Whats the best math formula to resolve this ? (i came out with that one, pic related, but i'm not sure) "All natural numbers bellow 1000000 i can form using only the 0~9 digits, without repeating them and not accepting only zero nor zeros to the left.
Okay, well, you need to have at least one non-zero digit. You can pick this in 9 ways (one for each digit 1 to 9). Since you want a number less than 1000000, you can have at most 5 digits. Thus, you can pick the first digit in 9 ways: one for each digit from 1 to 9. The rest of the digits are chosen from the remaining 9 (0 to 9, excluding the one your first picked). Order matters, so you use permutations: You can pick k digits in 9*P (9,k-1) ways, so just sum that from k = 0 to 5
Carson Martin
Lucas Wilson
Why did you write 9-(x-1) and not 10-x tho
Nicholas Russell
Jordan Long
Your solution's right. K is the amount of numbers you can make that don't have repeating digits and W is the amount of those numbers that start with a zero, which is a tenth. So K-W is the amount of non-repeating numbers that don't have 0's on the left.
Joshua Baker
Parker Kelly
Hudson Sanders
Jonathan Turner
to keep the same ratio 1~6, 1 meaning one digit and 6 the maximum allowed digit (last number would be 999999, 6 digits).
But i guess there's no math formula other than summation of combinations. Well, thanks anyway.
Connor Miller
1) This belongs to 2) I smell homework
3) It's a really simple task, statistics 101:
First we get all numbers with 6 digits:
The first digit has 9 possibilities (1-9), second number also 9 (0-9 minus the previous one) and so on - so it's "9 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5" possibilities.