What are the alternatives?
>preferably one that respects my freedoms
What are the alternatives?
>preferably one that respects my freedoms
Other urls found in this thread:
Just avoid buzzword tags. You can still post shit on youtube, it just won't get monetized
Vid.me has risen in popularity since the controversy began.
>won't pay me for vlogging about niggers
>not respecting my freedoms
YouTube is fine, your shitty videos won't get more than a handful of views anyway
stop making these threads
I dont get it. You still can upload your shitty videos, but you wont get money for your shitty hobby anymore.
just use torrents dude
no restrictions "free" hosting provided by your viewers
Looks like complete shit
Who designed this?
I don't follow YouTube drama, whats going on now?
>Not living in the "3rd world" where ISPs don't give a shit
>preferably one that respects my freedoms
>Company gives you free unlimited storage and bandwidth for distribution of videos
>Hey you know what, we'll give you some money just follow these rules
Make a website and host the videos yourself.
So what happened?
People can't make money off their cancer Let's Play anymore?
How is that bad?
advertisers are cracking down on content they disapprove of. if you curse or talking about unpleasant topics, you won't be able to put ads on your videos.
>I just torrented almost 70 gigs of movies and shows
>In the last year it's been well over 100 gigs including games and music
Party van when
some advertising firms asked youtube to stop putting their ads on videos that are political, controversial, have too much swearing, etc.
youtube did so, now under their guidelines videos breaking the guidelines will be demonetized
people are claiming this is censorship, because they're idiots and don't realise their logic means advertisers should be obligated to advertise ontop of videos you create without their permission. make a video saying you hate niggers? ad for your fun new startup appears as a midroll.
wow I was expecting a
>muh ease of use
you're out of luck bud, whatever you want to share has to be done over usenet at the very least or just trade microsd cards with other pedos
>Who designed this?
Someone who respects your freedom.
>How is that bad?
Because now they are banning videos outright. Your stupid video of vegetables that look like a penis. Bye bye.
Basically the stupid short videos that made Youtube are done and they are kill.
>The following types of content are not allowed on the Services (“Prohibited Content”):
>Content involving children (anyone under the age of 18) in a sexually suggestive, violent, or pornographic manner. We take child exploitation very seriously and will report you to the authorities;
>Content promoting information that you know is false or misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is threatening, intimidating, obscene, abusive, defamatory, or libelous;
>Content that poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person;
>Content that is pornographic, patently offensive, or promotes or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
>Content that harasses or advocates harassment of another person;
>Content that is intentionally or shockingly violent, gory, sensational, or disrespectful;
>Content that solicits passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes;
>Content that violates the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark rights, contract rights, or any other rights of any person or entity.
No. You can still make your stupid videos with things that look like dicks. You just won't be getting ad revenue for it. Advertisers don't like it so they don't want their ads on it.
YouTube pic related.
Does this look like freedom to you?
Vidme's TOS explicitly says they do not allow videos that can be considered "offensive or obscene"
That video that was refused monetization wouldn't even be compliant with the TOS of Vidme.
And compare it to YouTube.
I said from the beginning if you can find me a better site then please do.
Youtube clarified this after everyone freaked out.
This police was already being enforced, the only recent change is now they actually are informing people that their videos are being demonetized for this reason so you can appeal it.
vid.me uses a javascript player...
>if you can find me a better site then please do.
A better site for what? Upload your videos for free with unlimited bandwidth and space? You are a entitled motherfucker, no one owes you a god damn penny for videos you make.
you know, with all this shit flinging and saying how youtube/vimeo/dailymotion/vidme/whatever is shit, would using torrents even be worth it?
after all, i'm pretty sure people aren't going to open some sort of torrent file or plug in a random magnet link they found online; much less spend time downloading from a small set of peers your shitty 30 second video.
That is quoted from Vidme not Youtube
Getting a job
>leafy and keemstart tier drama channels and pol tier autism videos wont make money anymore
autism, go send 1000$ to leafy if you are so mad that he wont make 250k from shittalking kids anymore
>why can't i upload cp
>why can't i upload videos about illegal stuff
>why can't i upload my hidden cam stuff
>why can't i upload my kill niggers all day and titties
>why can't i upload a video bullying someone
>why can't i upload a video of someone shooting themselves
>why can't i upload a video telling people to go to a phishing site
>why can't i upload movies to it
this is really standard shit for video uploading websites
>milk youtube as much as you can
>use shady shit
>boobs in thumbnails
>turn youtube into a drama infested shithole
>people getting fucked left and right so leafy and keemstar makes millions
>make videos what appeal to 12 year olds who advertisers obviously dont want
and when youtube has enough of its system being abused and makes stricter rules every retard freaks out and acts like youtube is raping them
fucking pathetic, bunch of kids thinking they will bring youtube down
youtube is here to stay and no army of 12 year old leafy kids or 20+ year old pol tier manchildren will do any harm to it, if 10 people stops watching it 1000 starts watching it right after
Literally ignoring the text, can you even read nigga?
>Content promoting information that you know is false or misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is threatening, intimidating, obscene, abusive, defamatory, or libelous;
>Content that poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person;
>Content that is pornographic, patently offensive, or promotes or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
>Content that harasses or advocates harassment of another person;
>Content that is intentionally or shockingly violent, gory, sensational, or disrespectful;
Probably half the shit on youtube that is monetized fits under those criteria, the fact that it exists speaks to the volume of content on youtube that simply can not be policed, it won't be flagged by its target audience either.
