What's the point of all this high frame rate meme garbage when human eyes can only detect upto 20 fps (or 30 at most with luck)?
pic related; it's me laughing at you cucks who fell for high fps memes
What's the point of all this high frame rate meme garbage when human eyes can only detect upto 20 fps (or 30 at most with luck)?
pic related; it's me laughing at you cucks who fell for high fps memes
>20 fps
human eyes can only detect 5-10 fps max you idiot
those just indicate the framerate per minute, so 144 is pretty much standard for several years now.
ITT: unfunny reddit memes
What happened to 75?
Humans don't see framerate tho. They see movement. And more framerate = smoother movement. There's also other things you can do to trick your brain afaik, but I don't know them off the top of my head, sorry.
that's too high humans need several minutes to really appreciate one frame.
2013 wants its memes back
Do frames suffer from rotational velocidensity?
I have superior eyes and mind
Is this bait or are you really stupid?
go read reviews on a product before you shitpost.
Everyone who has had a screen with a higher refresh rate than 60hz has reported a good experience.
it's only on gaming laptops
>not having direct video input in your brain
human brain can only detect 5fps max.
Homo sapiens don't even understand blur motion, only Homo evolutis see and even feel past 30 fps
how many fps is reality?
I'd say about 40 at best.
When everyone is asleep, it can get up to 45.
Try a 165hz. You can never go back
Humans see "moving frames" there is no buffer or vertical sync all signal is fluid flow, only limited by the strength of your mental acuity and concentration.
>20 replies
>20 posters
every time. fucking hell, Sup Forums. Stop giving these shitty bait threads attention. Let them DIE.
Usually 60. 30 or less when you have an adrenalin rush.
>wasting money for more than60 fps
you must be executed
Human eye can distinguish up to 400fps
Now kys
with my new Apple ieye I can see 113fps in my retina display
Jesus christ, a bunch of faggots up in here misinforming everyone. Just look it up you motherfucking cucks