Should I get a new power supply?

My computer restarts every time I play a intensive game (Doom or BNG Drive). Should I consider Buying a new power supply? I have a cooler master cx600 with a R9 280.

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You should always have 700+ watt. But I don't think the power supply is the actual problem here. R9 280 is like the equivalent to a 680 GTX so your GPU is just really shit. But I can't say for certain.

Not anymore. The GTX 680 lagged far behind due to driver optimizations. Kepler was cucked beyond belief in recent years.

I only have $50 to spend on a new gpu ( college student) should I pull the trigger on this?

All of this is retarded.

I had the exact same problem just a few weeks ago. I had a Corsair CX750, and the computer would shut down only under load of both CPU and GPU at the same time.

Turns out the CX series of PSUs are notoriously shit. I bought a good quality SeaSonic PSU of the same wattage and the problem was solved.

So basically buy a new psu and hold off from doing power intensive shit. Is the PSU I listed and good?

How is it retarded? 700+ watt PSU covers pretty much everything and a little extra for overclocking.

To add to this: when you buy the new PSU, get something off of this list.

These niggas know what they're talking about.

Right, and apparently according to another user's problem you might want to replace it with anything of the same Watt since you;re on a budget.

Ideally, you would verify that it is the PSU before buying a new one. Is there anyone that could lend you their similar watt PSU for a few hours? Try running Prime95 and FurMark at the same time, and see if that triggers the shutdown (it did for me).

Also, this is all assuming you've ruled out overheating.

You have monitored your CPU and GPU temps while playing these games, right user?

> Well Ill see if any of my flat mates have one

Yes I have nothing peaks above 65

Everything on this list is out of my price range or does not have enough wattage. What do you recommend?

Then that sounds exactly the same as the issue I had. It caused me some real ass pain to diagnose it, since I'm running an old ass motherboard which has been giving me troubles as well.

For your replacement, I would recommend a SeaSonic or Rosewill PSU; those are basically the two top brands. But anything on that list should be fine. (Or you could try to RMA your broken PSU and hope that the replacement is better quality)

Good luck user.

Thanks man is the PSU I listed any good? Im thinking about doing a rebuild any way so should It hold up for a year or two until then?

Is this a decent PSU?

In that case, I recommend trying to RMA your current one. I took mine back to the store where I bought it, and they replaced it after I explained the issue.

I'm no PSU expert, so I can't say with any authority. You get what you pay for, for the most part, although with lower tier brands I think it comes down to luck of the draw.

A 300 watt PSU is already enough for single GPU builds.

The store where I got it from dosent exist any more J&R Nyc. Also I think im out of the warranty period .

I was thinking that he could potentially get a 400W - 500W PSU but I'm hesitant to recommend that, since I don't know too much about power usage and such.

cx,vs series are junk. I learnt this the hard way.i had CORSAIR VS 650 with the same gpu and the pc restarted like yours. You should check the temps first and disable any OC and use prime 95 + furmark

Well i read the thread and nobody asked you for the rest of your hardware or other important info like how many times the power has gone out with your computer running?

Knowing just a 600w supply and your GPU (how old is the PSU?) really doesnt tell us much. I assume the rest of your system is 3-4 years old like the GPU?

One final actual question,
Does the computer hit a reboot under full CPU load only, full GPU load only, or just both?

Well I want something that will last me 2-3 years and I might pair it with a 480.

Well the psu is about 3 years old and I use the computer about 6 hours everyday. Ill include a speccy pic. When I'm doing light task like web browsing it works well. Soon as i try to game it acts up. The computer is mostly used for school work light editing and light gaming.

Not OP, but the other guy that had this issue.

>like how many times the power has gone out with your computer running?

Do you mean like a power outage? Because my PSU was pretty new but I had had around 7 power outages within a few weeks before my PSU started acting up. Is this known to damage a power supply? Cause that could explain some things.

If you want a power supply to last you need to plan for your entire machine under load to use about 50% of the PSU capacity, no more (less gives less efficiency). People have already pointed you in the right direction for brands, and also you could check out jonnyguru's in depth psu reviews.

Let's assume a OCd modern system with a 480 is going to use 350-400w fully loaded. Your best bet is a 750-800w high quality supply. Any top rated unit from reputable brands is going to last you 3 years minimum.

>Your best bet is a 750-800w high quality supply. Any top rated unit from reputable brands is going to last you 3 years minimum.

The problem is, OP's budget is only $50, which is pretty much excludes any good brand. For reference, my replacement SeaSonic 750W cost me 200 Australian FunBux ($150 USD).

Well I could wait until friday and purchase a 750w.

That seems like the sensible choice. Still try to get something from that list though.

Will do. Also should I build a new pc any time soon or is my comp decent enough?

My personal advice (and many others') is to skip every other generation of GPU. I'd say yours is decent enough until the next line of graphics cards come out, at least.

You won't find very much improvement from upgrading your CPU right now either.

So have you tried to see if a GPU only load trips the machine? Furmark is your best bet for this test. We already know it faults in mixed mode usage, Im just trying to remove any faults from the GPU in the diagnosis.

Sorry I really only payed attention to OPs chain of conversation
A relatively new psu shouldnt have problems from only a handful of power outs. Every outage does do some little damage to the parts, but to cause a failure we're usually looking at dozens of outages from a dirty power source with many of the outs during a loaded PC scenario.
Sounds like you need to RMA through the manufacturer warranty.

So basically other than the psu and more hard drive space its a pretty solid build for the next 2 or so years?

Had a friend who went through this. Turned out to be his AMD CPU. Guy never bought an aftermarket cooler for a 8350. Usually could hear his computer from two rooms over.


Negative. I do have a 8350, but I've been using a Coolermater T4 since I built my rig.

I got it sorted a couple weeks ago. I ended up getting an RMA at the store, luckily. The PSU was almost exactly a year old, though it turns out the Corsair CX series is crap quality anyway. Thanks for the info though, it's good to know.

OP take a pic of the inside of your PC and the heat sinks. They are probably clogged with dust.

Is your computer connected to a ups (battery backup)? I had something like this happen too but I found out my old ups couldn't handle the wattage for intense process.

Well my whole "modern OCd pc uses 350-400w" was just a hypothetical. OPs machine likely doesnt use more than 100-120w without the gpu, from the speccy provided, and going to a (stock) 480 would only add about 170w with a 280 using just a little more than that.

In OPs case a 600-650w unit would be just fine, so long as longevity and stability are on his priorities. A >>>well made

Nope, and should I get one?

Have any appliances died when you had thunderstorms? If so then yes. My Seasonic PSU started to die when I didn't have a surge protector (not just any power strip as you may know) because we get quite the thunderstorms.