Traveled to Sydney for 3 weeks

Traveled to Sydney for 3 weeks
While here I bought a laptop from this weird chinese guy.
When it boots up it says "Windows 10" but its some bootleg version of Windows 7, with a border of South Park for some reason

>using some random botnet(literally) machine you bought from a chink.

Install Gentoo

post more about it

>He's actually using it
Please put personal and/or bank information through that thing, we need to see just how fucked you get

Post pics of the laptop, and the "about this computer" page.

>I bought a laptop off a dodgy chink


Just replace hard drive.
We all know OP is talking shit and this thing doesn't exist, right?

Wait, is that border real? I've never even heard of such a thing.

What kind of laptop?

Don't wipe that hdd boy, you're gonna be the coolest guy in the school tomorrow.

Check if your processor is an ARM. It probably is.

Check the specs
This is gonna be great

That doesn't look like IE though. No Chrome and Firefox on Win RT.

How much?

It probably isn't win rt. Maybe it's a crappy embedded os with a really shitty windows 7/8.1/south park theme

>it makes more sense to create bootleg windows than installing ubuntu kylin
chinks aren't that stupid, and this never happened

Please post specs OP

Use speccy or another 3rd party program, the chinks usually spoof the control panel specs and put an i7 sticker on the laptop.

im interested in the specs, i want to see that shit, install speccy

congrats you bought a themed windows ce


Post specs