Explain why you don't run on Windows XP still?

Explain why you don't run on Windows XP still?

Internet is at 200mbps and better looking interface and support.

Other urls found in this thread:


>512 MB RAM
>chrome running
confirmed fake and gay

It's shit in literally every conceivable way.

Go kill yourself faggot.


if you like unsupported os, go to 2000 or os x tiger.


runs faster and snappier than my i7 on windows 10.

enjoy your malware

Bonzi Buddy or GTFO. Only use for XPenis these days.


I still use XP. But only on a spare machine just for video encoding work. Rest of my computers run Win 7.

how mad are you tho.

Because I'm not a nostalgiatard.

Because using XP, takes as much effort as using a linux distro, without the support.

>tfw running W10
Will things ever be as comfy again?

>windows xp
this makes me hard. I wish there was windows xp transformation thing for windows 7.

Because I can't find a fucking ISO of it God damn it. I have like 20 legit keys for it throughout the years, but I lost my Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 disk somewhere. I think I have it, but I don't know where it's at and I'm too lazy to find it.

just use linux and RedmondXP

>installing updates for a system that doesn't have update servers anymore

Nice meme fag.

That's because those "updates" aren't actually updates.

because I want to use a OS from this decade

It does have "update servers" though. You can tweak a single Registry key to make it think it's Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which is a rebranded WinXP for smart cash registers, and still under extended support until 2019.

It's updates that were available already I just hadn't installed them. NEW updates won't be coming out, that's different from updates already released but yet to be applied.

get TinyXP or something, there's some BEAST MODE pirated XPs out there

I'm actually thinking of doing this.. Gonna install it on my x220.

because windows 7 is the OS for me, baebus

because I don't fuck dogs

Will Skylake or Amd kabini work under xp?

Can you post that wall senpai? I tried tineye but there's just small ones.

>Can you post that wall senpai? I tried tineye but there's just small ones.

>Pentium 4
>504 of ram

I'm sorry user. I was currently running one with 2gb and P4 and it sucked with newer programs/chrome with too much tabs.

>Explain why you don't run on Windows XP still?
>because I don't fuck dogs

Peak autism

>playing any NFS before underground

NFS3 best NFS

i did have underground on my GBA though

These were good

>i did have underground on my GBA though

GBA version was shit for obviously reasons.

I'm not poor

I don't need an airgapped XP system for anything

No current software supports it

It's compromised and infected the second you connect to the internet.

It only uses 4~ GB of RAM.

And many other reasons

im running a 3 ghz hyperthreaded 64 bit P4 with 4 gigs of ram, i have it in my bedroom hooked to a CRT with a GeForce 7600 GS via SVideo for entertainment.


>GBA version was shit for obviously reasons.
it was impressive in general, being a fully 3D, full-res game (i also had sega rally championship which was also full 3D, but was lower resolution, it did run smoother though, great game)

i have played several newer NFS games on various platforms, but they went all street racing/'fast and furious' soon after NFS3, which was closer to a casual driving simulator

>64 bits P4

Wait, wasn't P4 x86?

confirmed for retard

later prescotts and up supported intel64

some came in a 64 bit flavor. i replaced the 3 ghz HT'ed 32bit P4 that was in it with the current one.

It's sad that the series died on MW

gtfo pajeet

It's slower than 7 on recent hardware and only supports 3GB RAM
Also enjoy no chrome updates

>NEW updates won't be coming out
You know that POSReady still gets updates until 2019, right

Win XP/Puppy Linux dual boot here, on a Thinkpad T60. Life is good.


Might as well upgrade Debian packages from Ubuntu repos if you want to watch you're OS burn.

i have XP Black on an old Compaq Presario 6000 series P4 i have in my guest room - its got 2 gigs of ram, a 40 gig hard drive, i'm getting a 256 meg AGP card from a friend for it, and a Wifi dongle already installed. It's for guest who come to stay, as they can check email, facebook, youtube, DVDs, Popcorn time etc. on it, instead of using my rigs (4 computers, but not sharing any of them due to viruses and items deleted from them in the past).

High Stakes was amazing

>ausfag version on PS1
>unlock HSV GTO police car

>enjoy no chrome updates


Left XP behind when 7 came out. I'm about to leave 7 behind and go to Linux too. 7 ran nice and was dead simple to pirate. I don't need to pirate Linux though. There's just no need to stick with Windows for me anymore. Gaming isn't important to me. Most of the software I use is open source/free and the stuff that isn't (mIRC, Winamp, FlashFXP) I can either get running in wine or find replacements. It's over.

I still have XP installed on my parents desktop from 2002. It has 2 GB of RAM and runs the most up to date version of Chrome it can with uBlock and it loads pages in 2-3 seconds. My parents don't know any better and since I put uBlock and enabled in for private browsing my dad doesn't get any viruses from watching porn and they don't need to worry about security software apart from whatever version of Defender still works on Chrome.

I realize putting some shit version of Mint or Ubuntu would probably be a safer option but Windows is so simple to use for old people it isn't worth it. When their 60 GB nearly 20 year old HDD finally fails I'll just buy a new one and put 7 on it and install some shitty XP skin or use the classic theme.

Why would anyone waste their time photoshopping this image? Jesus christ

I'm not an OS

It's funny

You know Sup Forums is filled with dumbfuck children mad that all they have is their mom's 2001 hand-me-down Dell PC when they actually try to convince not only themselves, but others that Windows XP, an os not only 15 years old but LONG since out of support except for exceptional case-by-case basis pay-for-support business cases (protip: NO ONE ON Sup Forums HAS THIS) and highly vulnerable to every fucking attack vector conceivable.

