Sup Forums apps btfo????
Yandex Browser Alpha for Android now supports chrome extensions! Screenshot shows proof that Sup Forums X + Oneechan works on mobile. (And violentmonkey too)
Sup Forums apps btfo????
Yandex Browser Alpha for Android now supports chrome extensions! Screenshot shows proof that Sup Forums X + Oneechan works on mobile. (And violentmonkey too)
Hey, that seems pretty cool. Does uBlock work?
Firefox for android support extension.
I've got ublock orgin, httpseverywhere and greasemonkey
fuck off putinbot
Adblocker extensions are not supported at the moment. The browser apparently has it's own adblock but it doesn't matter to me because I use adaway.
Firefox was sluggish everytime I try to use it so I rather use chromium based browsers.
I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher
I'm using Firefox with a bunch extensions and constantly at about 50 tabs without laggs on a three years old m7. Is Firefox bashing a new meme?
On desktop I prefer something else.
good luck pressing those buttons in top bar, i'll stay with dashchan
This could be a shill thread, but better a Russian botnet than a Jewish one.
>supports chrome extensions
>Closed-source botnet
enjoy your mongol botnet
Dashchan works great. Thanks anyway.
Firefox bashing always has been a meme since Chrome. Firefox Android used to be worse than what it is now, I've gone back to it and I'm pretty happy.
>browsing on a shitty phone screen when you are used to browsing on a 1440p monitor in portrait mode
>Oneechan/Appchan having any relevance without the sidebar and mascot system, on a device where you can't see mascots because of the shitty small screen
Get the fuck outta here.
>sucking pootin's cock
go back to /pol, subhuman.
>not sucking papa Putin's cock
What are you, a nigger faggot?
This as long as other clients don't implement more chans it's by far superior and this .
russian fascist are burning, nice. Why isn't you go back to read rt or something?
If you spent half as much time learning English, or doing something productive, as you do whining about Russians like some SJW, maybe they wouldn't be penetrating your assholes.
>implying russia can fuck someone
Dude are you retarded? Russia becomes irrelevant with its resources based economy and the annual billionaire thieving botox rat and his pocket hundred million brainwashed peasant bydlo. btw I don't care about russia and russian mongoloid bydlo, I just don't like whining about the Jews(such people are useless) and pathetic propaganda shills about russian scum.
>I just don't like whining about the Jews
If Jews weren't doing stupid shit, and tolerating stupid shit being done by their people instead of regulating it, nobody would be whining.
Dude pls, I don't wont to continue this useless conversation, in my opinion anti-semites are illiterate lemmings, just like some sandniggers or russian bydlo.
In the opinion of the world, Jews are illiterate filth on the same level as the people they oppress and ostracize as "illiterates". The same way Nazis labeled Jews, you are labeling everyone around you. Truly you have learned the best traits of your former oppressors.
Without USA dumping as much money on that small non-country of 7 million people as it does on South America and Africa combined in aid, just so Israel can "appear" cultured on the outside, you'd be troglodytes.
You already have the horrible reputation in Las Vegas as being the filthiest of minorities. Whether the same goes elsewhere i don't know.
Now you are treating other ethnicities and religious groups with your illegal settlements the same ways Nazis treated you and the Czech and Polish people by pulling mass evictions and forced colonization.
The world has already spoken what it thinks of Jews when it voted to give Palestine independence.
Y-yeah well I can use userscripts with Sleipnir!