.

I hope so.... I'm on a bus heading home from work now so I'll have a Google when I'm back, heard of something ¿

Not many players unfortunately

Input lag can be a difference. Depending on your monitor though you can probably notice a difference between your GPU trying to force a sync of 60 frames to the exact refresh rate of your monitor. Which is probably the lag. That's why gsync and free sync cost so much.

It's called feedback, you don't seen more frames but your actions are read and send faster, thus creating better response.

Freestyle gunz is fairly alive, usually has 300 players concurrent. Shame about the BRs though

I fucking hate that tripfag

>Play game
>screen is 60hz
>remove v-sync
>tearing t///ring ///ng//te
>the jew want me to get a g-sync monitor
>the poo want me to get their shit first and then buy a freesync monitor.

Fuck it, i stay capped at 60

Yeah, one "secret" way ist to reduce the resolution.

he's a disgusting lardass. and ugly

60FPS = 16.666.. ms per frame
300FPS = 3.333.. ms per frame

do you know what screen tearing /is/?
each 'tear' indicates a new frame which is overwriting the previous one, so by the time your LCD displays a new frame, what you get is a mix of old and new frames, where with vsync/capping, you get only the oldest, as in that mode, once a frame is created, the program waits until the screen is ready for a new frame

so yes, with higher frame rates you actually do see newer information earlier than you would when vsynced/capped, this means lower latency between an event occuring and you being able to see that event

Not OP, but nice and clear explanation. Thank you.

Input lag matters alot for fps games. Since i turned off vsync in tf2 i barely ever miss and the turning is very smooth.

capped FPS opens a can of worms on it's own.

at 60fps each frame takes around 16.667 ms to render. Rendering each frame takes different amount of time. even if a rolling average stats 60fps it's really bouncing between 16.7ms, 10ms, 24ms, 18ms, etc...

at uncapped 300 fps each frame is rendered as fast as possible at around 3.334 ms. It could bounce anywhere between 3.4ms, 3ms, 10ms, to 16.67 ms and you would still be rendering a new frame each refresh cycle on your monitor.

Uncapped FPS is preferred if you are on desktop. If you get tearing you can try to raise graphics to lower the fps without capping it. You can also enable super sampling and choose a higher resolution to dump frames while also making your game look better.

On a laptop capping is preferred to save battery or generate less heat.

If everything you say is 100% reliable, then the answer is that setting the cap at 60 is making it occasionally drop below 60. Because of this, I generally set the cap 10fps or so of what I want to actually hit. Keeping it uncapped just makes your GPU work harder for no reason, but capping at 60 can mean dropped frames below 60. 70 or 80 is a good number for 60hz monitors.

tripcodes != names

freesync is actually open unlike its competitor, and thus has been made to work with nvidia hardware. It doesn't work the other way around. Always support AMD software, even if you have an nvidia GPU. They respect your freedom a lot more than nvidia ever will.

Double blind tests prove to be worse for delusional people because, if they do not expect what they should be experiencing, sometimes they do not experience anything at all

>you didn't see
>you felt
i felt it in my left knee. wtf dude

What game

impersonate him you retard

/^(?!Anonymous$)/ in your 4chanX name filter

This is the answer. The content isn't smoother, it just has less input lag.

reading some of the replies itt made me moderately depressed.

underage faggots that play gaymes all day and still don't know how any of it works.
"you didn't see it but you felt it"
fuck this place.