Press Alt + <--- to go back

>Press Alt +

>unironically using chrome
wew lad

That pissed me off to no end.

Thank goodness an extension went up almost immediately restoring the backspace key...

Nothing happened.

>backspace becomes to go back
>be typing something in chrome, hit backspace cause i made a mistake
>it goes back a page and i lose what i was typing
the rage i felt for the time it was a thing was insane.

This shit is happening on Firefox too m8

>not using a trackpad gesture to go back
Why are Windows and Linux users so primitive?

how the fuck would it go back if the input element had the focus?

>implying I don't use a trackpad gesture to go back regardless of OS

>unironically using firefox
wew lad

We have to go back

Alt +

>double click the icon in the top left of a window to make it do a cool 360 flip

Doesn't happen when the cursor is in a field. Website authors should have navigation confirmations on forms anyway.

not actually sure, it went away after awhile (most likely after i restarted my PC) so i must've done something for it to keep happening, it happened mostly on Sup Forums trying to actually type something, a few other sites were unaffected.

Who knows, happened all the time to me as well. Backspace was a retarded key for that function, why not alt+backspace or something?

No it's not.

If you two were less retarded browser developers wouldn't have to accommodate your fucking stupidity and fuck everyone else over.

On some text fields, tab doesn't enter the '\t' character but in fact takes you out of the field.

sorry for the extra keystroke

I've always used alt+arrow to go back/forward.

After all the shitty bugs with chrome I want to switch but what browser besides FF is good enough?

I'm on windows and Android and I need them to be synced.

Seriously I have no clue what to use.

This. What kind of complete and utter moron would pick Backspace for going back? You must be dumbest fucking dickhead to even think this is a good idea.

>not using the side buttons on your mouse to navigate forward/back

It's like y'all are still using pic related

>i need them to be synced
nevermind, enjoy your botnet


>not switching once and for all to Opera

>switching to a dead browser

He probably meant Chropera. It's like Chrome, but better.

Still not as good as the old Opera, though.

XD Epic spongebob pic bro.

I use opera as my secondary browser
its seriously comfy
recent new feature of automatic popup of copy/search when selecting text is really useful for tech-retards and even I feel like it makes things only easier


there were no choice from the beginning
>chrome is botnet
>chromium is firefox
>firefox is a laggy piece of crap
>vivaldi is an unborn fetus
>edge is windows only and i don't trust microsoft enough
at least Opera works fine and never gave me a single problem (i don't use opera account)

You keep saying Opera but you're not using it. In the future make sure to differentiate between the best browser to have ever existed (Opera) and what you're using (Chropera).

what's not epic about spongebob?

Explain yourself.

I'm not using it for the claims of better performance, I'm using it because it's basically pre-Australis Firefox with some securiry patches. There's nothing memeifix about that.

The old opera is dead, i used it back in 2005 and it was perfect.
I then had to use firefox for reasons and it was a nightmare, then i eventually switched to chrome when it came out, but recently all browsers seems to have gone to shit.
So yeah, I'm using Chropera and i like it more than every other current browser

>he thinks he's cool bc he has a gamer mouse

is this opposite day?

>this is new to millenials

This has been around for decades, lads.

>Gamer mouse
Nice nitpicking user, here's my gaming mouse.

I don't understand. What is Alt?

this my mouse. pls rate

>Alt Left to go back
>Alt Right to go forwards
Wait a minute...

Used to but when my trackball broke I got a shitty Razer mouse and the buttons for that are on top and hard to reach.