And it is so standard that it isn't allowed on Vidme or any other streaming website.
You aren't entitled to shit, make your own website and host your own shit.
those types of videos started popping up when leafy made it big and 100000 clones followed and keemstar started all his bullshit, then this "im gonna try to ruin this guys life for views" trend started
What the fuck are you talking about dude can you read or are the words to big for you to understand?
There are videos of bitches reading a book and cumming at the same time because they're sitting on top of a vibrator, that is patently offensive and even obscene.
Was it taken down? Nopes.
There's videos of conspiracy theories being offered as fact.
>Content promoting information that you know is false or misleading
Do we need to go point by point?
>youtube is here to stay
>x is here to stay
>blackberry is here to stay
>blockbuster is here to stay
>hills is here to stay
>borders is here to stay
they are age restricted
So is Sup Forums, your ass is still here posting though.
tell me 1 good alternative to youtube which isnt autictic
are you mad kiddie, quick download leafys videos before they are taken down!!!
Age restricted lolol, that's funny.
>tell me 1 good alternative to youtube which isnt autictic
Build a website and host your own shit videos.
why would i, i have no problem with youtube and its tos changes faggot
What happened?
For making money?
Check out WebTorrent.
>name a alternative
>provided with a alternative
>why would I use the alternative I don't want to
reading comprehension faggot
Who cares, monetization is what makes it so cancerous already.
making money should actually be illegal imo
Make content good enough that you can get sponsorship to shill in your videos.
Have an outside business and treat your Youtube channel as an advertising medium to promote your brand.
The big Youtube money makers aren't getting rich off their AdSense checks. They have outside revenue streams.
Can't even upload cp, what kind of freedom is that.
If you have to use an alternative, why not use vimeo or like a normal person, or dailymotion like a normal stupid person?
>no bare tits allowed
not fucking again.
dailymotion was fucking perfect for that.
what if one does enjoy just nice poses and tits? why is there no site for that stuff?
All these fags being so mad because leafy wont make 250k anymore from his shit clickbait cancer videos.
Youtube will be better if you all leave
I was about to write that I really like the little design/layout and I never saw a cleaner mobile-navi because it doesn't float all over the page and just opens a tiny little box in the corner. I like it.
>Make a website and host the videos yourself.
this. It would have been so much better for everyone.
Complete faggots like these will have to find actual jobs:
They're not censoring anyone.
They're not banning anyone.
Advertisers just won't pay for bad associations.
>You're free to say whatever you want, but you get executed if you oppose our ideals
Nobody is getting executed.
Vulgar vloggers are getting less money from advertising companies. That is all.
LOL I thought Linux protected your freedom...What's up? You need a whole set of 'free' products and services. faggot.
Just use YouTube sensibly.
There's plenty of places to see tits on the internet.
YouTube does discourage you to talk about certain topics by cutting in on your ad revenue. That is censorship.
They don't delete the video, it's allowed to be there. The "youtubers" just don't get paid for it.
No it hasn't, next your going to tell me voat has taken off too
Can you read? He said he was fine with YouTube and that it wasn't going anywhere.
is there a site that respects my freedom to upload illegally downloaded porn?
>just nice poses and tits
yea, I'm sure people wouldn't upload hardcore porn in there if you put anything like "bare tits and posing is aloud".
YouTube has been censoring hardcore porn and extreme violence for YEARS.
Why is nobody doing anything against this OUTRAGE?
>some advertising firms asked youtube to stop putting their ads on videos that are political, controversial, have too much swearing, etc.
so businesses want to keep making money and have ads they paid for placed where they want, and muh freeze peach neckbeards are butthurt about it because they will have to go and get that job at mcdonald.
>muh freedum
Amerisharts are always good for a laugh.
>muh freeze peach neckbeards are butthurt
Only Normies are outraged, with their brain-dead Normie channels like "h3h3".
- Microsoft Azure Storage
- Amazon S3
So why did google videos do?
>videos of bitches reading a book and cumming at the same time because they're sitting on top of a vibrator
Nah it's just a SCAM like paid autosurfs and incentive websites!
Type stoya reading a book
>Google arises from the fact the Internet is the Wild West
>Does the fascist thing and tries to control the very madness it is birthed from
Fuck 'em
It doesn't discourage you, you dense fuck. You're free to talk about any topic you wish but you won't get much money out of it.
So no misleading game trailers either?
>no bare tits allowed
What's sad in this, men tits are allowed.
I demand or both bare or both no bare!
>using anything other than vimeo
>any year
I do
I'm on more than 10 private trackers. Too lazy to count.
>create video of Samsung phone exploding
>save 500 lives
>can't monetize because our advertiser (Samsung) doesn't like the content
>less videos like this
>more deaths
>This is the future you wanted
sad, but somewhat true
>few days later, everyone is back to using YouTube without a care in the world
Comcast cyber police ruining my life
The internet has never been the wild west. Lots of it was uncharted territory and Google invested in a lot of things.
It's not fascist to make profit, actually the complete opposite.
Ha only 100gb. Try 439gb, that's only movies. 106gb of TV shows. All in this year.
Where's my FBI raid?
Media Goblin is Stallman approved
What happened to youtube?
YouTube stopped monetizing the videos of vulgar vloggers who appeal to 12 year olds.