What does Sup Forums use virtual machines for?
>I use mine for porn
What does Sup Forums use virtual machines for?
>I use mine for porn
Other urls found in this thread:
Datacenters, servers, studying purposes.
>Datacenters, servers, studying purposes.
Running Windows on my Linux dev machine so I can extract libraries from proprietary IDE's like Atmel Studio and Code Composer Studio.
to run suspicious software
browse porn with no adblocker
running Office 16 in Linux.
browsing dangerous websites
watching dangerous videos
testing dangerous files
developing stuff for different platforms
pretending i'm getting work done
I run my home server in a VM on my workstation.
>browse porn with no adblocker
why would you do this
I have to use a XP virtual machine because my scanner has no windows 7 drivers. canon sucks dicks.
Work. Namely as sandboxed VPN client and for software that isn't available on Linux -- see: MS Office.
Why is everyone assuming that the your data is isolated from danger just because you're using a VM?
because it is?
Because if you're not an incompetent cuck, your VM won't have any way to interact with its host machine.
What does being a cuck have to do with your ability to properly configure a virtual machine?
it's too hard to configure a .vmx file while watching your wife get fucked by a grizzly bear.
Running Windows software here and there and trying out different operating systems. When I build my next computer I'm replacing my desktop with a VM server
sony is retarded so i need to use a windows vm to upgrade my camera's firmware
why not just use a dedicated machine though? With no hypervisor?
I use mine for Windows
I use mine for learning how to GNU/Linux and to dick around with NeXTSTEP.
>>browse porn with no adblocker
>why would you do this
>in a VM
get off Sup Forums if you really can't figure out why you would do this.
please explain why it wouldn't be?
What DE is this?
>browsing porn without an adblocker
>at all
Why would you do this at all, even in a VM ?
Ads on porn sites are almost always obtrusive pieces of shit and/or popups, why would you willingly subject yourself to this type of annoyances while watching porn ?
I use it to keep my client data separated. I can have multiple vm's up and work on multiple things without having to keep several PC's up. Running ESXi on an old dual quad core DL380 G5 w/32GB RAM and about 1TB of RAID5 local storage.
because you can. Personally I use NoScript. It's annoying as shit to keep having to unblock urls trying to figure out which one is the right one to allow the video to start playing.
seedbox & plex
Smart user here.
You can also just use an adblocker like ublock origin. In your VM.
Alternatively, you can stop using shady ass sites.
I dont use one, I just use GNU as my main daily driver
You mean Linux.
Linux is a kernel.
I use Windows in a virtual machine with GPU passthrough so I can play muh gaymes.
Works surprisingly well if you've got the hardware.
And GNU is a set of utilities.
Do you run these utilities without a kernel ?
Testing windows updates before I actually install them, learning the ins and outs of various windows versions, testing features in MDT\WDS so I can put them into production in work
forgot image
x86 Slowlaris 10 virtualizes much better than it runs on bare metal when it comes to laptops
No I mean GNU
It's also the term used for operating systems based on said kernel.
Pretty sure you meant Linux.
GNU is actually an entire Operating System as defined by POSIX, just the whole thing isn't used generally, generally it is used on combination with the Linux kernel, the absolutely most precise way to sayvit is GNU/Linux but if you are just generalizing and wanna get straight to the point GNU is what you say, BSD users call it GNU because they recognize that a kernel is a kernel, and most of the OS is comprised of the massive GNU userland, Linux is just one part, of course one would make the argument "FREEDESKTOP SYSTEMD LOL EXTRA STUFF" But we are referring to the OS not the extra stuff that runs on top of the OS like Wayland, X, etc. just the OS itself, so in more professional situations I refer to it as GNU/Linux but overall I say GNU as that is the Operating system.
>inb4 naming controversy war
pls no
my nigga. have you posted anything? fucking CCS only has support for my tiMSP430 on windows
Nice copypasta, faggot.
did you even read it? It's my own writing, maybe the POSIX and as defined by made you think LOL STALLMAN COPYPASTA, but I advise you to use your big boy brain and actually read
I've read shit just like it far too many times. It's Linux.
no that is factually wrong you tard, Linux is a kernel, a kernel does not equate to an entire operating system, GNU is the system
>I use mine for porn
This won't stop the feds, sick pedo.
use the TWAIN shit with the 32bit version of Photoshop, it works fine.
