What Cpu?
Cooler is upside down which is fucking with my autism
Can't be bothered fixing it today, been like this for over a month
Spaghetti everywhere.
Why do you guys and girls invest into LED's before proper cables?
I think my Z2's camera is broken. Any hints where I can buy a new Z2 under 100 €? I think a new camera and mainboard would do, the rest of the phone works as usual.
Because LEDs and cables are both optically. I want sleeved cables but they're expensive as fuck and I think I need to get rid of this coil whine PSU before. I need a cheap replacement that can run my PC before I sent it in RMA, then buy a Corsair AX7/860i or Seasonic Prime Series. Do you think 760W Titanium are enough? I want to keep the option for a 2nd GPU.
How loud is your fan setup? I have one of these and I can hear it when I enter the room, even with the quiet adapter.
you should attach them to your motherboard, when running at 500rpm pretty much inaudible.
christ this looks like shit
>INB4 bubbles in res, wires, or SLI bridge
The bubble are gone, it was just from first setting up the loop. The wires are more or less temporary placed where they are. The SLI bridge is temporary.
very green
Very red
Very white
My setup, the fucking rubber pieces wont stay in place, I might rebuild soon
Firstly, nice build. Really like the cleanliness.
Secondly, it's definitely noticeable, but I can barely hear it when I have anything playing through either my speakers or headphones.
Also, I don't have a ceiling fan, so I have to use pic related which is wayyyyyy louder than my rig.
To put that in perspective, the floor fan is literally on the opposite side of my room, and my rig is less than 2 feet from my head.
Break can you start me a new case fund? I need around 300 for any case I actually like.
Thanks. I tried that but even adjusting the bios settings does nothing. Stuck at 1500rpm. Chalk that up to my $55 motherboard, I guess.
What cases are you looking at?
Bridge is shit yo
bullet atx case or a Lian li
you're fucked
How Well does the CPU hold up? Thinkin about an i5 6400 or 8350/8370
i5 over an AMD right now, maybe if Zen and AM4 were out, but AM3+ and the fx8350/70 just have such poor single core preformance that your only real option is the i5.
thank you!
I would rather get a 2600K over any AMD shit. Zen might be an option but the current AMD CPUs are outdated.
Yup unless you're being given an AM3+ motherboard and CPU you're better off with Intel.
Gives me a boner every time I see it/10
The Sup Forums sticky recommends logical increments.
Thanks, I removed the post because I meant to post it in the /bst/ thread.
Your PC is like the crappy Honda's with spoilers, lights, loud exhaust and big rims. All looks flashy but no performance on the inside.
>stock cooler
>single channel RAM
>no vidya card
>le purple case fan
>no SSD
>needed a case for that shit
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
Do I need RGB meme lighting?
I have always liked this build a lot very clean.
I love the nano s i hope to own one, one day hopefully a white version.
Buy a black one and paint it white then buy your pc parts.
Going to add my backplate back in debating whether or not to paint it white. Also thinking about picking up some white plasti dip to revive the paint on my case.
* Plasti Dip would be ideal.
Yeah im gonna buy a can of it I can at least get it for 20% off.
WTF dude
shit airflow, your CPU fan blows into the side of the GPU. you didnt actually think this was a good fan layout, did you?
He's right, take your mobo out and rotate your CPU fan 90 degrees.
In fact it looks like the case was designed exactly for that.
Also, make sure you know the direction your noctua cooler is blowing air. You don't want the fans blowing air into each other and cancelling each other out.
the cable for the rear fan and the corsair link cable could use some work but all things considered its very pleasing to the eye
Kind of missing the builds where the MoBo was just green, RGB LED's weren't all over the place.
I'll post a pic of my child's guts once I have the time for it.
Not a fan of black/red much anymore.
what case is this?
how does having 2 different cards work out?
1070 at the end of the month!
cant wait!
I feel you.
Too much rice these days.
Who cares, it just werks
can't see shit captain.
so right now I am debating whether i should install the tempered glass or not. right now i am waiting on a cpu fan splitter, so I could power the system intake fan. Once the system intake fan is running should I install the glass on the sides of the case for better airflow????
This head thing disturbs me.
what case?
in win 901
Basic as all hell.
Maybe I should put a black piece of paper/cardboard behind that hole to cover up the cables.
I don't have a picture of my computer but I do have this picture in my YLYL folder so I hope some of you guys find it funny
and the PSU and harddrives simply don't exist.
>>not externally mounting your PSU and HDDs.
The 650 is just to run an extra analog monitor
Dude, why? Are you seriously paranoid about a pinch of sound?
Fresh OC. Built it less than a month ago.
$591 aud for a MSI gtx 1070 Y/N?
Usually $739
That's the best deal you're gonna get for a 1070 downunder. If you want it, then yeah go for it.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. My GTX 660 still handles games well with my 6700k but I think it needs to retire. should I shill an extra $20 for the asus one or is msi good enough? I don't think there is an evga one.
My dad kicked me out of the house cause he found out im gay
MSI is fine, put the $20 towards shipping. It's gonna be a really good upgrade from the 660. Enjoy senpai.
Shippings free lol. Do you know of any product that I can route a usb 3 header cable to cleanly?
This is how my pc looks now
Are you serious or just fucking around? Because if honest, then that sucks man. Did he walk in on you sucking dick or something?
No, nothing like that, idk how he found out but he asked me and i just told the truth.
Its ok ive got full time work just means ill have less spending money owing to more expensive rent
>tfw gotta use paypal to get the 20% off
I'm screwed.
>idk how he found out
This is how:
>he asked me and i just told the truth
Yeah but idk why he asked.
Mustve seen or heard something, oh wel its whatever.
I mean it absolutely sucks you were thrown out, but at least you're not around a homo-phobe anymore yea? I'm not gay and nor would I WANT my son to be gay, but unless I caught the fucker in the act of taking 6 dicks at once, I wouldn't disown him. Shit's fucked up. Hope it gets easier.
>and remember something like 35% of white gays and 49% of black gays have AIDS
So watch what you stick your dick into. Faggot.
got a new 1440p 144hz screen will need a second 1070 to make the most of it
Shouldn't there be any 1080 mounts for AIO coolers about now?
Like those NZXT deals for 980 cards.
am i the only one bored by good looking hardware? i swear, my next rigs gonna be a sleeper case, with OEM boards so nothing looks fancy, and a dual socket xeon board jammed in there if i can
fuck this showy bullshit, give me beige and green
Waiting for tempered glass
damn that's nice and clean. well done.
We need more S340's.
Also, I've since flipped my CPU cooler so that the logo is the right way up, and I have two more sticks of RAM coming so I'll have two red and two black. I'm also waiting on a delivery of a light strip for the case.
>540MHz RAM
>help mom I don't know how DDR works
What is better with AM3+? I would prefer a Phenom II X6 over FX shit but they're both ancient.