/LGBT/ - Le General *BSD Thread

/bsd/ - *BSD General Thread
Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD...

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OpenBSD edition
>No Jails
Without un-audited, unofficial ports you get:
>No deluge (WTF?)
>No Pitvi
>No simplescreenrecorder
>No qbittorrent (WTF?)
>No clonezilla
>No open broadcaster studio
>No opera
>No icecat/iceweasel
>NO GPARTED (wtf?!) or any graphical partition manager that people use
>No Clamentine
>Wayland? Lmao your guess
>No Vuze
>No Chatzilla
>No eye-of-GNOME/MATE
>No Krita (WTF?)
>No Pinta (WFT?)
>No FreeCAD
>No LibreCAD
>No Amrok (Default KDE Music player)
>No GNOME Phone Manager (phone connectivity)
>No KDE connect (phone connectivity)
>No Openshot
>No Shortcut
>No Kazam
>No FFCast
>No Kodi (WTF?!)
>No udisks to automount external drives
>No engrampa or peazip (for zip files)
>No Bleachbit
>No Screenfetch or inxi
>No CPU-G (Linux version of CPU-Z)
>No Knotes/Gournal for note taking
>No RStudio for statistics

UPDATE: While using BSD you got two options:
1. Stay secure by not using ports and sacrifice software availability
2. Install software and render your system vulnerable to exploits and mitigation crashes

Ask for softwares, get autism

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that BSD is an insecure garbage. It doesn't have softwares in its official repos, which makes people use ports. Ports are maintained by a group of basement dwelling neckbeards and software vendors do not audit their compile scripts.

Software vendors provide precompiled binaries for Linux with checksum, but they don't do the same for *BSD.

Furthermore *BSD has a very limited driver support. Even if some device manage to run, the drivers crash due to aggressive mitigation. This is why your laptop turns into a room heater when you run X-org on BSD.

BSD desktop environments are poorly put together. Many desktop environments are developed with Linux in mind. For example Xfce, GNOME, Cinnamon or MATE uses udev for automounting external storage. BSD doesn't have udev: automounting will not work on BSD. I knew this first hand when I tried PC-BSD (a variant of BSD) few years back. Now that GNOME and other DEs are slowly moving to newer technologies like Wayland and Systemd: BSD is and will always remain crippled for desktop use.

Just for the record, I'll let you in some secrets: almost no printer/scanner and bluetooth devices will work on BSD.

Overall my biggest beef against BSD is its philosophy. It claims to be "secure" but its "secure" version has NO softwares. Use ports and it is no longer BSD team's fault that you used "insecure" 3rd party softwares. What a joke!!

1. Linux fights with Windows in terms of usability while BSD can't even compete with Linux.
2. BSD has no softwares and drivers
3. BSD offers NOTHING practical to be used instead of Linux.

If you are using a free operating system, use one that's usable for desktops. Don't use a router OS (while Linux beats them in routers as well).

wtf i love bsd now

prep the bull

Why does BSD attracts cucks so much?

>Use BSD license
Companies steal code, closes it off and tells you to fuck yourself

>BSD User-Developer experience
Literally get hacked by own Project leader :^)

>Placebo security
Un-audited ports, Nothing else runs in BSD without ports

Some BSD cannot even have non-free codec packs. Not many proprietary software and drivers run on *BSD, specially OpenBSD. Many Realtek and Broadcom devices will never run because of its non-free only drivers.

>NO active development
Except for PC-BSD, there is no live *BSD desktop. OpenBackdoor removed Linux compatibility AND WINE. BSD market share is not rising.

>Less softwares than Linux
Cannot even perform Vt-d virtualization on windows guests. (Good for nothing). Behyve is miles behind KVM/QEMU.

Few buttflustered autists that mostly comprise of mactoddlers (OSX is BSD :-DDDDDD).
FreeBSD is actually getting better though. I hope PC-BSD catches on but their primary goal is to fight own BSD counterparts' autistic community.

FreeBSD wiki has a good documentation but lacks contents.

OpenBackdoor is specially the meme of BSD community. It;'s a freetard BSD (Not even freetard Linux, that's less autism). No ZFS, no MAC, no jails, no non-free drivers, no non-free codecs, no non-free softwares, no Vt-d virtualization, no Linux compatibility, no WINE, project leader is a hostile autist that never grew out of teenage edge, no security in ports, non-existent community.

I am aware that many people use OpenBSD for nothing more than a router, and for this it indeed ideal. For the use of a router, extended access controls would not provide much benefit. I wrote this argument however because many people seem convinced that OpenBSD has suerior security in all instances and including as a network server or user operating system.

>Ex dev spills the beans and says there are backdoors in the core OpenBSD code base
>Cat's out of the bag
>Get rid of a few "minor bugs" as soon as shit went public
>"Disclose" the "whole" changelog

Why is this allowed?

OpenBSD can't torrent

wtf i hate bsd now

> No Micro$oft Office
> No Adobe Flash

what a fucking rip off!

also, kill yourself idiot ;)

>9 posts
>4 IPs
I hate BSD too (as long as it uses a cuck license), but you're fucking pathetic
Kill yourself stupid nigger

> I wrote this argument...

you mean shitpost

Link to sauce or GTFO

I feel like BSD was dying until all the hobbyist OS's started getting killed. Now it has this annoying crowd of assholes that cling to their "kind of obscure" and not at all necessary Distros.

Just let BSD pull its plug and let it go away peacefully. Stop dragging its lifeless body around. This isn't weekend at bernies.

Netflix much?

>Being this insecure that you need to make threads about BSD and shitpost about it constantly

BSD is fucking gay



Then why does Whatsapp use FreeBSD to run their botnet if it's so insecure?

Because whatsapp doesn't need daily-used packages aka unaudited ports


>proceeds to make anti-BSD shitposting threads

glad to know whatsapp doesn't need a web server

Hey guys I'll post with my trip for a bit here

Why won't PCBSD or FreeBSD or OpenBSD boot on my spare Mac Mini even after I picked the right architecture?

Glad to know you are posting from a web server


obviously you don't know that to run a web sever in freebsd, which whatsapp does, requires the ports collection

did you read this?

why are unixes so gay?
bsd - /lgbt/
gnu - /fgt/
os x - nuff said

bsd is normally /baot/

Should've specified, EFI Intel model, not PPC.

Did you burn a CD? I think ISOs don't come with the EFI bootloader by default. Only the USB images do.

Should be a pretty easy fix, if you get the right bootloader and put it inside the .iso image.

Have a look here, too.

Same with both a DVD and USB. Even with REFInd/REFIt. I get something saying to pick option 1 or 2, and I can't pick either. If I hold 1 down, while booting, it shows that I pressed it, but doesn't respond.

The only reason why someone would be this rabidly against OpenBSD is that they would prefer that the security advances that are typically pioneered by OpenBSD and then spread to other operating systems not happen.

Just something to think about.

An important distinction should be made here.

Most of what OpenBSD does is not pioneering. What they do is mostly find some sort of idea from somewhere else, they implement it, and force their users to use it. These users then act like lab rats pretty much. It's a pretty good idea.

yeah some guy is mad because people made BSD threads so he started making BSD threads "ironically"

Why would I want to use BSD when better alternatives like Linux and Plan9 exist?

plan 9 is literally dead

To take an idea and to implement and test it is pioneering. Ideas are simply ideas until this shit happens.