Should ISPs start throttling the connection speeds of people who use adblcokers?


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why do you even hav to ask

If i was an IPS I would block all ads traffic t ISP level.

Because fuck you lol.

Yes! My site has lost over 10k in revenue due to adblock users.

That would be an illegal thanks to net neutrality laws

your users would gladly make up for the losses if your work wasn't absolute garbage

Why would they do it? People who block ads use less bandwidth which in turn saves money for the ISP.

No because it saves them bandwidth by blocking requests, so they don't have to deliver extra content.

The only reason American ISPs would want this is because most of them are owned by the media companies.

Why would ISPs throttle users for using a function that eases the traffic load, when the one and only excuse for throttling is precisely traffic management?
Are you high OP?

what can i say, you got me. becoming php web dev was best decision of my life

Try adding a donate button

It's not their fucking business
It's exactly like torrenting, they don't give a shit about you since they just give you the internet

The one and ONLY place that this could happen is in the land of the corps

They can't ever do that, they need a way of checking which plugins you have enabled which they can't with a simple router. USB based mobile network providers might do that, but only on Windows (maybe OS X) since it needs to install a connection program (app) while linux can connect without it, that program could send telemetry. Even then, you can stop incoming connections locally on your machine by adding domains to the hosts file and I don't think any ISP would know you're blocking ads.
Sure they can see which domains you've made connection to so they know if you've never connected to an ad domain, but they can't just assume you're blocking ads. For example, let's say I'm only visiting Sup Forums and nothing else for a week and I have a Sup Forums account so I don't see any ads, they can't throttle my Internet speed just because I haven't seen a single ad in a while.
Some ISPs could try to do it, especially in cuck countries like Germany where they fine you a shit ton for torrenting. But I don't think they would, since it's very difficult to prove you're blocking ads.

you can't lose what you didn't have in the first place

Other way around. ISPs should charge advertisers

>implying we'd even enforce it
I work for a 5 guy local ISP and we are even too lazy to enforce speed limits and take down cancelled clients connections
Uncovered one on thusday, client cancelled in march '15 and was still running

>ads make up a significant amount of the Internet a traffic


>Should ISPS start violating net neutrality?

>Teaching the Controversy

>walking down town
>see students passing out leaflets, promoting some shit
>they hand me out a leaflet
>I refuse
>they don't get any money because they get money based on how many leaflets they handed out

I used to not care about ads. And then they started using 100% of my cpu and locking up my disks for hours. Are you a boy or a girl? Critical alert from microsoft! congratulations, you've won! warning, do not play this game unless you are 18.

Bloated Javascript and shit actually do.
Sometimes more than the page itself.

No, fuck off ad is cancer.

They can be between 5% and 10% of data on a site. Depending on how large they are, if they're animated or video ads.

This. I don't know why he feels entitled to that money.

>thanks to net neutrality laws
They're working on it.


So instead of politely asking people to disable Adblock because you need it to survive, you want to circumvent them by forcing them to endure ads?

You don't deserve that 10k you lost, amigo.

Internet sites barely make up a significant amount of traffic. Streaming (videos, music), downloading or uploading large files (e. g. torrenting) does, among other things.
But normal web browsing? Nah.

Not him, but what route would you go for accepting donations?

My site runs no ads because I dont really mind the $10/m bill, but I have had people literally asking to be able to donate to me. The issue I have with donations though is privacy, if I go down the Paypal path then donors will know my full name and possibly more, if I go down the BTC path then barely anyone will do it.

no, that's against net neutrality

>lost over 10k in revenue due to adblock users
Man, I wonder where all those poor users are going to find and purchase all the products and services they so desperately needed and wanted from the ads on your website that they now block.

Make it illegal. It really messes up things for company's who's business is online

I work for a company and they lose tons of money because you cannot advertise at all online because many people won't even see your ad so it's pointless buying up ads, so our marketing team is really suffering with trying to find ways of advertising but adblock is a major problem.

has your company tried killing themselves?

Integrate ads in your site.

Yes, they actually do.
It isn't only bad browser code which eats up RAM, but also shitty website coding which takes 50% of the blame.
If you ever cared to calculate bandwidth when accessing various sites, you'd notice how much memory they eat up.

does the isp directly receive revenue for serving that ad?

then no, they won't bother with such a pointless system

>If i was an IPS I would block all ads traffic t ISP level.

and sell my own ads or +5% for adfree feature

Do you really think these people who make the effort, albeit little, to block ads would purchase what you're shilling or even click on them? If this is your company's business model then it deserves to fail.
>so our marketing team is really suffering with trying to find ways of advertising

cut yourself NEET.

Every time I fix or even use a computer or phone I install HTTPS everywhere and ublock origin without telling the owner

>should ISPs start throttling people who reduce their costs?

