What's a good replacement for Windows Photo Viewer...

What's a good replacement for Windows Photo Viewer? I'm getting annoyed by this yellow tint error that continues to reappear and would really like an improvement.
If it could play gifs that would be amazing.
Running Win7.

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This really scratches the itch, thank you.

Honeyview, get dev edition not company.

What's the main difference between it and Irfanview? A google search showed that they are debated often.

Windows 8 and 10 don't do this.



Irfanfags gtfo. Ugly sin UI need not apply. JPEGView is the ultimate choice.

ur supposed to look at the image not the ui


Don't know about Irfanview (haven't used Win in a long time) but Honeyview is ace.

Imageglass is quite good but I remember it crashing a lot

I like Honeyview's UI much more than Irfanview. I also appreciate it not attempting to run my webm files in galleries. It's functionally identical so I'll default to Honeyview. Thanks so much.

The yellow tint is the result of a broken ICC profile.
Just change to srgb or do a manual calibration with QuickGamma & Co.


I just use mpv for images as well as videos.


I did my own research on this and asked this same question a few months back and it came to my attention people here don't know FUCKING ANYTHING.

I found the best solution for this, it's an application called Imagine: nyam.pe.kr/blog/entry/Imagine

do NOT be put off by the fact the website is in Korean. The application is in english and works FLAWLESSLY. Like, seriously, ZERO FLAWS. I'd pay for this app to be honest, it's that good.

You can change the theme, autismo.

This. You have something fucked up with your color space OP

I really like HoneyView but it was bought by BandiSoft. And the only updates they seem to push out now are ads in the installer.

Is there something similarly minimalist? I especially like having no buttons, toolbars or even borders. It's also great for reading manga.


I use this too, does the job.

install gentoo

This one super simple minimal image viewer.

literally jpegview

ImageGlass because it's FOSS

nexusview can be configured to have no borders at all, not even a title bar. jpegview has the OS titlebar+borders but nothing else.

Call me a pictus convert. Minor annoyance that I can't zoom in and out with the mouse, but otherwise seems perfect.