Sup Forums humor / gore

That feel when buying used laptops off 20 something females, recovering everything they believe is deleted off the hard drive, selling it on again after actually deleting everything by zeroing the bits.


Other urls found in this thread:


post the goods or this is just the autist story we're all assuming it is



this is probablu an stale mememe by naow but "asian woman ceo = bad drivers" lel x100^666

i think "fuck amd" everytim i here one of their """muh investments"" cucks say Intel and pronouncce it like the indian name Patel stressing the "tel" part. Fuck them. They deserve the shit their eating.


How to Convert Seconds to Microwave Time:
(This is a little known secret that will automatically reset your microwave time to second, so it's easier to read you know?)
Step 1, press the "6" button 3 times.
Step 2, cut a 1 inch wide strip of tinfoil that is 4 inches long, and tape it to the INSIDE of the microwave door. (only works if shiny side is facing the door.)
Step 3, replace the glass plate with a metal plate, a pizza plate should fit perfectly. If you don't have one you can always diy that shit out of tinfoil, I've tested it. Works like a charm.
Step 4, final step. Grab a working watch and lay it all the way in the back, left corner of the microwave. That's where the timing mechanism connects to the heating sensor. Shut the door, press enter, and there you go. Microwave time no more.

that 9gag watermark



Do you realize that's the correct way to pronounce it?


Oh shi- you watch PC Per too? *throat clear*

>without using the operator *

Incorrect. It is pronounced "Bummmm-Bum-bum-bum-Bum."

it's an interview question by which the employer determines if you're a fucking retard or not

> was literally humming along to music in the background when I read your post, bumm-bumm-bumming

those rings in linus' ears are not there by choice. he's marked as a slave to the big blue chip maker in the sky

Sounds like a basic "do you know about loops" question.

Look, i did it.

int multiply(int a ,int b){
return (b!=0)?a/(1/(double)b):0;

> converts to floating type for multiplication of integers
> rounding errors
Don't do that.

if they deny multiplication certainly they won't let you use division or exponents
you think you are being clever but if you actually had done that in a interview that would be it, they wouldn't even care if you could solve it, the fact that you're a little cunt would be enough to drop you

fuck off

Whats wrong with nvidia? I use amd and a gtx 670 4gb edt.

Do not do, makes mustard gas

>only works if shiny side is facing the door.
Since when is foil two-sided?

>certainly they won't let you use division or exponents.
Dude, the only requirement is to not multiply, so the solutions are acceptable (Well, actually mine isn't, those rounding issues but you get the point, no?)

it's implied you socially retarded autist

One side is less reflective.
Have you ever looked at both tinfoil sides together?

I've never noticed that before. Far out.

You could do this nicely with a recursive algorithm as an exercise to teach noobs.

You can't just imply everything.
When i see "Do this without doing X", this implies i can do Y or Z because they meet the requirements, which are "Don't do X"

Welcome to college, bruh.

I don't get it. The code itself is right.

Kek, I never actually noticed that it's in Mizzou.

Does it really surprise anyone that that insane asylum uses Macs exclusively?

It's shit code, dude. Doesn't matter if it's right, also needs to be optimal.

>no not use multiply operator implies do not use math

*970 3.5gb


In the real world it doesn't. The pic of course is ridiculous, but near enough is good enough for business cases.


>real world
so math and logic are exempt from business case programming.. sure thing you autistic faggot. go get a job and come back and tell me that.



Sounds like you're just mad there are people better than you :^)

highly punchable




cute, I say! CUTE!

noone else?

Anyone got the pic of the furryfag Desktop PC covered with grey fur and has a grey fur-covered cock attached to it? If so, post it please

meh, i'll dump some more anyway.

gimme a sec

my fucking sides.

well shit. I KNOW I have it, but i haven't tagged it. I have 2,4GB of Sup Forums-related pictures, maybe some day i'll get around to it.


>Intel QA

some gore.

normie faggot.

>dark orange box
>orange box
>orange box orange box

> consumer printers





It basically forms the letter L. I hope /g gets triggered whenever they see L or the numbers 1-4.

>nobody posted immunity cat yet




top snek


Creative, but unoptimized.

yes, to a limit of 10 - which is not in the specification.

Therefore it is incorrect.

Shit, I've been programming for a total of 2 weeks (I don't work in IT) and this is what I came up with:

def rMul(x, y)
if y == 1:
return x
return a + rMul(x , y - 1)

a classic

>she needs to join our startup
>lets invite her
fucking autistic


Help me understand, do you mean it runs in exponential time because it calls millions of instances of itself?

keep in mind that optimisation is the least of my worries at the moment while I'm learning.



noot noot

Don't make me post it


post what?

I still have a bobcat-based netbook. I actually named it Taiga.

rMul(-1, 5)

Also requesting

>3 4



rMul(-1,5) would be fine

rMul(1,-5) would diverge and hit a recursion error



>not harnessing the power of 2 No. motherboards with this glorious motherboard link card.

I have a 4 way pci card so I can link 4 i7s together.

>not having an i28 cpu

is that blood?


The funniest part of this is the blood on the aluminium at the end.

