Suddenly all electronic data is wiped

suddenly all electronic data is wiped
all zeroes. everything, everywhere
no hard disks, cds, tapes, usb drives contain any data
just zeroes
what do you do?

bootstrap the universe

thank god that i fell for paperbak meme

>he didn't pay an autistic savant to memorise every single 1 and 0 on every hdd he owns

Reinstall gentoo

oh shit, cant boot computers anymore, bios roms were wiped.

you don't understand
no electric information remains, no gentoo


No problems here, I knit all my memory by hand

may consider going out

Well I'd want to just stay home rather than face the chaos outside, but I'd eventually starve or even die of thirst because the public water system probably relies on computers to function.

Couldn't drive anywhere because my car is unfortunately newer than the 1970s and relies on computers to function. The supermarkets would probably be full of violent insanity and wiped out within hours, everything stolen because without the computers it wouldn't even be possible for them to take payments for anything. There are some rivers around with pretty clean looking water, I guess I'd have to walk there to try to get some water. It's really too far away to be able to go there and bring back any significant amount of water to the house though, so I guess I'd need to try to get some sort of tent to live in, but that would probably be difficult to find. After thinking this through I don't think I would survive very long.

>no hard disks
I'll be fine, I store most of my data on SSDs

Find a book of processor instructions for x86_64
write C compiler in ASM
write linux kernel
write some environment utils
write portage


I will kill myself. No doubt about it.

So will I if I lose all my data (quite unlikely given how it's backed up).

with what exactly? oh you would like to start a text editor huh? though luck, it's all deleted!

>(quite unlikely given how it's backed up)
hows it stored?

Multiple offline backups. Smaller stuff is also backup up in more places.

Obviously vulnerable to EMP or nuclear bomb on my country but, come on, I'll likely be dead too.

>tfw you keep a gentoo iso on vinyl

Celebrate that there are no more debts, bank accounts, NSA logs and proprietary software in this world.

A clean slate.


kill yourself right now if a few zeros and ones are the most worth thing in your life

Hard drives/etc aren't vulnerable to EMPs...

If there were a clean slate, we would end up with a new system where NSA backdoor level stuff is the basis that everything is built off of.

Hope you have a lot of cash.

Pop down to the pub for a beer or 56467


This will never happen.

Where do you live user?
I'd probably pop down to the pub

I rewrite all of the 1s and 0s I need. Then I rewrite tcp/ip. Then I own the Internet.

New Jersey.

I do know where a pub is... never been to one though.

>risking him finding your CP collection

Enjoy getting v&

what would prevent it from happening?

Even if you could, you'd have no OS to boot to.

i do nothing, just like now

Check out the national geographic dramatized documentary "American blackout". No data means no power grid, so that's basically what the world would be like. Your assessment is very accurate.

Won't happen because my room is covered in tin foil that has been folded one thousand times.

Load all my firearms and prepare for the imminent chaos caused from the economy crashing in about 12 seconds.

No electricity. Unless you have your own generators.

That's one way to keep the recipe for your pot brownies safe.

I keep using my ebin mechanical computer like nothing happened.

It will approximate that system of PDEs one day, I just have to be patient.

That's not a big deal. If you actually knew how to program in straight binary anyway. You could create a set of switches to set bits to 1 or 0 with electricity, and program everything slowly, little by little.

Although, realistically, I'm sure someone would rebuild one of the old systems that used punch cards for input and programming. I'm sure somewhere there's still an archive of physical paper punch cards with a compiler, then it's just a matter of creating an interface between the old system and a modern one and write software on the old system to transfer to the new one until you've assembled the basics of a kernel and userland with a compiler and editor.

Feel free at last.

Linus should keep an emergency copy of the Linux Kernel on punch cards.

>living where I live
>state admin still relies on paper
>hell, you can still find typewriters
>we mainly use tech for porn and shitposting
>we're broke anyway, barely any industry, some small tech centers, largely agricultural subsistence, only a natural disaster could bring us worse than we are

Bring it on bro!

that's a fairly realistic way out. wonder if that would happen soon enough before the world would be fully collapsing

Does because the nuclear reactors melted down.


>does because


I start making assembly I guess.

Brb calling my broker.

Got to go long, Sapho juice.



How'd you guess? Ioane, tu esti ba?

a random guess :^)

Pack up my shit and go to my parents that live in a small rural community.

>Everyone knows everyone
>Highly cultivated "we-against-them" feelings against outsiders
>Own well
>Own sanitation system
>Own dam with water turbine
>Diesel generator as reserve power for well pump
>Everyone grows their own vegetables
>Hunting and fishing rights for the surrounding forests and lakes
>Enough fields to grow potatoes to last all year around and for trade
>Far enough from town to be fairly safe from roaming city people trying to steal shit
>If people try to steal shit there are plenty of old mine shafts around

romania again?

Glad I store all of my data on floppy disks.

Does this trash bin just crashed?

>storing data on magnetic/electronic

Northern Sweden

do you have niggers there?

But only flash/ssd is "electronic" itself, hard drive platters, tapes and other magnetic storage as well as optical media can theoretically be used without "electronic" devices.
By OPs broad definition both clay tablets and autist savants should lose all the info too.

does it sound good

How's that shit gonna help you?

Yes, I'm sure all the proponents of the Religion of Peace will leave you folks alone in the North forever.

