>people still buy (((nvidia))) gpus
People still buy (((nvidia))) gpus
>People still buy the best GPU on the market
So what, everybody makes mistakes, Nvidia is still better.
>people still buy (((founder's/reference))) editions
Here we do not /thread our own posts.
Wow, Nvidia is truly innovating. I want a graphics card that goes Vroom, vroom, vroom like a racecar.
So just set a custom fan curve. Jesus this shit isn't rocket appliance.
Looks like something that could easily be fixed via drivers.
>reference cards for amd or nvidia
>adequate cooling
choose one
The only reason people should ever buy reference cards is if they are going to put a water block on them.
not now with nvidia. you can get a card with the same pcb as a reference for cheaper
nah it's the logic behind which sucks, the shill article cancels out product issues that are sometimes too complicated for the average user who just wants to press "play".
>similar to waves hitting the shore
>sudden and repetitive noises are annoying
Nvidia tard: "I like the sound of waves! I like racing cars! Why don't you just set the fan curve and bow down to all superiority, you don't know tech at all."
The article is just created to reassure the public because it's too minor for Nvidia to address and needs to exist for the search thread and reference point for some tech reps to anchor on, it just sucks it's a circle jerk.
When it should simply be designed and integrated from the very beginning.
>When it should simply be designed and integrated from the very beginning.
You mean like the RX 480 Power issues on launch?
two wrongs don't make a right, it's a big world out there
Its cute how you brush off something like release day power draw issues
AMD can't compensate you enough my man
>Its cute how you brush off something like release day power draw issues
And their fix was to change the cards limit in software so it no longer matched the specs on the box.
Of course they do. Direct me to a single gpu that can perform even close to as well as the 1080 from AMD, and we'll all have a reason not to. Oh wait! No we win't, cause AMD is still shit with their drivers and are just shit in general.
Just cause 3 (0.72) million Sale on PC
Rise of the Tomb Radier (0.92) million sale on PC
AMD gaming Evolve Square Enix
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (0.23) million sale on PC (low)
Hitman 2016 (0.24) million sale on PC (extermly low)
AMD benchmark game and most AMD hyped game
Ashes of the Singularity (0.08) million sale on PC (flopped on PC)
Any game ,which AMD touched in 2016 is a major flop on PC with mostly negative to mix score from the users. Terrible user experience and a cancer port for PC
i do it for the drivers and superior linux support
As long as it doesn't overheat it's probably fine
I laughed at this harder than I should have. I think its time for me to go to bed.
>Ashes of the Singularity (0.08) million sale on PC (flopped on PC)
RIP RTS genre...
>games with devenu anti piracy on nvidia!
>Anti piracy
But DRM does that. Denuvo is anti-tamper, not DRM.
Denuvo protects DRM that also exists along side, without an existing DRM such as Steamworks, Denuvo wouldn't do anything to stop piracy.
Guess they should have focused on making a good game instead of making an AMD shill platform.
My MSi laptop used to do that. Fucking drove me crazy.
Who the hell would buy a founder's edition when all the aftermarket versions are way better though?
Most reviewers have all found that Founders overclock way better, even with the worse cooler.
Nvidia binned them and gave the shit chips to the AIBs
Wargame red dragon is the best RTS out now
came out a few years ago tho
community is great
>Deus ex 0.23 million sales on PC
it's only been out for 4 days Jesus Christ duse
they literally fixed that in the very first driver update
>Nvidia binned them and gave the shit chips to the AIBs
nvidia must be actually stupid.
Surely they realise that most people buying a high end graphics card to overclock and get the full experience are buying third party cards and not nvidia's reference shit.
>Surely they realise that most people buying a high end graphics card to overclock and get the full experience are buying third party cards
You need to go to more tech sites than just Sup Forums and actually interact with the overclocking groups/forums and shit. Those people are buying Founders and putting on custom heatsinks. Founders are flying off shelves and can't keep in stock. That means Nvidia is getting all the profit of the card sale, no AIB involved AND $100 more per card because Founders mark up.