>source I have a stupid Canon Scanner
Running stuff like
-Software that may be a virus
-Browsing deep/dark web
-running different OS's than my host OS
-running servers
-running a PokeVision mirror
For VS on my rMBP.
ubuntu is operating systm
this. cannot wait until i'm done with that gay class.
>tfw not going to a uni that uses a platform agnostic language or dev environment
You know I meant visual studio right? What class are you talking about?
i'm forced to use VS on my rMBP. I'm used to Xcode because it's literally better.
Ah mine is a work laptop so I'm forced to use VS as we use TFS integration too.
>watching dangerous videos
Looks like xfce, fampai. Custom themes are your friends.
Very practical, user. I like it.
I wish someone makes chicago95 for qt/kwin. I just can't deal with no functionality in the wm.
Linux is the term used when discussing operating systems based on the aforementioned kernel.
Mostly this.
old scanner with only 32bit drivers. install 32bit os into vm and got it working again.
General computing. Most of what I do, I do in my Linux VM. But for audio production I use my Windows host.
Why not vice versa?
For most stuff, the virtual machine performance is plenty, but for audio production I want full performance. Also, hardware.
I had to emulate a full vSphere environment for college. That's at least 5 machines. Most people probably don't have 5 spare machines lying around (at least I didn't) so that's where the VM's come in.
everyday live. xen hypervisor, debian dom0. pci-passthrough masterrace.
I use one for Japanese porn games
To able to use Visual Studio and Xamarin Forms
Sandbox, VPN, MS Office (rarely), for when I let other people use a computer of mine.
Building a monstrosity atm, when it's done there'll be (among others):
2 virtual servers (websites, VPN server, Minecraft, TS, etc)
4 VMs to rdp into for gaming
1 VM for my daily use
1 VM to handle data flow in "my" networks (every network I have a device in permanently)
Going to set up more when needed
Dev environments with Vagrant.
Why use a VM over dual-booting if you want to play vidya?
Why dualboot if you can use a VM?
When you are running things not in a VM it is faster isn't it?
If your hardware supports virtualization and you use PCIe passthrough the difference is negligible. My first gaming PC is going to be a VM server.
Do I need a GPU on a headless server if I want to virtualize a graphical operating system?
It's OpenBox + LXPanel
Only features I miss from Wondows that aren't in OB is tile snapping. Otherwise, whay's missing?
>not using libre office
shiggy diggy
No, it can easily leak out by exploiting vulnerabilities and infect the host.
Needing to use a virtual machine for porn
What? I use mine to run windows just in case I ever need it, but I don't actually have any use for it yet.
Virtualisation =/= isolation. If a hacker wanted to get to you via the virtual machine you're running, he easily could since most virtual machines need and use permissions to access the host's files.
>since most virtual machines need and use permissions to access the host's files
No they don't.
Yes they do. VMware needs permissions in order to access and move your files from the VM and the host machine. This can be easily exploitable, and this is just one example, there are more examples out there. This is why virtualisation is not an actual security feature, it's a nice convenient feature, but it's not secure.
>VMware needs permissions in order to access and move your files from the VM and the host machine
You can simply not do that, you fucking retard.
It's not an option, it needs to you moronic imbecile. It needs to use some of your files to actually run the virtual machine you colossal cock eating faggot.
I'm using a VM to have Windows in case I have to use some Windows-only crapware.
Al;so recently I made an Arch VM to learn and test luks+btrfs setup.
I thought you meant for like once the machine's running and you want to transfer files between the VM and host
I use KVM on Linux or bhyve on FreeBSD as a development server which resembles a production server.
There's also that, but that's an optional feature. Overall virtual machine software can be exploited and a hacker can, if he wanted to, infect your host machine through your virtual machine if he knows how. Which again, goes back to what I originally meant, virtualisation is not isolation.
Setup and test development environments. Sometimes I only need to use a tool for a single project which I don't need for another. This way I can keep environments independent and unbloated.
Test multiple Linux distros before completely installing them on the real machine.
Running obscure Japanese games which need Windows in Japanese locale. It's annoying to keep switching locales in a real computer, and I don't want to unstabilize the host with shitty programs.
virtualisation can be isolation. not every vm needs access the hosts FS, though the FS is most often not the security factor.
I run a few pokemon go bots, on a win 10 wm.
And I have some other vms set up to use certain files that could be a bit risky
>gaming over rdp
what? how? rdp uses its own shitty display
I use mine for lightweight gaming (heavyweight is completely useless due to overheads) and installing dodgy software.
Do you guys prefer VirtualBox over VMWare? Or even something else
qemu + kvm