Comfy music player thread

>ctrl + f
>no music player thread

I look for comfy music player threads all day and never find any, so let's have a comfy music player thread.



Music players shouldn't be this ugly, user.


List of good Windows music players:



>All these curry-nigger tier Windows 98 Foobars

Take notes, faggots.

thats tangerine, not clementine :^)

>musicbee wannabe

memerox a shit


This album is good.

comfy as fuck


closed source trash

ranger + mpv
It werks for me :^)

I didn't know this leaked, thanks user. Gonna give it a listen.


pretty comfy to me


there isn't really much reason to dislike Musicbee on that front. the developer is very active and responds to user feedback, there is an API to develop plugins for if you want to alter some aspect of the program, the developer intends to open source the addon if/when he ever loses interest in it.

rigidly and blindly obeying principles like "no closed source code" is silly, you should try to be flexible.

Not the comfiest player tbqh but streaming, I find, is comfier once you get over not "owning" the music and all that.


disgusting botnet

>implying I won't have killed myself by the time google becomes SERN
Why care?


my nigga


> Camel

Not only does this great user post a fantastically comfy music player, he listens to some great music as well.

Good taste, nigger friend.

yes. and nice music taste


that's one of my favorite albums.
hope you are listening to all of it, not only the chain.


m u s i c b e e

also one of my favorites. and i'm in love with the bass line in the chain

cmus + cava for visuals

This is my music setup

how do i make foobar look nice? how do i install skins? recommend me some please

dat blue is ugly

I agree.

use cyan instead.

my nigga
I'm on mobile a lot so the botnet desktop player works well for me.


careful with those edges

>out of nowhere sound in w10 starts fucking up, reverb, tinny, etc
>reinstall drivers, try all kinds of settings, nothing works
>pretty sure it's realtek hd audio program fucking everything up, although the "default" settings (and when it's uninstalled) still sound like garbage
>turning off "enhancements" in windows settings leaves it sounding garbage, but the enhancements settings are a mixed bag that sound good with some songs and shit with others
it's been hours and this shit is driving me up the wall. Why do these programs force their meme settings on you and not just play the fucking sounds?

Hai senpai will do

>Cannabis Corpse
>Cannibal Corpse

I stopped reading here

not that guy but damn this is a really good album, thanks!

Not that guy, but it's two separate bands

Cannabis corpse does stoner-themed parodies of death metal songs.

Pretty comfy

>dat scrollbar
>Varun Kumar


What else can't extensive tagging & columns UI do?


i got this from someone here a couple of years ago, what is the name of the skin?

>me on the left

Your taste in "music" is atrocious, but your player is alright.

clearly you didn't filter him

rekt XDD

He is kinda cute



that deadbeef looks literally like dead beef. disgusting


How tabs?

Ctrl + T? File > New Playlist?

>inb4 wah wahh it won't play my anime off my shitcovered cd because i stratched it and expect miracles from software wah wah


hi peoples

No one cares about your stupid waifu wallpaper, dumb weab. This is a music player thread.

nice pape

shut up fag, I just printed my screen

remove anime and it's great

death to anime

keep anime, remove kekab


This is the new desktop thread?

music players aren't made for being looked at, you silly.

almost as ugly as wmp skins

>Google Chrome

>Music Bee

>Windows 10

no, it's not.

What of em?

If that's ugly to you, I'd like to see what you consider to be high quality.


Looks like a goblin shark.



mpd+ncmpcpp+info on i3bar


is there some reason why Sup Forums doesn't use spotify?


not easy to rice

it's negative in the freedom dimension

it's postive in the price dimension

actually it's not that hard

and Sup Forums uses spotify

Sup Forums here, and no I don't.

I use groove :^)

how to rice spotify then?

>actually it's not that hard
unpacking it and changing colors then repacking doesn't count as ricing btw

you're not the real g

it'b basic css

you can change size,color, position... basically any css property of every element. that's not ricing?
i bet i can rice spotify more than you can rice your music player :^)

css is hard for Sup Forums

Are you talking about the desktop client or the friggin website lol?