So once we get to 1-nm cpu's what next Sup Forums?

So once we get to 1-nm cpu's what next Sup Forums?

1nm gpus

Molecular scale

>numbers end at 1nm

>multiple people in this thread thinking 1nm is possible

1Å cpu

Not on silicon it isn't.

So what is the ultimate level? What is the absolute peak of CPU performance and architecture and performance.

Angstrom scale.

It hasn't improved single core performance or clock rates for a decade so what does it matter.

theoretically superconductors with zero resistive losses would mean that parasitic capacitance would no longer matter, switching speed becomes unlimited (maybe propagation speed limited to speed of light or something weird like that), no energy lost to heat, etc.

meant for

A decade is stretching it. More like half a decade.

Die shrinks never improve arch, all they do is make the added transistors economical to print. What the arch is capable of is entirely up to what the engineers can come up with in theory then translate over to the software simulation. Right now we're at a point where unless some big paradigm shifts happen we can't feed instructions to a core significantly faster, so making a core wider won't ever translate to increased performance unless you want to make a clone of IBM's arch and have more logical threads per core.
We've already picked the low hanging fruit for serial integer performance, even FPU gains are going to fall off steadily. Focusing on perf/watt is the easiest and only feasible model we can follow at this point in time.

Its not like perf/watt is a bad thing. Look at how beastly current Xeons are. Ultimately a lot of big problems are going to be solved by compute clusters, and they need extreme levels of throughput for the power they draw. Conceivably compute clusters could one day account for the vast majority of all earth's energy consumption.
Pushing on perf/watt now is like an investment in our future.

Eventually like any technologically advanced society we will leverage the power of stars and we'll just rearrange atoms to 3d print anything and everything.

I want my own star printer

Don't be a fool, Malak. The Star Forge will never work.

You said the same thing about dragon dildos! And now look. Dragon dildos everywhere!

You'll see, you'll all see...

1/2 nm

Interdimensional computers, where the actual CPU is located in subspace where you don't have to care about the size of these shitty physical atoms.
In fact, the only physical component left will be a small box with a bunch of cable sockets where you connect your IO devices, and all the other hardware will be located in a tiny wormhole leading into some weird plane of existence where the laws of physics are all fucked up and shit which somehow allows for near-infinite-speed computing.

3D cpus

Nigga silicon gets quantum tunelling at 5nm

Quantum computing is after that