Just got a second hand Macbook early 2013 with the specs maxed out

Just got a second hand Macbook early 2013 with the specs maxed out.

OSX newfag here, which apps are a must?

Final Cut pro...

iStats menu.


Anaconda if you're a scientific Python dev.

Xcode, and the command line dev tools.

Docker if you're a dev who hates coding for different platforms.

I personally use Firefox, but it's not a must.

Homebrew, SlateWM (mattr fork, jigish is dead), Karabiner.

>Xcode, and the command line dev tools.
Or just install the command line tools without all of Xcode by using the xcode-select --install command

install gentoo

Spectacle gives you some tiling features for managing windows

Railwaycat's emacs mac port

MS Excel

Transmission for torrents

little snitch


>Impliying I already haven't done any of those.


who even cares about this garbage

I find it pretty convenient

Is there a way to make windows close like they do in Windows instead of just minimize when you hit the close button? And expand when you hit the maximize button instead of creating a new workspace?

This board is not for baby duck tech support

double click/tap on the blank space on the top bar to maximize, and use the quit function to close applications.

Although I personally think the OSX experience draws much of its uniqueness from the idea that you can have many windows layered ontop of each other

go grab hyperdock. it adds windows-style snap to the side/top to maximize or shape windows.

Windows style snapping is fucking dogshit though

>it just works
>as long as you use shitty hacks to make it behave like a real OS

Boom 2

The Mac way of programs staying open when the last window is gone has always been retarded and is strictly a remnant from when MacOS was a single-tasking system and when multitasking was an appalling kludge that made Windows 2 look fucking elegant.