They're geniuses.
Look I'm an AMD fag and I can tell you that fan revving is really not a big deal. Who cares? They fixed it already anyway.
>TFT has 20x more players than AOTS just on EU b.net
>13yo game
Let that just sink in.
I've been saying this for ages that all amd sponsored games have been hot garbage that are massive flops compared to nvidia sponsored games. If anything, that should make you want to buy nvidia by default with the knowledge that all the good and relevant games run better on nvidia hardware.
Nvidia have had 3 goty winners in several categories in the last year. How many have amd had in that time?
>posting memes that are /reddit/ tier
get cancer
why do all the tripfags and namefags on this board have cuckold fetishs?
>Just ignore battlefield
>using a rts as a comparison
everyone knows that every rts that isnt starcraft is very niche, try again (((nvidia))) merchant
back to mohammed. Don't you have people to blow up with your arabian micro devices?
>Users have reported that this sounds similar to waves hitting the shore
I'd find that pretty soothing tbqh familia. At least for a while.
Pro duo
Ashes is a bad game. Not the genre's or AMD's fault.
Supreme Commander is much better. Even Planetary Annihilation is better.
Same with the Deus Ex reboot.
They tried to cater it to casuals by dumbing it down. The fanbase got mad and casuals still didn't buy it.
Don't know about Hitman.
The issue was fixed on the 2nd of June with a driver update. It's a non-issue at best. You'd probably have known that if the closest you'd ever been to a GTX 1080 wasn't a thread on a Taiwanese knitting board.
Makes me think of this.
You forgot the Goyworks Batman game that got recalled and refunded to customers because it didn't work at all.
>revving issues
that's just the v-tech
>it's an "AMDrone justifies buying a budget card" episode
>He doesn't count the coin miners who buy several GPU's at a time.
Look unless you have AMD's sales figures your argument means jack shit. Stea/Origin/Gog/Uplay and games sales in general don't tell you how many GPU's from each brand have been sold.
These memes are so out of date its embarrassing
The updated version is AMD fire in a bit coin farm
And Nvidia car with bits missing
>implying there's any competition
that is flat out wrong
no one really gets stable numbers above 2.1 on any card regardless of phases or tdp or anything
fuck off with your misinformation
Meanwhile I continue to play AoE 'we wuz kangs n shit' 2 and C&C < 3.
>Founders are flying off shelves and can't keep in stock.
Clearly lying, the 1080 FE has been in stock on Newegg consistently since the retarded 1k USD eBay nonsense at launch.
>no crypto miners
>no Doom
>avoids mentioning that AMD is in every console
>AMD has no equivalent to gameworks™
>Vulkan is multi platform with huge interest from mobile market, the biggest growing markets on the planet
Reminder that Sup Forums does not know shit about tech outside dank memes
yes because im not poor
now go away pajeet
>we can have the Harley Davidson of graphics cards
Pretty much most reference cards are known to have some serious issues in their design. This has been happening since the dawn of mankind, even the old reference cards from both AMD and Nvidia were always really bad. It may seem too expensive, but forking over $50-100 extra for a non-reference card is way much more worth it.
I do not have these problems
most people don't have these problems
please cherry pick more
>people still buy expensive as fuck overpriced, overheating, overpowered shit gpus
There is fucking zero reason to buy these goddamn cards. Zero.
>mah gaymz
Modern "games" are more barely interactive movies than games. You want a movie, GO WATCH A FUCKING MOVIE. Honestly, gaming has gone downhill since the mid-90s. Go play some old Nintendo games, and you sure as FUCK don't need your expensive-ass faulty as fuck video cards to play those.
Fucking dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB people.
>gpu mining in 2016
no one does this
It still happens regularly. Bitcoin miners, local resellers, gpu scalpers all buy out these gpus before people can actually get to them. It's why there's a huge stock problem right now, and it's why cards are way above their msrp (although it's improving).
