How can I make myself hack proof?

How can I browse web without getting traced?
>inb4 Tor

Other urls found in this thread: 2015-04-14.html KonstantinRyabitsev/posts/4a7RNxtt7vy

Use Tor Browser

The answer is tor and a proxy or two.
Use proxy chains with tor and another proxy. After three proxy hops you are virtually untraceable.

>hack proof?
if you're on Windows: mountvol C: D:
if you're on GNU/linux: sudo rm -rf


btw nsa can easily hack tor websites and inject a 0-day javascript code to find your ip address but anyway, use tor.

Tails OS

If you're the retarded type to sign in to your Google account while using Tor or Tails. don't even bother.

You dont, any evidence that isnt some kind of indicator to act immediatly is just recorded for later. You cant touch the internet without getting logged.

air gap

You need 7 tho

Is there any way to do this without having a 2 minute ping?

Be the POTUS.

Disconnect yourself from the internet. Better unplug it and isolate it from the power adapter and put it into a safe, just to be on the safe side.


i would never do that



This is only needed for important shit. You don't really need to worry about your anonymity when using facebook or youtube or playin' your online computer games

send each individual packet through a different bridge
make packets that just swim through the network in circles

JavaScript blocker?

Logless VPN.

Or buy a VPS, set up a VPN to run on a RAM disk, give it to select people to use or keep it to yourself.
No logs is as safe as it gets.

But poodlecorp will change your video titles to their Twitter handle!

Unhackable? Dont use the internet, doesnt matter what placebo shit you use, as soon as you join a network you are hackable

yeah goodluck with that. by the time tyour full request has made its way, your fridge will be empty, your cat will starve and your waifu will have 2 kids. Nice idea user

what kind of retard would allow javascript when using tor ?

Unplug your internet connection
Unless some organisation like FBI/NSA is after you, move to Russia and hide.


The only way to be hackproof is to not be connected.


Rotor browser

is javascript on by default when using tor?

the tor browser bundle comes with noscript by default.
if you've set up tor manually, you have to deactivate javascript manually

>Rotor browser
does it run faster than tor?

It's a fork of tor browser, i'm not sure.

you can write malware using your own 0 days, when you have lik 1k machines infected online at any time, you can write algo that will use few randoms zombie as your proxy

I wonder if somebody actually use something like this

Have a strong password. Use a good password manager, and your passwords won't get cracked.

Don't use the same password for everything.

>pc gets compromised
>master password stolen
>everything you own is hacked

who the hell uses password managers?

This is why I'm considering switching from password manager to password algorithm

Good luck stealing my yubi.

Don't leave home without it. Snowden approved.

>without getting traced

Use Subgraph OS

Be Jason Bourne and move around constantly, never connecting from the same location > X times (and never using the same MAC (wireless/ethernet)).

Tor does not completely provide anonymity, every single Blackhat/Defcon presentation warns about this for a number of reasons. Be mobile.

If whatever you are doing brings in a lot of money, and could mean you serve +5yrs in prison you should consider moving to Russia/Crimea/Brazil/Venezuela or other country with no extradition and not rely on Tor.

You can combine your master pw with a file required to open the program as well.

I see your understanding of this is purely conceptual.

Fine for everyday business use, not good for illicit haxx0r use since you are walking around with evidence proving you are the other half of a container of passwords full of incriminating evidence.

>How can I browse web without getting traced?

Don't use the Internet.

But noscript still pulls in all the js in a page to the parser then blocks it, so you are still trusting a parser.

It's much easier to just disable js completely

>Fine for everyday business use, not good for illicit haxx0r use since you are walking around with evidence proving you are the other half of a container of passwords full of incriminating evidence.

Who the fuck said anything about haxx0ring? Using a Yubikey makes password manager next to impenetrable, which is what the reply to implied.

We have a wiki for a reason, m8.

Almost impenetrable unless of course they have persistent spyware inside your GPU that simply reads the screen output and has privileged access to any IO/device on the system since GPU/hardware is trusted implicitly on any modern OS and completely out of the security model. Could even render false screens to the user to grab pasted credentials.

Good job the Yubi key defeats everything you mentioned. Go read up on it boy.

The problem with both Yubi and Nitro is that pin entry is by keyboard, not a secure pinpad.

Their servers were also vuln to a replay attack they tried to downplay. I've been disappointed in Yubico since I saw their advisory downplaying the bug in the original OpenPGP support which meant it didn't require a PIN to perform crypto operations (and of course, this can be done over the NFC interface too). 2015-04-14.html

They also are using proprietary since a few months ago KonstantinRyabitsev/posts/4a7RNxtt7vy

Why the fuck is anybody still using Yubikey, it's the definition of security theatre.

I'm also stupid but at least I can guess for sure is not a brower "issue", picture yourself in 7 different stores buy only in the 8th, then visit another 7 stores before go home.
It'll take you a bit more time than just order online straight to your router

Forgot to add, people can build their own openpgp card if they want

But again you have the same problem.
a) badUSB malware (using any usb hardware for verification)
b) entering the password via peripherals that are easily owned and not some kind of specially designed pad to prevent snooping from any common persistent spyware that lives in your ethernet/GPU/bios that is above the kernel protection scope and thus able to read at will what you're doing, and yes this stuff is for sale right now to both FBI/criminals.

Hmm quite. The problem though is you're assuming the absolute worst case scenario based on highly specific vulnerabilities. It's already known if your box is owned, so are you. You're effectively rubbishing the higher security the yubikey offers securing password managers (compared to just password/phrase), just because it isn't a perfect solution i.e. a nirvana fallacy. There never will be a perfect solution.

We're not high value NSA or mossad or even fed targets here worthy of a bunch of zero days or targeted exploits; are you?

Can't malware just copy your key file when you insert it?

>Forgot to add, people can build their own openpgp card if they want

Nice. Thx

>hack the other guy to hide from the other guy hacking you

Buy a macbook, you can't get viruses

>We're not high value NSA or mossad or even fed targets here worthy of a bunch of zero days or targeted exploits; are you?

It irritates me the amount of comments that go :
>But if the NSA + Google + your ISP combined really want to get you then your security measure X is worthless ! Might as well use Chrome on a botnet OS with chinese hacked hardware.

has yet to happen to me or any of the people I know, ever

Whats the best encryption software?

Papa Franku, please ask ChinChin to nuke those kids at least from Sup Forums

lol, fucking anakata

>b) entering the password via peripherals that are easily owned and not some kind of specially designed pad

I'm a contractor for a large metropolitan law enforcement agency and they use a scramble pad.

Why not make a software interface that scrambles a virtual keyboard on screen.