What do you call this kind of web design?

What do you call this kind of web design?




good enough

No nonsense

let the hate flow through you

its called the "I was raised on the 90s and I like to pretend to know what good design is"

i dunno but it is weird to me some of the larger sites out there have similar designs

reddit, craiglist, google (search) and wikipedia all have barebones layouts.

its really only twitter and tumblr and that type of site that tried to modernize stuff

Desktop users would call it good design.

Touchscreen cancerous dumbfuck users would call it bad design because they can't smother their fat retarded sausage fingers over UI elements that are designed for the mouse cursor and keyboard hotkeys. In other words, it's bad because it's not made out of buttons that cover half the screen so some dumbfuck touchscreen/smartphone user can use it.

Given that the opinions of smartphone/touchcrap cancer are irrelevant,
the final conclusion is that it is good design.

>have to scroll to view the page content every page
>good design
choose one.


Visit a random "modern" site, there's about 50 scripts asking your browser to run it.

>not using hotkeys for post jumping
>not using page up/page down
Not other people's fault you are too stupid to push the correct buttons.

good design


weeb desing.


looks certainly better than outdated default look

That's a sexy titlebar.


Simple, but efficient.


I agree, so I fixed it:
hr[class], #bannerCnt, form[name=post] {
display: none !important;
.ad-cnt, .ad-plea {
height: 1px !important;
overflow: hidden !important;

And if you use the thread watcher, this keeps it from covering other bits of the page:
#threadWatcher:not(:hover) > ul {
display: none;

i call it 1984 speak

it's quite bad, in my opinion, OP.

overall i dislike it.

my final rating: 4 out of 10 points.

2chan style



the layout cloud work, but fám, is it so fucking disgusting

hr tags disgusting
childish background color
annoying brackets everywhere
annoying red italic bold text
bloat - news should be on the front page
links should be replaced with simple transparent icons
board list should be toggled hidden


Web 2.0 bullshit

bring back the frames