You can't mine bitcoin with GPUs anymore. Not unless you want to lose money. Shows what you know.
I don't know much about cryptocurrency mining because I don't do it but I still see people buying gpus fairly regularly for mining.
That's because they're idiots that don't know any better.
amd is the one with heat issues, pajeet.
They're still idiots who buy out gpu stock.
Then they just get resold to gamers who will actually use them
after they had the absolute dogpiss ran out of them
>mfw just ordered a $4000 gaming laptop with two 1080s in it
Doesn't take that long before people realize mining in 2016 is a dead end.
>gaming laptop
hahahahahahahah, Jesus fuck and I thought I was retarded.
>his PC doesn't go VROOM VROOM
Probably at 2x or more of the card's original msrp. Not a lot of people are really that desperate to buy the new gpus.
Also this.
>founders edition
lol k
Jelly? (nice dubs)
>of someone with a gayming laptop
Doubtful retard.
>AMD burns motherboards
>AMD uses a shit ton of power, especially made worse if you use multiple monitors
>AMD has broken drivers with yearly updates
>AMD constantly makes huge promises and fails to deliver
>Sup Forums kisses their ass as the "underdog"
>Nvidia makes the best cards on the market, hands down
>Nvidia cards are stable and get driver updates constantly
>Nvidia always meets expectations
>1 small issue that doesnt have a huge impact
At this point AMD shilling is a bad joke, will you fat autists ever give up with your childish obsession?
or for shit like sli in a small case, or for the better cooling they provide compared to aib cards in cases with very little ventilation
Haha okay, buddy :)
Have two reference 980ti's running in sli no issues senpai
I have rifle scopes worth more than your laptop, why would I care about someone wasting their money on a gayming laptop?
I just got my 1080 and it's great, senpai.
Founders Edition buyers got what they deserve though. Pre-ordering GPUs, using stock coolers, wtf.
>1 small issue that doesnt have a huge impact
Which one of these is the small issue?
Gimping cards
Proprietary G-Sync
Nvidia GameWorks
Paying companies to use GameWorks just to have unfair advantages.
Missing amounts of useful VRAM (3.5/4)
Housefire Fermi
nah you autist, ofc you cant mine bitcoin without asic hardware, but fuckers who mine with gpus are mining different, newer currencies
Yes they do, people mine ethereum.
holy fucking shit what in the fuck? i got a new gpu, shits fucking working great first couple days
>out of nowhere fucking gpu settings change on their own
>fans going crazy for no reason, not even following the temp changes i set
>fans just set themselves to manual or user settings whatever the fuck they feel like
>shit going full retard, cant even set manual fan speed anymore
>use MSI Afterburner to try to fix
>nope, cant even change fans or temp targets now
>fuck you fucking pc master cucks
>finally find Sapphire TRIXX to set GPU's
jesus fucking christ. why the fuck? shit just decides to use its own settings however it wants, seriously fuck pc master race.
>AMDmad rumor thats been proven wrong countless times
>Its 10x better than freesync
>Better GPU technology is a bad thing
>another AMDmad rumor
>"muh Vram!"
try again retard
Plenty of ASIC resistant crypto currencies out there. The only way to mine them is on GPU's. Even with electricity cost you'll make the money you spent on the hardware back pretty quick, all profit after that.
The 480 outperforms the fucking 1080 in hashes per second when mining the profitable coins. Can't game for shit but damn can it crunch those numbers.
It's cute how you put a brand new graphics card in a PCI-E slot from 2007.
Proprietary everything, Nvidia hates standards and open source anything with a passion.
You forgot disabled Vive support, removing SLI on 1060, Gimping 3GB 1060 and DPC latency issues.
nice try (((nvidia))) merchant try harder next time
whats the best program to stress test?
3DMark Firestrike stress test pushes the GPU hard.
thanks ill checkit out.