Dear linux user, have you ever taste how cocks feels like?
Dear linux user, have you ever taste how cocks feels like?
Blue board.
Feels gud and taste gud
you're looking for the mac general I think
>taste how cocks feels like
Is that even possible?
Yeah, my own.
I have eaten my own cum so I think its close enough cause cock is just skin plus a bit of ball stench and some dick cheese
I'm a windows user who loves the taste of cocks and cum
ignore this thread
certain people have been invading Sup Forums in recent years with an agenda, to make Sup Forums users sissy and gay
they do this to try to turn Sup Forums from a racist/sexist "threat" into a liberal utopia, if you look at Sup Forums, it is filled with faggot nonesense
stay straight, keep enjoying little cartoon girls,there is nothing wrong with you
t. Mac user
cocks go in my ass, not my mouth
not really but my GNU/Girlfriend is free as in free to suck my dick all the time, can't say I ever tasted a dick OP, maybe you have though?
you can have both, preferably at the same time
I can't multitask well so sucking while focusing on the dick in my ass didn't feel as great taking them one at a time.
I don't want to be a slut, user
>Your ass
>Ever not being penetrated
Suck my dick faggot