When your mommy lets you get a real PC, you'll feel dumb at how you had to pretend you still liked XP in 2016. Until then, at the very least stop pretending and just admit that you're forced to use XP on an ancient shit PC, because there is NO other reason to use XP in 2016.

It can't run Battlefield 1 Beta.

No it's not, fuck you.

the first battlefield was designed to run on XP


legit isos from microsoft aren't hard to come by

I need a Windows partition on my computer.
Should I into XP?

My old XP lives on a VM.
>Not using the better theme styles instead of the green turd and blue

If you don't want to replace the dll files to allow third party styles you can use the XP embedded theme which is microsoft signed and still looks good

god, I hate your tripcode so much, triggers me errytime...

you are retarded

Because im not a technology hipster fag who wants to be a special snowflake by using outdated/unpopular/shit technology


I run XP with POSReady 2009 updates on my Pentium 4 which I have in my garage.

have a bunch of XP systems
plenty usable but unexciting, I like my 2K boxes better

>Explain why you don't run on Windows XP still?
but i do, because win NT6 is shit.
and because NT5 is the last windows infused with Dave Cutler soul

>and highly vulnerable to every fucking attack vector conceivable.
yet none of you retards can ever actually list one that isn't some weirdo edge case nobody gives a fuck about exploiting in 2016, isn't easily avoided by using firewalls or common sense, or doesn't require you to run executables (i.e. stupid shit support won't save you from anyway)

Here is the list
>No DPI scaling for my 24" UltraHD Monitor
>No drivers for anything I use
>Limitations of 32-bit operating system
>Horrible multi-language support
>No Blu-ray support
>Unpatched exploits
>No proper multithreading support
>No SSD support
>No GPT partition table support
>Stuck on DirectX 9.0c
>Stuck on .Net 4.0 which is causing stability issues anyway
>No Hyper-V manager
>No ReFS support (used in Hyper-V environment)
>No WiFi AC support
>No support for Office 365
>No hardware acceleration for decoding HEVC Hi10p

And that list could go on. Basically, it's not feasible to use, and I don't live in the past.

Shit nigga at least use the classic theme fuck.h

It's not same

My EEE 'server' runs XP

Found the problem.

The real question is, do you still have your custom car.viv files from NFS III car sites that don't exist anymore?

And secondly, are you playing in 2K+ resolution @120hz+ on a modern operating system?

>tfw Ryuji Kainoh's site has been dead for years now that I have the fastest PC you could buy when NFS3 was new
>and nobody has archived fucking anything
his pleb cars especially were the shit

This still seems to exist however:


I remember how many of those cars like your pic used to be the coolest shit when I was 10
Now I can't stand anything that doesn't look EA-made


XP is p comfy

no senpai i don't i just use ingame models.

post more rmsleepy

Fucking this. Infinitely a million times this.

I've been using OSes since the 90s and I've never had a single virus.
What the fuck do you people manage to do to even GET them?

Apparently people just willy-nilly click any shit they get sent to them like the retards they are. (they do, there was even a study done on this recently that confirmed it)

People should be banned from computers unless they get a licence. Imagine how much better things would be.

Unless you have pissed off a government who are actively after you, XP is fine.
Nobody, not even bored Chinese hackers, will waste time on you. (unless you are a multi-millionaire, and even then probably not)
XP is trivial to lock down completely.
Most of the problems come from the shitty Internet Options panel allowing scripting everywhere, ActiveX which you can whitelist or disable outright, and a handful of services and hidden services people don't even realize exist. (including even some technical types)
Shit like printer sharing, file sharing and the like which are in the connections options.
Then disable a few registry items. Done. Not a single virus.

WinXPSP3 is objectively more secure than W10, and that's fucking priceless.
>b-b-but muh UAC!
A thing that has been repeatedly broken through, (or disabled!)
Great one Microsoft, you bred a generation of mindless clickers or people that disable the only security you have.
Limited Accounts didn't have this problem.

And before you fags shout privilege escalation, that shit even exists in Linux with every common processor out there from Intel and AMD.
It has only stopped being an issue literally this year with some new processors that have removed legacy features that could be abused. (old feature probably nobody used since the 90s besides some hyper neckbeard)
And again, still requires weird exotic attack vectors.

XP is fine. You're the problem.

I was just using Longhorn 3683 in QEMU, which is basically XP on steroids. Is that good enough?

Also, remember that if it wasn't for Windows 7 we would still probably have people running XP because Windows 7 was the last, "normal," version of Windows and Vista is shit.

>windows xp
>most up to date version of chrome

pick one nigga

nah mate that looks shit. classic is the only way you should use it

Enjoy your screen tearing

it was 2005 tier

im running posready 2009 come at me

i have a malformed png file for you to look at

>tfw using OfficeSIP Server to run Windows Messenger again
Now if only I could find a way to run MSN Explorer 6

I agree that Royale is shit that has aged poorly, but you can't go wrong with Luna. Classic looks bad because all the icons are designed to have colors that work well with Luna's beige toolbars. They should have included a color scheme like what you get when you disable the themes service.

>implying I don't download things and resave them exactly to spec.

Shit nigga, I remember when CP was regularly appended to files on here every day.
I ain't stupid enough to save anything off here directly, or anywhere, or even view websites directly.

I went full Stallman-autism.

>>implying I don't download things and resave them exactly to spec
You mean on a properly patched computer? Because doing anything with bits that originated from the Internet on an unpatched computer is how you get compromised.

Nice OS you got there....Shame if anything were to happen to it...