Just ordered this, how bad did i fuck up

Just ordered this, how bad did i fuck up

>not getting a hhkb clone from aliexpress


you didn't. good kb



Don't like the font desu

what keyboard is that?

vortex pok3r mx blues

can't really go wrong desu. I love mine. once you get used to the location of the fn key and the arrow keys (ijkl) its the one of the most comfortable and attractive keyboards out there

It's okay familia, if I had the choice I would probably buy one that had proper arrow keys. Just drop the meme and either go Apple Fullesize Wired or Logitech.

Imo the blues are not as enjoyable as other keyboards, this is the only mech I own but I prefer the feel of the Logitech and even the Razer Khail switches at Walmart. I feel it may be related to keycap texture. I have 0rings on everything but WASD right now, it's pretty comfy. Pexon cable and a custom keyboard sleeve my mom made.

I like having a numpad to activate a soundboard of farts and memes when I'm streaming vidya

>fell for the 60% meme
>didn't even buy an HHKB


>babby keyboard with no keys

Why would anyone do this?


It's better for your shoulders since you don't have to have your arms so wide apart

Badly, what's wrong with the keyboard you typed your post with?

Are you a midget?

no I'm 6 feet tall and I have gargantuan hands and broad shoulders. It hurts using a fullsize keyboard at my desk especially since I have to sit in that position for awhile working.

Dude that's weird as shit, I'm of similar dimensions and have never experienced any issues.

I guess everyone is different. Do you use your keyboard at an angle or facing you directly? I still game with my 100% keyboard but I have it at a high angle.

when I'm typing though my tiny board is right in front of me and I occasionally have my hand on my mouse.

> how bad did i fuck up
About 16.73

It doesn't even have Fn buttons.

>crippled meme keyboard
>asking Sup Forums AFTER you ordered it

you dun goofed my man

>no function keys
>no num pad
>no status LEDs
>no arrows
>no text keys, pgup , pgdown, home ,end
literally a meme keyboard

>fall for the mechanical meme
>get a $90 mechanical keyboard
>after a couple of months most letters register in double, triple, sometimes more
>send it back for a refund
>get a $5 keyboard
>it works perfectly

>spending more than £30 on a mech keyboard

>muh superior american plastic (molded 1000 times)

What is that in a first-world currency? Sounds like way too little for a mech kb.

>no status LEDs

Who in the fuck needs those?


It is still made in china LOL, maybe it's assembled in USA, or packaged in USA, but most likely no.
Odds are they may even be made by same people on same factory.

> Not buying 100+ $ mechanical keyboards

>Being this retarded and not knowing how the keyboard works
simply ebin :D

Are you me? I ordered mine just yesterday

In white though

I'm excited for it

Yeah, they're completely useless for keyboards that don't have the tenkey.
You could argue for the caps lock LED though.

But then again when do you ever need caps lock? You can flip a switch on the bottom to turn caps lock into another fn key

I need CAPS LOCK whenever I decide to type in all CAPS for an extended period of time.

Every other key has its place on the keyboard so I'm not really going to gain anything from replacing CAPS LOCK.

FN+Tab is better since capslock isnt that common

Everybody's different then

I barely touched the caps lock key before I remapped it to right alt

Coming in with the best mech keyboard under 100

which one is that?

I use right alt more often than I use caps lock.

Quickfire rapid (not backlit)

Nice bait

>no numpad
Fucking casuals

Why do mechanical keyboards always look like cheap gamer shit? Even the expensive and more subtle ones have some embarrassingly tasteless font on the keys or something.

how do 60% look like gamer trash? they're literally the most minimalist keyboards one can get

the arrow keys will be a pain in the ass in the beginning but you'll get used to it.

good choice.

>60% are literally the most minimalist
Try again

how do they work? Fn + IJKL?
Fucking great, pressing Ctrl+Win+Fn+L will be so fun

>Buys a 60% master race
>Buys one that isn't completely programmable
KYS now, Fn levels are a cluster-fuck
Build a GH60, here's my keymap

You can change it so Shift, Pn, Fn, and Ctrl on the right side function as arrow keys instead.

>soundboard of farts

You didn't.

Nevermind. You fucked up bad.

mx blues are masterrace for non gaming

this, got steelseries 6gV2 and i can't even change the broken switch

i was using rubber dome keyboard for 15 years without any problems before buying this piece of shit and it broke in 1 year

Blues are babbies first mech tier.
>Look at me Ma! My keyboard clicks!!!

dis tbqh

They simply feel the best. The patrician stages are blues -> greens -> topre

Rate my Topre.

>google reverse
>all I find are .br links

>not the best
Nice meme lad


Pretty bad user.

>60% keyboards everywhere
Why the fuck vim-tards always have the reinvent the fucking wheel? I'd take my 160% keyboard any day!

>60% master race
>in fucking 2016

back to redd*t and never come back

Clears are superior

Been very happy with mine. Saved me tons of space and there isn't anything I really miss.

You can change your capslock key to fn which makes it easier to do things like del, page up/down, F-keys and such. This will also make your r-shift, r-ctrl, pn and fn key into arrow keys which gives you your arrow keys back for editing text on something that isn't vim or emacs.

Remember to check out the options. Once I found out what I could do with it, the keyboard became even better than it already was.

you didn't fuck up, it's a very solid keyboard. like someone said, the stock fn keybinds are a clusterfuck but you can change these things.

anyway you really should have posted this in the /mkg/ instead of being that newfag who creates a thread for personal tech review.

you can replace the keycaps, desu.

>not waiting three months for your chinkshit keyboard to maybe never arrive

yes it does lmao wtf

tfw it has all of those but numpad and LEDs
(both of which are non essental) nice informed post though, you really know your stuff!

sorry that you're poor as fug and want some cheap plastic chinkshit m8

only casuals use a fucking numpad
anyway you can get a standalone one if you need it that badly but if you did you probs wouldn't buy a 60% in the first place now would you?

that's a nice keyboard desu

also if you argue about keyswitches just kys. it's all personal preference and what one person says about one switch or the other is pretty irrelevant to you until you actually try them yourself.

>how bad did i fuck up
Starting with posting on Sup Forums, you mean?

>Not remapping caps lock to backspace