>memory usage == page size

>corporate cuck is mad he gets yelled at by his boss because he can't advertise his shit


Yes. Tons of money gets wasted because idiots adblock. Just ban it outright, stupid normalfags don't care.

god i hate capitalists who get money on internet
it was meant for free, you can try to evade ad blockers, but we will win anyway because of nature of www

No good deed, my friend. Wait until they call you because you "broke their computer" because they can no longer watch their firstrow streams or some shit. I've literally had people tell me not to install adblock because they like youtube better with commercials.

it's unsafe to not use an adblocker these days, since ads are a common attack vector

That's a good thing. Ads pay for the site.

I'm not sure if it's just samefagging or if Sup Forums actually falls for this easy bait.


This question is purely trying to illicit a reaction. ISPs have no interest in doing the bidding of advertisers against the will of subscribers.

I've never had that problem and I've been doing it for years. Only one person has ever noticed, and they told me how happy they were that their computer 'suddenly stopped getting ads'

If you need to be anonymous that bad, then that's your problem m8.

You need to stop

Ads eat up more bandwidth. Why would an ISP be against people using less bandwidth?

Freedom is a right, not a need, faggot.

no, he doesn't

even if they did, adblockers would just adapt. load the ads, but discard whatever is received. your isp wont ever know.

Should ISPs start throttling the connection of people who use the web without ever seeing a single ad?

Should ISPs start inserting ads into their traffic?

Sup Forums will die because of your ignorance. Adblock is cancer.

Explain why I should stop

I whitelist Sup Forums

The absolute madman!

Unless, of course, advertisers begin paying them as well.

Ads don't work online because the web is a pull medium. If I don't request ads I don't get ads.
Now if you buy a billboard next to a freeway in California then you'll get some recognition.

I can count on 1 hand how many times I've seen a ad online for something that actually interested me.

I'd be fine with ads on YouTube if adblockers were intelligent enough to unblock only on videos from people I subscribe to

>unblock Sup Forums
>use userscript to hide ads but still load them

My contract with my ISP does not include a clause that I cannot use an adblocker. If they throttled my connection for this reason, they would be in clear breach of contract, and I would sue them.

Additionally, I don't believe ISPs make much if any money off of ads in the data they transmit. Any attempt to arrange such a profit would be at best an extremely poor public relations move, and at best against federal regulations in my country. So again, they would both gain no benefit from and be harmed by doing so.

So I'd advise they not attempt it.

>adblockers user was intelligent enough

it's always a combination of both

posts that get a lot of replies are almost never "organic"

>I don't really mind the $10/m bill
>If I use BTC, then I won't get that much money from strangers to pay the bill I don't mind

You have no problem but inherent greed.

What did you mean by this?
I'm too lazy to have to unblock when I watch certain videos and reblock when I watch random drivel

No. Instead, marketing should be outlawed altogether. Oblige every citizen to research which product is best for them.

Illegal in the EU

Lazy and dumb, one usually follow the others.

No it's not

Fuck no

Should ISPs start inserting ads into their traffic?

the future why deal with middle men called site owners when you can dip you pen at the source

Woah. Now you just full commie. Next you're going to say branding should also be outlawed, and supermarkets as well, and goods should be distributed by the state.
People should stop being dumb inane fucks and choose the products and services they deem worthy of purchase, not based on marketing, but rather quality, craftsmanship, durability, and value. Then bam, advertising would be meaningless, and you didn't even have to pass new laws or burn the white house down.

the ~200k IP traffic worth something, this isn't a constant developed site, this just needs a small server with enough bandwidth to upload and serve images for ~100k IP

just 1 link my server please

>I'm too lazy

there is your problem you millennial

We have a stupid questions general, try asking there

Just curious. What happens if you do this?

You can get away with doing a hell of a lot with a pseudonym. Since paypal requires a real bank account I am not sure how you would go about doing it but I am sure there is a legal way to do this.

Remember that the Internet didn't exist before ads. :^)

Google makes even more shekels by manipulating search results like they do with google maps.

good. close down already.

no, go fuck your self with a hot fireplace poker.

>mfw that super old image is still being posted.

Ban ad blockers.

Google should just take them all off their addon site like they did with (((coincidence detector))).

I want this to be real so bad.


Where can you download the detector from now?

Why don't they make them illegal? Fuck.


Today Sup Forumsentoomen i will give you the adverting sekret forum admins don't want (You) to know.

Paid stickies
Basically, you pay a forum admin to sticky your thread. Make an informative thread and you'll get tons of people coming to your service.

Too bad Forums are slow these days.

We've got enough victimless crimes, no thanks.

Full disclosure here, it would probably be a disaster.