I'm interested in the sanitation system. What do they do with used waters? Fecal matter?

Suddenly everyone is equalized financially. Praise the lord!

Do what I can to contribute to the rebuilding efforts. It'll take a long time to get back to the same level of processing power that we have now and I'm sure that in a world where we now know that this sort of thing can happen we'll build different systems to try to mitigate the damage if it happens again. I'd like to imagine that this would be the catylst for the return of mechanical computers.

>he doesn't have piles of punch cards filling his basement for the sake of a perfect physical backup of his information

Apart from all those pesky assets and vaults full of cash.

It's a nice thought but no.

I like how the creator shows his true colors by adding the atheist guy that has nothing to do with the rest of the comic, classic religitards ;)

commit sudoku because I lost my porn stash I've been keeping for 10 years

Not really, a few in the bigger cities and a few refugee containment camps in old military barracks here and there.
They are fucking hopeless and will die out on their own once their tardwranglers leave them.
That's what guns are for.
Pretty much anyone who grew up here until a few years ago served in the military arctic warfare battalions during conscription too.
Not to mention 5 of them are in the national guard, one of them is the commanding officer of the local unit and is one of three people with the keys to the local former civil defense fallout shelter and the old military command bunker they turned into storage for the national guard.
They spent their whole life preparing for mass invasion of Soviet mechanized brigades and armor.
A few snackbars is not going to worry them much.

Septic tank system that was built for a community of 50 households that was never completed. (There are 15 houses and a community center)
If all else fails it can just be emptied into the river, not like anyone is going to notice since there is nothing downstream for at least 25km.
There is also a separate water system for lake water for irrigation and other non drinking needs.
The fallout shelter has its own well, water treatment plant and waste disposal plant.

Shaggy watches Serial Expermient Lain and becomes a recluse. I wonder if he ate schooby.

>all zeroes. everything, everywhere
On just my stuff, or everyone in the world?

Global data loss would mean the end of our modern civilisation as we know it.

Install Gentoo.


Kick the chair

After a few days of trouble and getting used to it I'd roam around the post-apocalyptic wastelands, rape, pillage and murder. And/or getting shot.


Good thing I printed out all my lolis.

Day of the rope.

>being stupid enough not to use hexadecimal if you're gonna write it down anyways
good thing you'll be lynched if they ever find out afterwards
how is economy going to crash?
it's gonna stop existing in the form we know atm

>farming becomes slightly tougher, just have to run older equipment not reliant on computers, which there is still plenty of and still in use even today.
>back to snail mail, handwriting and typewriters.
>Yes, stores will get raided pretty quickly, i'd probably join in if it seemed like food would be hard to come by (depending on where you are)

Honestly, more smaller towns surrounded by rural area/farms, they'd have it much easier. Big cities would be ultra fucked, after their grocery store supplies are gone they'd have to move or starve.

>for the few years it would take to slowly build back up electronic infrastructure, smaller towns would revert to farming communities
>many buildings converted into living space, warehouses for foodstuffs, or something else related to agriculture
>canning and jarring become huge again
>old crafts come back into popularity, blacksmiths, candle makers, rickshaws/carriages
>some restaurants, but especially bars, will find a way to make it work still. Wine and the older mixed drinks become popular again as refrigeration doesn't exist except in the winter, will have to get used to warm beer/ale.
>those who were employed that used computers in some way (99% of us) have to get new jobs, helping farms and such

I live in small town, Michigan, surrounded by forest and farms, after a initial panic that will probably last weeks, people will get together and figure things out and changes will slowly trickle in. The older folks will get used to this easier of course. Heck I'm only 31 and while I may not have net, vidya, phone, or tv anymore (i haven't had TV where i live in years anyways), I grew up much more analogue compared to kids today and would adjust easier. It would sure be something to tell to young folks when I became an old man, having great harvest festivals, dancing in big groups in barns.

Country life has it's charms, tough yet simple life.


City cucks get fucked.

don't have to go to work, feels gud man.
Would stay home and relax in the garden reading a book.

go back to wherever you came from.

there's nothing exceptional about being an atheist, and clamoring it is retarded

then again I'm an Eurofag

>no more debts, bank accounts
>A clean slate.
Hope you withdrew all of your money

A big strong solar flare would probably wipe out most stuff and keep it that way for couple years

unless he paperbak'd damn small linux or something.
and bios roms, monitor logic/firmware, mouse controller and whatever else
oh wait the scanner wouldn't even work.

That could only be the outcome of a freak solar flare event or nuclear warfare on a global scale. With this being said, I would probably resign myself to settling and adapting to the life led in days supposedly gone by, while still attempting to restart the system from zero even if that means looking back to Babbage and Lovelace's computer algorithm and from then developing technology again.


>what do you do?
Go back to the glory days of the early computers where nobody knew shit, except transistors are a lot better and smaller these days. Begin writing a minimal assembler and then some assembly.

Just me or the whole planet? Because if it's the whole planet, good. Finally a reason to rewrite all the legacy stuff.

retype source code from the book

i think there are some for gnu

Who cares? Did the internet really make the world a better place? I think I can do without netbanking if it removes all the sjw platforms and agendas driving political policy. A couple in Australia allowed their four year old kid to have a sex change. Thanks social media.

>atheists not shitting up the Internet since social media has taken off
have you been living under a rock or are you just mad a tribe that you belong to has been attacked?